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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. IL-38 MAY

    The bird itself is ok, but have found some bugs: here you can see your exhausts on the outer engines ... are not existent this is just a model, but here you can see how the exhaust should look like There is no front gearbay Not correctly mapped parts under the exhausts, you can see the stretched texture on the parts between the wings and engines, those parts shouldnt be there, they are completly wrong The crew part behind the cockpit is also empty, you can look trough the plane on the ground. Maybe this could be done with a 2 sided texture setting in max @ Veltro, dont you have a crew of guys that could check your stuff for quality before release? I feel always as the badass (seems to be the only one) who is reporting such bugs. Im not a "Yeah great Stuff!" crying guy as man others. I have the german attitude to discuss stuff and improve it. Even Volker and I are in contact regarding quality and maybe overseen mistakes on some models. You realy need this important stepp to check your stuff first before releasing it. Thats why our stuff takes so long. We have wrong animations sometimes, shadow bugs, wrong mapped stuff or simply forgetting something ... thats why I work with a bunch of good friends on my stuff. Ok now its our stuff but who cares. The result is what is counting! best regards
  2. Sukhois

    At the moment I plan to finish the M versions and their export versions. Im wroking now on the 25 so far. I cant promise anything
  3. mein erster Versuch

    Uh ..... 2 Dinge 1. Achte darauf das gewisste Teile nicht "zerdellt" aussehen. Nutze 3 Views immer nur als Referenz, der Feinschliff des Models dann mit Fotos oder der eigenen Vorstellung in diesem Falle. Deine Cockpit Haube als Bsp, sieht von oben gesehen gut aus, wenn man von der Seite schaut... als wäre sie nach einem Auffahrunfall gerichtet worden (der vordere Bereich) 2. Dein Polycount ist grob 800% zu hoch hier mal Bsp. von mir Ignorier die Höhenruder an der Su-25, die werden gerade neu gebaut ;)
  4. mein erster Versuch

    Hi, sieht interessant aus, achte immer auf deinen Polycount, mache den Krempel im so einfach wie möglich und achte auf smoothe Flächen. Fahrwerk und andere Animationen wie Airbrakes, Canopys usw werden in den Animationsslots von Max festgelegt. Es fängt immer bei 0,1 an und geht bis zum nächsten animationsslot 1.0, dann wieder 1.1 - 2.0 Steuerflächen werden mit nem Pivotpoint versehen (auch in max) und werden dann in den Ini`s angesteuert. Deine Höhenruder sehen nach Highpoly aus, kannst du mal bitte dein Gittermodel posten? Lg
  5. Bear Remod

    Pls take care of the usual holes, the KC 767 has a big one at the tail
  6. Sukhois

    To be honest, can`t wait to see this baby with Specular Maps and Bumpmaping, now the 17 is in the paintshop and flight test center. Next step will be the weapons shop. the normal 2 weeks
  7. Sukhois

    Plane is send to some nice guys that will work on the FM, Avionics and weapons loadout
  8. Sukhois

    The last days we made some big steps .. Su-17,24,25 and 27 ... We have assembled a nice team for each part of the aircraft development
  9. Sukhois

    I have tested it ingame and it has nearly no fps impact ...
  10. Sukhois

    I was looking for a suitable engine for he Su-17 series ... I build it this way
  11. Seems its working .. now you need to select a different axle
  12. It was not ment to be released by me, I only forgot who is/ was involved into this ;) I think the guys knew I have not build this bird ;) Just updating it and have a hell of fun flying with it
  13. The Luftwaffe is currently in the best shape ever. From out around 80 jets only a few are flyable. The Transall has many technical problems, the Navy helicopters are grounded, the new ones start to rust imidiatly they see the sea. So, to overcome some gaps, I would like to ask someone, who can paint me and the german Luftwaffe a nice "Transall like" Camo skin on a Herc from Dels. Something like this: Pls, they need something to transport their useless stuff around the world ... the best german Plane was the MiG-29, here you see how bad it is with the mighty Luftwaffel
  14. Sukhois

    This is the "exterior" part for the Su-24MR, the Problem on the MR will be, that a part that is under the belly is reaching into the front gearbay doors. So, when the doors open on the real plane, the cover of this middle part, is also a part of the bay doors, that open with them. On this kind of "upgrade" the movement will not be possible, so when the gear bay is open, a part will stick into it. If that is ok with you guys, we will bring the MR version on.
  15. I have recieved the latest updates, added some parts, reworked some others, need to adjust some colours on my parts, be here it is how it looks now. reworked ini`s Loadouts Systems FM And a current placeholder for the pit We have so far 5 versions in development, all with unique parts and systems / Layout The M2 All guys involved will be mentioned in the credits, Skins are done by a very good friend Flogger23 (Enoc)
  16. on Marcs Su-27 it doesnt work for me ;/
  17. Thank you YEYEYE, love your pits!! Btw my pit is closed
  18. To credit Suchois design office
  19. ok excluded the files and told Avast not fo fuck it up again ... so it works like a charm.. again
  20. I love ya!!!!
  21. my mod folder is seperated so I will deinstall Avast tomorrow and reinstall SF2 ... damn, never happen before .. seems thats the last time i have used Avast
  22. Seems it is enough to exclude the SF2 folders and reinstall the game, but deactivate Avast first
  23. I can remember that avast had some troubles with a .dll file and wanted to put it in a container. Is it a misstake of Avast? Yes I was not here over the last weeks, I was working around germany, so I stoped reading the forum, sorry Kev. What is the solution for this problem?
  24. i have not noticed any update ... maybe in the background .. or a mod I have recently installed Yes using Avast, why?

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