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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Are the animation linked and put into the LOD?! Or can I change the direction?! I try to recreate the rudderbrakes from the real Su-35 on the Sju-27 model. Is it possible with ini editing?! If yes how?! I tried to look into the F-22A Data ini but couldn`t find anything wich gives me a hind.. need help with this .. dissabling the old brake is no prob.
  2. Hey Gunrunner sorry for this delay, I had some stuff to do.. like babysitting.... mh very time consuming.. I will have some free time the next days... is all you need this antenna on the vertail?! or more?! Say what you need ?!
  3. done with

    I think it somewhat about the screen resolution veltros pics looks always lil short :-P
  4. Änderungen am 3D-Model der AT-6D

    Das Ding sieht gut aus .. freu mich darauf!!!
  5. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    There is a fin under the tail section, something like a MiG-23, should I add it?! If yes it would be under the surface when you start, taxi and land... Yes or no?!
  6. Animations?!

    will work on this but as I compared the F-22 data and the new Su-35 ini I could find anything to compare. Somone mentiont the F-23 I have to look into this. Maybe I can work with the community on this. Thanks craig...
  7. Änderungen am 3D-Model der AT-6D

    Das sieht gut aus, gefällt mir, wusste garnicht sa die Luftwaffe diesen Typ hatte .. war wohl die anfangszeit.
  8. Great work, thank you.. hope it`s avaible soon!
  9. Animations?!

    Thanks for this answer, I now try to animate stuff in MAX. This was more a bump style post, I thought this thread gets lost ... ;-) What about animation on excisting models, like the Su-27?! It`s not mine and I don`t have the 3ds max modell so noch chance to change it. Can I change the direction in the ini?! or is it waste of time
  10. Animations?!

    Can someone help me?!
  11. Su-35BM WIP

    With a remove object ini entry...
  12. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    This is what I have so far, first pic the E-8 this is the E-9 from above .. E-9 larger wings and no canards. ready in two weeks
  13. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Mine is bad also it "agressive = my posting" hope it`s solved .. was my fault sorry
  14. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Oh I see it looks a bit agressive .. sorrI`m just a little frustrated, cause of no time and this result .. I`m still learning 3Ds Max every day more and more. I plan to create this plane from scratch, this MOD is a private one wich will be released if there is some interest. I just playing around with max ;-) and @ Gepard... the E-8 is a mod of the old mig21 F-13 so the belly will be like the one from the F-13. The pic above is a E-9 :-)
  15. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    I hate this ... if you read this here from the beginning .. you would know that the plane, is a mig-21F13 from miragefactory!!!! not a whole new plane! and the last pics are from an idea I´ve got it`s a fictional E-9 variant....
  16. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    I know this pic, .... and what is the intention?!
  17. Su-35

    Die idee hatte ich auch schon, müsste klappen hoffe das die art der animation nicht im LOD verankert ist!
  18. Teile verschwinden lassen

    So bin doch noch nicht am schlafen, mich wurmt etwas [AircraftData] UseMetricUnit=TRUE EmptyMass=5084.40 EmptyInertia=43519.15,3853.95,47373.10 CGPosition=0.00,-0.380,0.00 ReferenceArea=22.95 ReferenceSpan=7.15 RefenenceLength=13.46 ReferenceChord=4.14 Component[001]=Fuselage Component[002]=Nose Component[003]=LeftWing Component[004]=RightWing Component[005]=LeftStab Component[006]=RightStab Component[007]=VertTail Component[008]=LeftOuterWing Component[009]=RightOuterWing Component[010]=Remove1 ------------------------------------------- [Remove1] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Objet03_ok DestroyedNodeName=Objet03 DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE --------------------------------------------- Dies ist der Eintrag in der Data ini meiner E-8 "MiG-21F-13", der OUT file entnommen. Aber die Antennen teile sind immer noch sichtbar, wo ist da der hacken?!
  19. Teile verschwinden lassen

    Ok es funzt, danke dir .. habe das direkt bei der E-8 und E-9 eingebaut. Kann man Teile auch bewegen?! so sagen wir mal die Flügel?! nach hinten?!
  20. Teile verschwinden lassen

    Mh habe irgendwie alles mögliche probiert was sich nach antenne angehört hatte und das völlig aussen vor gelassen ... werde das direkt ausprobieren!!!
  21. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Changed the ini a bit to have the right Airbrake working
  22. Teile verschwinden lassen

    Es ist die antenne unter der Nasenspitze, der Bereich in der OUT file beschreibt dies als "Fuse" Bereich. Mir kam auch die idee den ganzen Rumpf zu verstecken und einen neuen mehr konformen zu erstellen ... damit die Ye-8 besser aussieht. Das Bild hier zeigt eine fiktive weiterentwicklung ohne canards, größeren Flügeln und 2 weiteren Pylonen.
  23. This will be a project, if someone is interested it will be also released. I will use the Su-11 model, it fits best to this shape. I think Lexx will be happy to see this project. Wish all a good night..
  24. Loosk good, was looking for some helenic skins!

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