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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Veltro, have you worked out the intakes? Placed the engines "fans" at the right place / depth inside the intake? We have worked around it on our MiG-25, was a PITA together with the landing gear, but it worked! Hope to see similar stuff on your bird. Looks good so far
  2. I would suggest to kill the jet fans, just to save the polys a bit, you will never look for it if it is in 3D or animated discs or what ever ;)
  3. Why not use it as a swing wing animation :D increase the speed .... bend it ;)
  4. Next update will be the tail section and airbrakes, we need to finish this beauty
  5. Damn!!!! My exhaust looks hot :D Thanks man!!!
  6. Su-34

    i have a 33kub not a 34 ;-)
  7. Mal von Anfang an und für ganz Doofe!

    Mal eine Frage zu den Swingwing positionen. An der su-17 hätte ich gern 3 Positionen, werden diese durch einen Animationsslot definiert, also jede Position hat einen Slot? (Macht irgendwie keinen Sinn für mich) Habe es daher mit ini Einträgen versucht. Die sehen zur Zeit so aus: [swingWings] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=0.1800 CDdc=0.0300 DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_MACH Setting[1].Angle=15.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=1.05 Setting[1].RetractValue=1.10 Setting[2].Angle=45.0 Setting[2].DeployValue=0.85 Setting[2].RetractValue=0.90 Setting[3].Angle=65.0 Setting[3].DeployValue=0.55 Setting[3].RetractValue=0.60 MaxDeflection=60.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.3 AnimationID=8 Leider funktioniert das nicht im Spiel, habe entweder nur voll ausgefahren oder eingeklappte Flügel
  8. I have no idea what will be need to be done on the ini stuff. My Su-17 will need a massive ini overhaul, fm, avionics, weaponsystems and so on
  9. V2K recheck pls the "Shape" of the Vtails, you have no edges on the surface on the real thing and ther e is no flat "area" on top of them. This flat surface was on the old MiG-25 SF1 & 2 models, but that was wrong. here a kind of side view of the 31`s Vtail And as you can see on the last pic, the round shape of the "nozzles / Exhaust" area is going over to the tail part of the fuselage. I t has a less edgy shape as the MiG-25 And the exhaust`s need to be moved more invard as you can see it on the last pic too 3 views are good for the overall rough shape and dimensions but for details I use always walkarounds, you see the difference?! My Vtails are also under construction
  10. Tu-22K



