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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. I`ve tried out some small stuff and this is the first shape of the canopy ... Why not, would be great to have your package wrench.
  2. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Bin letztens über ein posting gestolpert wo nach einer rahmenlosen Haube für die F-84G gefragt wurde. Habe mir das ganze mal angesehn und die Canopy entfernt. Möchte dies als ein Testprojekt nehmen. Vorbild Ravenclaw und die F-86. Jeder fängt mal klein an und vllt gibt mir das die nötigen Kenntnisse für ein ganzes Flugzeug. Falls es was neues gibt zum Thema F-86.. pls posten jedes Bild ist gut und stillt den Hunger nach mehr...
  3. The clean canopy is not a problem .. time is the main prob .. I`m working on the frameless canopy for the F-84G... But i need some help to find some pictures of a framless F-84 G version! If we find some, the work will go further...
  4. Gone

    Great a new plane!!! Looks good .. how many project do you ave now running?!
  5. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Thank you.. here I have two more for you .. with a new tail... It`s so much fun working on this...
  6. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Ravenclaw showed me to how reproduce the metal effect, I think it looks good... Will add this to the other modells aswell
  7. I found some pics of a F-16 AFTI looks nice... And a personal A-16 MOD. modified the ini to have a the next generation mudmover...
  8. I like prototypes

    Need to add the avionics hump for the F-16 and voila it`s ready
  9. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Parts for the E-8 are almost finished. This Mod is a place holder until a new idea will be realised. I like this method to add parts and improve the planes. Working now on the shiny metal effect for those parts, so you can have a clean metall skin on this. The J-8 II idea is still a WIP... not my top project for now.
  10. Poll: Most powerful / moving game moments

    As i finished Homeworld for the very first time... after 6 month of very intense playing....
  11. general language

    I never saw a german posting on the homepage?! From the german forum or other language forums... only the polish stuff is posted here
  12. The "nam.ini" has to be the same name as the folder.. example: Mi-8 <--- the original Mi-8 AI <--- new folder, than you have to change the Mi-8.ini into Mi-8 AI.ini and change the entry in this ini.. that`S it I want to change the inout entry in the Mi-8 data.. not the whole controle ini
  13. I downloaded the B-52 waterinjection effect, but after the install I have so tiny "dirty smoke" effects... I can`t even repair it with deuces dirt smoke .. what was changed?! Need this great smoke for the F-4 phantoms...
  14. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Su-35 in the works...
  15. Is it possible to change the thrust input?! Just reverse it and you will have a heli style Trhottel ...
  16. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

    Na super bekommst nen ultra 6 Gängemenü vorgesetzt und ne Glasscheibe davor .. so nach dem Motto gucken ja aber nicht anfassen... Ne im Ernst, super Arbeit!!!
  17. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    The fighterbomber idea is not so bad .. look yourself.. It has two centerline MiG-23 like pylons and two guns cause it`s a fighterbomber. Onboard ECM and chaffs and flares. Texture is a WIP E- 8 is out for Beta testing this evening and if it runs goo dyou can have it this night...
  18. I was thinkin the same about creating an AI Mi-8 for my wingman.. This addon is great. I wouldn`t say there is a nitpicking, this is just to improve this baby ;-) look at wrench he creates so many light mods for so many planes .. and other stuff... and everything starts like this here...
  19. The J-10 is still a beta am I right?!
  20. New to FE

    I fly always on hard settings or other sims on real settings only difference is I have the external view enebled.. cause it`S a joy to fly around and looking at your plane... I have to test out this sim looks very good and feels great!
  21. Q-5D V1.1

    Nice to see it works...
  22. F-111X need help

    No just my playtime...
  23. The ADV FM is great ... but the AI... damn

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