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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    I need some help with this addon,. when you look at this pic you the back of the canopy is filled with metal (decal maybe) of the Mig CZ, but I couldn`t find it. Need advice what to do to have this to. And I want to attache new bar to the canopy with the help of decals like in the F-110 wraith addon. Who can help me with this?
  2. F-111X need help

    Was thinkin the same but there mus be a solution for this. The additional weaponsstation will be added to the F/A-111B
  3. F-111X need help

    I forgot to post the section: [bombBay] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=4 StationType=INTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,1.226,-0.586 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1000 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,EOGB,AHM,IRM AttachmentType=NATO,USN,USAF NumWeapons=4 AttachmentPosition001=-0.23,1.250,-0.63 AttachmentPosition002=0.23,1.250,-0.63 AttachmentPosition003=-0.23,1.250,-0.33 AttachmentPosition004=0.23,1.250,-0.33 DeploymentMethod=OPEN_BOMBBAY_DOOR BombBayAnimationID=8 BombBayOpenTime=1.5 BombBayCloseTime=1.5 MinExtentPosition=-0.50,1.226,-0.586 MaxExtentPosition= 0.50,1.226,-0.586 Who can help me with this problem?!
  4. F-111X need help

    My problem is to find out the real sequents to launch the bay missiles. Look here, I added 2 more weaponstations, now there are 4 stations. The upper one are launched first but I want to launch the lower ones than the upper missiles. I changed the ini entry but still the same result need help with this. This is a shortcut from the weaponbay @ test pilot, I will send you the ground attack version when it`s ready if you like. I plan to release: EF-111R F/A-111B F-111X from Ravenclaw (Maybe an E-111C)
  5. Skin is cool, can you add more details?!
  6. Transparents in 3Ds MAX

    I used raytraciing! All I need is to select a TGA?! that`S cool!
  7. Please fix two things! 1. [RightMainGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.10 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=Right-gear WheelNodeName=Rightwheel ShockStroke=0.15 SpringFactor=3.0 DampingFactor=4.0 RotationAxis=x-AXIS RollingRadius=0.315 HasBrakes=TRUE BrakingCoefficient=0.8 RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=12 <------ there must be 125 2. add to AircraftData section: UseMetricUnit=TRUE you need to lower the seat, this is pretty close (at least, it gets it under the canopy) SeatPosition=-0.008,3.323,0.304 those are fixes from wrench, please do this than it`s ok!
  8. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Haha die habe ich shcon längst auf dem Rechner, F-104 Marine und Heer! Sehr geile Addons! Habe damit nur ab und an mal probleme, einige Skins gehen nicht .. bekomme dann immer nen CTD. Heer äh gemeint war Lustwaffe
  9. Su-35BM WIP

    I was thinkin about the Su-35 mod cause of the lag of the Pylons. FC`s work is used to simulate a Su-33 for the russian navy. Both work well together
  10. I ever wanted to this this early project in a game, thank you very much Jul
  11. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Mh jetzt steh ich auf dem Schlauch, hast du etwas an den F-104 verändert?! habe ichda was verpasst?!
  12. Transparents in 3Ds MAX

    No just try to find something to get windows to work and make canopys transparent.
  13. F-111X need help

    I need to rework the loadouts and do some small skining job and this baby is ready for release. The Question is now how to name it, I thought something about EF-111R Cause of the reaconpod under the nose. Can make an individual recon version and a seperate EF-111X version. But I think this composition of parts fits very well together ;-)
  14. Su-35BM WIP

    now working on those loadouts... Can someone tell me the common russian weapons for attack missions, anti ship and so on?!
  15. If someone finds it out please release it!! But how does Mirage Factory creates those nice metal effect on their Mig-21 F13???
  16. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Das ist mal gute Arbeit! Da habe ich ja noch viel zu lernen!
  17. Ok agree with this.. lets start this weekend or next week have to finish some stuff.
  18. I will help you with stuff, but you can`t use the Mirage LOD for rerelease. We have to make a mod with a long nice readme! How to extract it and stuff like this.
  19. F-111X need help

    I`m working now on different projects in the moment they are just about adding parts and modifiy excisting planes.
  20. Sounds interesting lets open a new thread for this, I see there only the antenas on the tail and the one under the nose am I right?!
  21. Modder gefragt!

    Na wenn das möglich ist?
  22. Modder gefragt!

    Ich glaub ich habe da ne Lösung man versteckt die streben wie beschrieben! und macht nen fake streben "pilot attachment" das man einfach dummy streben erstellt, diese mit einer TGA versieht und dem canopy anpasst ...

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