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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. It`s a huge sandbox for me and I feel like 5 year old playing with you guys. Im not getting a kind of burnout, cause I try to keep a steady chilling workflow on my end. The help of you all is keeping me getting further and further in my projects. And sorry for asking so many stupid questions
  2. Sukhois

    It has a pair of wings, some gears, pylons and engines ..... and is damn maaaaaaaaad! Im happy as a 5 year old to have access to the max file
  3. Maybe repack a Cat file with without the planes ;) It could work
  4. Sukhois

    You have no idea what i have recieved .... pics will follow soon
  5. Enoc mentioned something about FSX models
  6. Some years later over Suez
  7. Sukhois

    Have left some part over from the Su-27UB project, and I wanted to test if they fit on Marc`s Flanke. After some adjustments it now looks like this: I want to replace the build in K36 with the one we have in the downloadsection and the Vtail antenas and some other small parts. it takes some time to find the right position, but with "mue`s" tool its easy to find out what parts need to be deleted. I have created this mod for my own joy and fun to fly this bird... But if someone has a proper loadout file for it, I would be thankfull
  8. uh good idea! Nah, the problem is, the guys from CA don`t want to get into any trouble with any company, cause of supporting such "hacks", but the whole comunity would kiss your feet if you would "improve" the game. We can talk about it, we can discuss problems, .. but we can`T officialy support such hacks ...
  9. Bringing a bit spice into that old model
  10. Do what ever you want, but you need to upload it anywhere else than here... for the rest .. it will be history
  11. Here on your own pic you can see it, look at the leading edge of the wing, its traight like a wall
  12. What I would realy like to know, where are the specific differences in the fm editing and numbers between those two modes. I have started this game some years ago with hard settings, and after a time i have noticed, some planes are only flyable in normal mode. Can someone pls explain to me where the differences realy are?! And what would you say, if we standartice this fact to only one setting for all fm`s?! So you don`t need to switch between those two modes.
  13. I have a small update to this mod, maybe you can integrate it into your mod pack. The Airbrake was not working visualy, so here are the right entries for it. What I can offer to you is: 1. reversed thrust for the engines 2. working and visual airbrakes 3. new and proper pilot positions This entry goes into all 4 engines of every plane: // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot01] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT SeatID=1 ShowPilot=True PilotModelName=helopilot03 PilotHeadNodeName=head SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=-0.359,15.714,1.29 MinExtentPosition=-0.587,18.797,0.231 MaxExtentPosition=-0.131,19.456,1.297 CanopyNodeName= [Pilot02] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT SeatID=2 ShowPilot=True PilotModelName=helopilot03 PilotHeadNodeName=head SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position= 0.359,15.714,1.29 MinExtentPosition=0.131,18.797,0.231 MaxExtentPosition=0.587,19.456,1.297 CanopyNodeName= // Engines --------------------------------------------------------- **** ThrustVectoring=TRUE ThrustVectorInputName=THRUST_VECTOR_CONTROL ThrustVectorAnimationID= MaxVectoredPitchAngle=180.0 ThrustVectorControlRate=2.0 **** // Airbrakes --------------------------------------------------------- [LeftAirbrake] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 ModelNodeName=LeftSpoiler DragArea=1.50 MaxDeflection=60.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.5 [RightAirbrake] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 ModelNodeName=RightSpoiler DragArea=1.50 MaxDeflection=60.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.5 ReverseModelOrientation=True [LeftOuterAirbrake] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 ModelNodeName=LeftOuterSpoiler DragArea=1.50 MaxDeflection=60.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.5 [RightOuterAirbrake] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 ModelNodeName=RightOuterSpoiler DragArea=1.50 MaxDeflection=60.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.5 ReverseModelOrientation=True Those entries work for the whole 135 series, Tankers, Cargo and Passengerplane
  14. Updates are out by Yakarov!! You can download it here http://combatace.com/topic/86251-big-safari-i-recce-135/
  15. A cool plane! Have created a trainer out of it! Check the front side ofthe wings, looks like a wall or brick and the hight of the reticle ... the pilot cant aim trough it ... its way to low
  16. Visiting a friend, .. downtown
  17. It`s strange that we dont have it, after all the years. We have every shit filled piece of earth from the last corner of the earth ... but not Balkan ...
  18. Kfir C7

    I think it was a mistake wit hthe TMF C7

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