    Tu-22K Version 1.0 Januar 2009 Tu-22K Missilecarrier The Tu-22 was originally intended as a supersonic replacement for the Tupolev Tu-16 bomber. The design, designated Samolët 105 by Tupolev, was drawn in 1954, but the first flight of the prototype did not take place until 21 June 1958. The availability of more powerful engines, and the TsAGI discovery of the Area rule for minimizing transonic drag, led to the construction of a revised prototype, the 105A. This first flew on 7 September 1959. The first serial-production Tu-22B bomber, built at Kazan Factory No. 22, flew on 22 September 1960, and the type was presented in the Tushino Aviation Day parade on 9 July 1961. It initially received the NATO reporting name 'Bullshot,' which was deemed inappropriate, then 'Beauty,' which was felt to be too complimentary, and finally 'Blinder.' Soviet crews called it "Shilo" (awl) because of its shape. Tu-22 Blinder landing The Tu-22 entered service in 1962 and 1963, but it experienced considerable problems, leading to widespread inserviceability and a number of crashes. Amongst its many faults was a tendency for skin heating at supersonic speed, distorting the control rods and causing poor handling. The landing speed was 100 km/h (62 mph) higher than previous bombers and the Tu-22 had a tendency to pitch up and strike its tail on landing, though this problem was eventually resolved with the addition of electronic stabilization aids. Even after some of its teething problems had been resolved, the 'Blinder' was never easy to fly, and it was maintenance-intensive. Pilots for the first Tu-22 squadrons were selected from the ranks of "First Class" Tu-16 pilots, which made transition into the new aircraft difficult, as the Tu-16 had a co-pilot, and many of the "elite" Tu-16 pilots selected had become accustomed to allowing their co-pilots to handle all the flight operations of the Tu-16 except for take-off and landings. As a consequence, Tu-16 pilots transitioning to the single-pilot Tu-22 suddenly found themselves having to perform all the piloting tasks, and in a much more complicated cockpit. Many, if not most of these pilots were unable to complete their training for this reason. Eventually pilots began to be selected from the ranks of the Su-17 "Fitter" crews, and these pilots made the transition with less difficulty. By the time the Tu-22B (Blinder-A) entered service it was already clear that its operational usefulness was limited. Despite its speed, it was inferior to the Tu-16 in combat radius, weapon load, and serviceability. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev felt that ballistic missiles were the way of the future, and bombers like the Tu-22 were in danger of cancellation. As a result, only 15 (some sources say 20) Tu-22Bs were built. A combat-capable reconnaissance version, the Tu-22R ('Blinder-C'), was developed alongside the bomber, entering service in 1962. The Tu-22R had an aerial refueling probe that was subsequently fitted to most Tu-22s, expanding their radius of operation. 127 Tu-22Rs were built, 62 of which went to the AVMF for maritime reconnaissance use. Some of these aircraft were stripped of their camera and sensor packs and sold for export as Tu-22Bs, although in other respects they apparently remained more comparable to the Tu-22R than to the early-production Tu-22Bs. A trainer version of the 'Blinder,' the Tu-22U ('Blinder-D') was fielded at the same time, with a raised cockpit for an instructor pilot. The Tu-22U had no tail guns, and was not combat-capable. 46 were produced. To try to salvage some offensive combat role for the Tu-22 in the face of official hostility, the Tu-22 was developed as a missile carrier, the Tu-22K ('Blinder-B'), with the ability to carry a single Raduga Kh-22 (AS-4 'Kitchen') stand-off missile in a modified weapons bay. The Tu-22K was deployed both by DA (Strategic Aviation) and AVMF (Naval Aviation). The last Tu-22 subtype was the Tu-22P ('Blinder-E') electronic warfare version, initially used for ELINT electronic intelligence gathering. Some were converted to serve as stand-off ECM jammers to support Tu-22K missile carriers. One squadron was usually allocated to each Tu-22 regiment. The Tu-22 was upgraded in service with more powerful engines, in-flight refueling (for those aircraft that didn't have it initially), and better electronics. The -D suffix (for Dalni, long-range) denotes aircraft fitted for aerial refueling. Tu-22s were exported to Iraq and Libya in the 1970s. An Egyptian request was turned down after the cooling of Soviet-Egyptian relations in the wake of the Yom Kippur War. -------------- installation -------------- Extract the Tu-22K folder into your Object/Aircraft folder. Extract the sounds into the Sound folder in your WOE/WOV installation ------- Credits ------- Model: Originaly TK Cockpit: made by Boopidoo Cockpitrepaint: 76.IAP-Blackbird data & Avionics: 76.IAP-Blackbird,lindr2 ini edit: 76.IAP-Blackbird,lindr2 sounds: who ever did them ;-) effect: Eagle effect from MF F-15A Weapons, recomanded latest weaponpacks from lindr 2 --------------- Version History --------------- 1.0 :
  11. Thank you svetlin! Btw, there are some nice new screenies in the screeny and beer section :-P
  12. Testflight over Israel, my general practise area for some soviet stuff. I try get some detail on the nozzles and not to kill to many frames. Seems it works :D Btw, Matts is testing some new cool AB effects for those BIG engines
  13. why a closed one? I like constant updates, would be even cool if the Team Mafia Forum could be read only ....
  14. Thanks to Matts, the new model is finaly ingame, still heavily WIP status, but we want to share some pics with you guys
  15. Are Gunners too deadly?

    You guys should try to attack a bomber in il2... thats deadly... SF2 is a kind of kindergarden!
  16. Guys I need some help from you, cause what I am looking for, isn`t so easy to find for me. I need detailed pics of both airbrakes, best would be if they are open. And I need some pics of the Chute "container" of the mig-25, also in an open position. Different angles would be great ;) Thank you in advance
  17. Thanks for the files, very good reference material!
  18. That thing above is based on daniels work, we worked together on the Lim-6 I have upgraded it to this result. But first we need to finish this here Enoc is working hard on the skins! Ignore the tires skin issue ....
  19. Canopy replaced :-P awaiting Volkers new Tank!
  20. I have no beer to share, but a plane
  21. You can hijack what ever you want
  22. I have two books so far I know, can send you the names of them so you could send me the third one pls, that would be great Thanks
  23. Thank you both, the first link is known, the second one is new for me. Will still look through both of them ;) Updates of the 3D model will follow soon

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