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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Can`t you use a modified F-14 FM for this baby ... from TMF they did a great job on the FM. It`s jus a suggestion
  2. WTH is this?! Öh ok you beat me with this plane :-D When I remember right there where two versions one with conventional tail and this V tail version.. It has very ugly wings.... Interesting plane that`S shure!!!
  3. Nice pictures, what about your Shadowcat Jul?!
  4. Aurora

    This plane would be great to have ... it doesn`t matter if our tunr radius counts in nations
  5. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Yeah you can send it to me, but have not so much time the next days.. I had to help Gunrunner with the Mirage 5F Mod. If Pasjko is around we can ask him .. why not, but if he isn`t around .. I would say ask the comunity and than waiting for green light and release it :-)
  6. Aurora

    Do you have any updates on this was looking for this bird and some 3 views to create it on my own but I see you are almost finished with this ...
  7. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Also, das ding ist totaler misst!!!! haha ne gefällt mir sehr gut und der Grad des details, wahnsinn! Da steckt verdammt viel Arbeit und Zeit drinn. Respekt.. habe mehr frameeinbrüche durch landschaftseinstellung als durch flieger... Super Arbeit.
  8. But if you like go on with those pics.. they look great!
  9. That`s nice but I think he ment some ingame pics...
  10. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    War bis jetzt arbeiten! um 6:30 am Sonntag aufstehen ist schon was spannendes..
  11. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Haben will!!!!
  12. Gone

    Found this for a pit builder http://www.military.cz/usa/air/post_war/f1...102a/kabina.jpg
  13. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Danke, bin da noch etwas am werkeln was den Effekt angeht, mal ne Frage zwischen durch. Bist du zufällig ma über einen Walkaround von einer F-84E gestollpert?! Viel kann man an dem Jet nich mehr machen, interessiere mich trotzdem dafür. Wrench hat die B und C version released und ich dachte ich mache mal die E mit dem Bubbletop. Habe ne eigene Haube gebastelt und möchte es noch mit Details versehn. zu finden hier http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=28755 Meine Addy ist Nextoperator at gmx dot net Danke werde es mir mal Heute abend ansehen.
  14. If there is a OUT file in the AV-8+ release I can make the AV-8+ into a AV-8 look... just need some time.
  15. Nice addition, will try them when I arrive home. Can you pls send me the pics?! Nextoperator at gmx dot net Maybe upload them on rapidshare and send me the link :-) would be great I have done a F-84E Mod also with a clean canopy but need some detailed pics to finish my work. My canopy istn a slide one, but looks also cool ;-) Cheers!
  16. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    The E-8 will use the mig-21 F-13 FM, But the E-9 needs a new FM, or a modiefied FM. The Same for the E-11 fighterbomberversion. If there is someone out there who can help me with this. Would be great!!!
  17. I ment the details .. but if you get the ini... would you send it to me?!
  18. Hab ich das richtig verstandn du willst das pit innenleben machen?! Respekt... Ravenclaw do you want to remake the pit via LOD method?!
  19. Do you have assigned the key?!
  20. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Haha, sowas passiert mir auch immer, wollte nur mal gestern was ausprobieren.. und zack war es 3 Uhr in der Früh. Sieht klasse aus, kann es kaum erwarten das ding mal zu fliegen. Das steigert die qualität natürlich um einiges! Super Arbeit. Werde versuchen mich in der F-84 einzuarbeiten.
  21. Waiting for wrench`s pics so I can add some dtail to it. And release it...
  22. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    But all I need now is someone who can help me with the FM for this beast?!
  23. Ok this is a better one Oh I oversaw that you have created it already .. mh.. ok now we have two of them... damn but better than none ... hehe

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