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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Wing Vortex Effect

    Jupp, bei Volker klau ich auch immer ganz gern Tipp das aber in die credits dann
  2. load them into max, build a plane or object out of it, export it into LOD, write the ini files, paint the skins and release them
  3. i want SU-34 model

    The surroundsound is carried on the pylons ...
  4. The problem is, you want to redo one or two parts and you end up with a whole new model ...
  5. i want SU-34 model

    The fully loaded combat radius is 1100 km but if you want to transfer the plane it can fly up to 7000km with FT, seems thats the case :D
  6. i want SU-34 model

    Ask the russian minestry ... they are selling them so far i know .. have bought two ..
  7. Sukhois

    I am currently away from home, but our team is so damn productive, we have a very nice workflow and im still crossing my fingers to not get someone burned out. Still a nice hobby and the result is breathtaking on my side. We are working on many different loadouts, new missiles, new pods, new pylons .... Later we will show some progress of the weapons and our new stuff, we plan to release specific versions, with specific loadouts. Some export versions were wired for AAM`s and some just for dumb amunitions. Hope you enjoy this little update and thanks to my team, without them, this progress wouldn`t be possible!!! What I want to reveal now, are some of Enocs skins that are currently WIP
  8. SU-33?

    Fubar can release his version, i have no problem with it.
  9. @ Spinners, are those DAT planes?
  10. Royal Aircraft Factory RE8 WIP

    What gameengine do you use?
  11. Guys im so happy to work with such a talented team
  12. Sukhois

    Thanks to our great team, our projects are running better than ever before. The Su-17M will have integrated Fueltanks, rails and all needed parts to be properly flown. Ini`s are more and more complete, the FM feels better and better and the planes recieving it`s last touches on the first skin. We have a hell of parts and stuff to map and skin, so im happy Enoc is still onboard since so many month. Thanks to Logan the model has recieved some nice final touches and his great advices and ini work! Thanks to Cliff for the great fm and ini work! Thanks to Snailman for the weaponstuff, loadouts and ini stuff Thanks to Enoc for his skinning work! Those are the members of our team, and I have to thank you all for being so patient with me!
  13. Hi guys I need some help. Yesterday was everything ok and i have worked on the Fitter, today I have fired up the PC, got a coffee and stared at an empty space on my desktop. There was the icon for 3D max. I couldn`t find max on my HDD, even the registry was emtpy except of some fragments. I have used CCleaner to whipe out the last remaining, deleted some manualy, cause the install program of Max told me, I still have it installed. But not. After thre regcleaning, I was able to set the setup properly ... but, as the installation should start, the Installer of max tells me: Installation failed So I tried another source, there was the problem message, that my windows installer doesnt want to start. So Enoc send me a command I should try: Sfc /scannow But even that doesnt start. I went to the Microsoft site and wanted to download the Installer manualy, I have the files and wanted to start installing it .. I recieve the message "out of memory" But that cant be, I have 16GB RAM and lots of free space on my HDD`s
  14. 3D Max gone (solved)

    I have upgraded some month ago my hardware, have not reinstalled windows .. just changed the drivers and some old HDD`s were switched of. All worked fine, just some details fellt like a fixed by ductape. Now i had the result, but the its working now. Im happy about it.
  15. 3D Max gone (solved)

    Strangest day ever, Max dissapeared overnight ... win installer dissabled itself and the new exported LOD of the 17 has all shadow bugs fixed ... wtf happen
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Mit welchem Prog am besten auf defekte Sektoren checken? Problem wurde gelöst.
  17. 3D Max gone (solved)

    Restoring the system isnt so easy if you have no back up :-p Its a long story short and at the end stupid. After I have checked the settings of the windows installer, that fucker was "dissabled" But from who and when?! Max is now reinstalled, first installation told me about an error on the regedit section .... so i tried the second source for installation ... just for nuts and it worked. Will investigate it ... Damn what a day
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hab jetzt soweit alles entfernt, aber die Meldung ist entweder Installation failed oder Windows installer konnte nicht initialisiert werden. Was ist da eigentlich über Nacht passiert?! Warum ist max weg und das nur zur Hälfte da noch einige Regeinträge da waren, der Autodesk regeintrag aber weg war.
  19. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Leute, ich habe ein ernstes Problem, hab meinen PC heute angemacht, Checkdisk lief automatisch, dann war windows geladen. Wollte mich sofort wieder an die Arbeit machen und stellte fest, 3D Max war weg, Icon weg, Installationspfad weg, nur irgendwelche belanglosen Dateien auf C: Gut dann installier ich das ganze noch mal, doch die eine max installation sagt mir, 3D Max 32Bit ist bereits installiert, die Registry ist leer, dann eine andere Installation ausprobiert, da steigt dann der Installationsassistent von Windows aus, konnte nicht inniziert werden. Ich dreh am Rad
  20. Iranian Qaher-313

    yeah to build one would consume so many plastic .. that my cupholders would not be produced.....

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