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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. F-16EF 2000 what if

    FM work goes good it flys now how it should fly more agile and smooth. But have now a CTD doesn`t know what goes wrong only edited the Data.ini The FM is near the thing I was looking for but now a CTD damn this is maddnes to find the misstake. Can someone help me with this?!
  2. mirage IIIS

    Here you can see how rushed projects can look like ... damn this is a work of 3 mins to recheck if everything is in the right folder and has the right position! The only usable are the ones in the middle... The one wo made this pls reupload a new recheckt package it`s a great addion but not in this condition!
  3. RF-111G

    That`s true if someone knows how to rotate a pilot figure pls post here or PM would be nice thx Talos.
  4. RF-111G

    I wrote the down one werent included .. if i get some new canards i will attach them.
  5. RF-111G

    So i tried to use the Canard pack but some parts are useless, I think of a rushed released. This is a nother matter. I promised Canadair to post some pics of my F-111J Vark MOD Those are the normal canards, I wanted to use the "down" one but the left one wasn`t included. @Canadair If you like it I can PM you the stuff (entries, Canards) would be cool to get your entries in the Data ini and loadout ...
  6. Ok Julhelm ... could you pls send us a list with planes you are not makin??? Good work hope to see your projects soon in the sky of WOI/WOE
  7. Prepare to be amazed

    Wow this is great!
  8. how is this baby going?! Nice plane! would be interesting to find some pit shots or does it use the standart Su27 pit? maybe a Su-30?
  9. Typhoon,alfa, oscar, 212 and more!

    I need a game like fleet command.. commanding the whole fleet was exciting and difficult but very nice gameplay.. hope DW will tunr into this "like FC"
  10. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    I`m a big fan of Mig airplanes too. Like them cause they have something special, especially those planes in the 70`and 80`great stuff was build and as I saw the new Pit I couldn`t believe my eyes... We will see what wil be released ... and it seems in a damn good quality!
  11. Nice Starfighter, like them!
  12. Mig-21bis issue

    Question, how does the Frames in the front window look like? Are they missing in the new modell like in the Su-27 or are they still there like in a normal mig-21?
  13. F-16EF 2000 what if

    Will try to give it a nice FM.. it hast to be more agile with a stronger engine.
  14. "Wings Over" series

    Would say an updated WOV with WOI. WOV only with the nice remake of the vietnam terrain. Nice trees and a lot of them :-)
  15. AV-8B plus

    Really nice work with the model and the pit ... great pics!
  16. Imagine we have here some kidis runing around and do stuff like in CS threads and forums ... pls no! I can life with the low ratings, it garantie that only people with true interest play this game and disscuse it on a level you will never see in CS forums!
  17. Something F-14 Tomcat fans might be interested in....

    Julhelm was creating a new stealth version of the cat can`t wait to see it fly
  18. F-16EF 2000 what if

    looks nice, my comment should be a joke for lazboy... hehe
  19. F-16EF 2000 what if

    pls make an isreali skin for this baby .. pls ... haha It`s not a place holder it`s a fictional competitor to the EF 2000 Typhon, so called F-16 EF 2000
  20. RF-111G

    Cmon this can`t be.. people leaving the community for just some words.. we are humans and you cannot party with everyone... just arrange myself with this fact. In the beggining i was jumped for some comments I wrote, I just missed the smileys so someone felt hurt. Was my misstake.. but hey it goes further!
  21. Yeaha Wings of Canards!!! Like this it`s great, will do some Mig-21 Canard addon. There is a misstake I think look here those are Canards leftdown and right down, but look yourself
  22. F-16EF 2000 what if

    Was thinkin about a pit like this one from the Gripen!
  23. F-16EF 2000 what if

    Maybe, I have send some PM this is not done yet... will be in a few days/weeks depents on my free time. When I get an ok it can be released..

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