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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. F-111X need help

    Something to fly around..
  2. New to FE

    the possibility is there, but I can`t even select them.. I can load them but not select inflight.
  3. New to FE

    All I need now are the better clouds for Fe and a weapon editor?! The one I use for WOE doesn`t work right in FE I can chosse bombs in the loadout but they don`t show up in the game... and I have nothing to drop
  4. I think it`s not so easy to geht this 3Ds MAX file. Will send you later this day the BMP`s wich are needed to have a repaint of this pit...
  5. I think it`s like the Ceck six mega pack I extracted the F-16 from the package ... It would be interesting to know what will be included.. I`m looking for birds. ;-)
  6. Where to find.. must say it looks realy good.. can`t say anything against it!
  7. New to FE

    Will do when I come home.. now at work... FE is a blast!!!
  8. Ok I will add some lights, post the fix here on CA and create a gun cause a extra gun is akways good! So you can have a UN transport heli and a military with and without gun!! I think it`s a good idea...
  9. I can add the gun via 3dsmax if you like, to create a Mi-17 Are there any movable parts on this bird I haven`t found out?! And no lights?!
  10. Do you have a release date or a hind where to find it?!
  11. I have to see the ini file.... you can attach theanimation to a key or delete it completly...
  12. dissable the animation and you wont have any problems ...

    You should give us a screenshoot to show us your work ;-)
  14. Q-5D V1.1

    I think I know what`s the prob try this change this in the flightengine.ini [GraphicsSettings] ZBufferDepth=24 MaxVertexCount=16384 MaxIndexCount=32768 MaxTextureCount=16384 MaxModelType=2048 MaxMeshPerScene=2048 MaxModelPerScene=4096 MaxLightPerScene=1024 AspectRatio=1.333333 MinPixelSize=1.0
  15. Hell Yes, I want it looks good! Damn good, I like always new pits!
  16. Q-5D V1.1

    This is a quality I like.. damn good work!
  17. looks fantastic! great job!
  18. You have to ask boopidoo for pit and I cand send you the repainted parts if you want?!
  19. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Here you can see how those planes are done in Max E-8 E-9 E-11
  20. Helicópiteros Árabes

    Great work!!!
  21. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    E-8 Prototype ,beta E-9 Fighter/Interceptor ,mapping E-11 FighterBomber ,..... new idea That`s all for now
  22. Städte und Gebäude

    Super werde das ganze morgen mal ausprobieren.
  23. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Have to redo the intakes .. was just a test to see how it looks ... two aditional weaponstations. no centerline.
  24. Städte und Gebäude

    sieht super aus hoffe das ganze lässt sich einfach ins spiel bringen?
  25. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    I was thinking about another version with side intakes. Something like a MiG-23 with deltas I saw a pic of an early MiG-23 Prototype.. will see what I can do

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