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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. F-16EF 2000 what if

    Maybe, I have send some PM this is not done yet... will be in a few days/weeks depents on my free time. When I get an ok it can be released..
  2. What`s up with you modders?? Do you think we have enough time??? That we don`t have a job or are not busy with RL he???? Damn it I just want to have time to play those fantastic mods wich comin out... They are to much for my timemanagement!!!
  3. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    I have a prob I downloade the wrapper.dll and installed it into a 4.09m BETA installation. The game loads only until 60% than CTD. When I remove the wrapper.dll it works fine but all in russian... some MODS even don`t show up... like spit MKI
  4. Hi all I was searching the KB and was looking into the ini`s of the Tornado and F-111 But couldn`t find hint how to mod this. My idea was to put weapons to a weaponstation on the bombbaydoors, inside, of the Vatour. pls don`t ask why It must be possible to do this but have not an idea how to do this. It`s an what if mod of the vatour as an Interceptor modded by the IDF, cause this baby is a second choice but very fast and nice to fly. Could someone help me with this? when I add a weaponstation it`s unmovable/static.
  5. Add weapons to moving parts

    I don`t want to ad those weapons to a seperate rail only to the doors.. But the F-23 I´ve forgot will see if it helps.
  6. Have to try it, looks nice, thx!
  7. The KB obsession

    I think the KB is a noce addition but when ou look closer it`s a mod for those who are around here for a specific time. Imagine you buy this game and want to know after 2 <--- days of playing how to mod and improve the game. So, what do you do? you start asking questions. What do you want = answers so it`s nice for everyone who is new around to get an answer and a nice info about the KB. Must say CA is not like Simhq.. it was my favorite place but I leaved it some years ago as it started to be .... strange. Here the community is nice and friendly, especially when you use smileys in your comments <-- important to me cmon!! Hope you understand my statement! Cheers
  8. Nice work have a question to this statement "In WOI the program reads the Deploy and Retract values for the Wing Slatts backwards. " Can it be? This was maybe a mistake by TK?! Cause you have created 3 or 4 simd and now it reads this entry backwards??? This can`t be hope this is reported to TK...
  9. EF-2000 Progress

    makin a workin 3D model isn`t so hard usin my self Maya but to make it flyable with a new FM and all those nice avionics I see inside the pics... it`s a damn good job craig did on this bird. Hope to see him here lil bit more around with further projects. Have not a clue how he is doing this job.. but keep it coming! great respect!
  10. If you want to make some planes flyable, just cpy a pit into the plane folder and the ini`s you need... like cockpit.ini and avionics.ini and don`t forget to edit the "planename.ini" so it can be used...
  11. The KB obsession

    You are right, sometimes it`s not easy to answer a question 1000 times but we have something like patience in our behaviour. So itwould be a better way to answer and refer to the KB for further question. We can`t blame people for this it`s like you are asking how to get to a place and the answer would be... Buy your self a GPS Navi or die...
  12. EF-2000 Progress

    Nice idea to split it ! Thanks Hrntfxr <-- hope it`s right ..
  13. Man times you see "hacked" threads with OT.. pls keep them clean. If you want to write some OT stuff .. use PM or open an OT free for all stuff Just my 2 cents
  14. Looks good, something like a F-16 but without Pit updates?
  15. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    Happy Birthday !!!!
  16. EF-2000 Progress

    Ok pls explain this to our comunity, what the hell do you think of doing this mod.... I don`t want to be a junky of flying the EF2000..... Cool Work!
  17. A2G?!

    How do youtarget a plane with a mav in the TK series?
  18. Oh I saw it you USAFMTL was a little bit faster..
  19. Good idea, have to download them again.. what about a thread what explains what is changed in the Data.ini.
  20. Ehm no just look inside the other threads when i have time ... over the day i just post in some topics wich seems interesting to me .. this one is damn interesting !
  21. Ok I thought to post those pics at Pics of the month but .. you are restricted to only one pic Enjoy this good work. As i installed those new sabre packs I was mazed how good the FM is and how nice the skins are done. For all who downloaded the small sabre pack including the F-1 change the postion in the cockpit ini to Position=0.0,1.737,0.658
  22. Sabres damn beautiful!

    Yeah I know but if you look close, we have 3 sabre packs out one early one late and this one..
  23. Just an idea we have now 2 pits for a F-15 wich are free ware, the one from mirage factory for the A and the other from long ago, but still a good pit for the C and E modell, can`t we get the 3D modell and rearange the pit MFD`s I now it`S a hard work and alot of it but look at the amazing pit rearangement of the Su-15TM... translation into a Su-7BK pit
  24. As i said, nice model and a very welcomed project! But don`t worry about the IAF skin cause everythng what is released gets an IAF skin ... Mig23 is still missing in IAF colours
  25. A2G?!

    in ATF from Janes I was hunting helos with LGB`s, you could point the laser on the helo and release the weapon from a nice small angle,... 9 from 10 hits the helo. Don`t know how this works here in SF series. It was nice to hunt down with Aim-9L some groundtargets..

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