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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Sounds damn good! Flying over Vietnam is a nice thing with your addon!
  2. Ye-152 Someone?!

    As I see the E-152 A has two engines, I want to make this and M Version, maybe all three version, but let me see how it works ;-)
  3. Ye-152 Someone?!

    Many thanks for those pics, I will look what I can doo, I see the shape is nearly the same, main differences is the nose section and downpart of the tail
  4. Ye-152 Someone?!

    Mh this youndschallanging but good, if you help me with stuff would be great. :-)
  5. removed...

    This is a very nice progress!!!!
  6. @ Gunrunner, I will start the coming monday on your stuff. ;-)
  7. Su-35BM WIP

    What I`ve found is this Its great... not so hard to create
  8. Su-35BM WIP

    Do you have some more pics of this pit?! I use the EF-2000 pit for now. Repaint it and release it. Later I want to release this one
  9. Those are only skins .. but good one thanks but we need those birds ...
  10. Su-35BM WIP

    This mod works good until now
  11. Hey what about a navy skin, something like an A-6 or so... just a suggestion
  12. I would say look for dogfight serie over at youtube. Some very nice fotage
  13. F-111X need help

    Ok thanks it works! :-D
  14. Su-35BM WIP

    Number two was my intention and number one?! How can I remove it?! I would build a new one and reposition it
  15. F-111X need help

    The new Bay I changed the weapon number from 2 to 4 and set 2 new positions for the weapons, changed the pylon loadliimt to 1000 [bombBay] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=4 StationType=INTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,1.226,-0.586 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1000 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,EOGB,AHM,IRM AttachmentType=NATO,USN,USAF NumWeapons=4 AttachmentPosition001=-0.23,1.250,-0.63 <------------New entries AttachmentPosition002=0.23,1.250,-0.63 <------------ AttachmentPosition003=-0.23,1.250,-0.33 AttachmentPosition004=0.23,1.250,-0.33 DeploymentMethod=OPEN_BOMBBAY_DOOR BombBayAnimationID=8 BombBayOpenTime=1.5 BombBayCloseTime=1.5 MinExtentPosition=-0.50,1.226,-0.586 MaxExtentPosition= 0.50,1.226,-0.586 this is how it looks now. The proble is, that the weapons AttachmentPosition003=-0.23,1.250,-0.33 AttachmentPosition004=0.23,1.250,-0.33 are fired first, but they are at the upper postion so it looks very strange. I want to change the weapon fire cyclus hope it`s called so.
  16. Su-35BM WIP

    It hink you haven`T understand this updateprocedure. let me explain it. This additions are not handled like weapons or racks for pylons. They are handled like "pilots" wich can be attached only to the "fuselage" of the plane / object, like a pilotfigure. You will see when you read the readme and install this addon ;-) You can`t attache stuff to moving parts with this procedure. Maybe when I create a fake weapon station on teh Nosewheel, thinkin about the swingwing of the F-111, than create double nosewheels as weapons and attach them.. mh maybe it`s possible.
  17. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Found a small solution hehe
  18. Su-35BM WIP

    I need to move the IR bubble of the Su-27 more to the right side from the pilots view, to match more the shape of a Su-35. There is a OUt file in the Su-27 folder, but don`t have a clue how to move it, can someone help me?! I sa w some pics a while ago where somebode moved it, would be great to have some help in this. I can`t add two wheels now we have to wait for the real Su-35
  19. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Oh I see this is much better! thank you, but when is the release date?!
  20. Transparents in 3Ds MAX

    Ich habe momentan noch probleme die richtige Einstellung für Transparens zu finden, es ist doch die Raytracing methode nur es sieht immer anders aus als ich es gedacht habe.
  21. Su-35BM WIP

    Thanks very nice infos, I have now 12 hardpoints and will ad some fueltanks.
  22. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Es funktioniert danke!

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