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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Long story short .. fly the oposite direction your enemy does :-) The mig has to putnumber the enemy by 5 to 1 and than you could have a chance!
  2. That looks great! check the wings, they are sticking into the intakes, I think you can simply cut away a bit without destroying the mapping. So you dont need to move around vertices ;) how does the rear end looks and the exhausts?
  3. still same question as 09.02.2014 WTF? English?
  4. That looks realy good! Like it! here you can nearly see, how deep the intakes are, so that gives a hint where to place the turbines
  5. Nope, this instrument was only for preflight tests, saw it in a czech video on youtube about the MiG-21 preflight checks, it looks more important than it actualy is
  6. Are there any news about the cockpit my fiend?!
  7. When you know you have some probs with some areas, why don`t you create a mod team? I have also my people who help me out when I get into trouble!
  8. Here are some progress pics, we are working hard on it and try to deliver the best possible product you can imagine. This plane is a "Box" with wings! on this pic the wing roots are not corrected as on the others ;)
  9. Yeah I have seen it on your other planes, the olders ones are a good example. I couldn`t explain how you have build it so "badly" (pls thats no offence) Until I ran into this problem my self with the rework of the canopy of the Mi-8, from the 3 view point it was perfect. But only from the front and from the side, so I used a compromise to work around it. First I place the struts with the help of the 3 View, that I use tons of reference pics and fotos fro mthe internet and PDF`s to model it correctly. It has not to be 100% accurate as the 3 view (cause thats only a 2D pic) But It has to look "correct" ingame ;) And thats the point, You need to look at it in 3d max as often as possible, turn the view around the canopy and other parts as much as possbile to even get the "shape" correct <---- Its like modeling with clay, you have your 3 side views but need to work it out in 3D right?!. Use your imagination and forget the 3 Views, they are more good for proportions and not for details ;) I hope it helps you a bit.
  10. V2K pls keep attention at your canopy bars, they look uneven and bended like after a crash I had to rework my stuff sometimes more than once to get the right shape and dimensions
  11. Looks very good, a "Super Falcon"
  12. @ Stary Cocas isnt realy around anymore ...
  13. latest fuselage update send to Mats, awaiting his files back soon
  14. Mein Korea MiG-Alley terrain.

    Sieht gut aus! Das Korea was ich habe, finde ich etwas"eckig und kantig" Wenn wir das bestehende etwas verbessern können, warum nicht ;)
  15. World of Tanks

    I have lost the interest in WOT, it doesnt feel like the 8.11 looks very clinical and also the way. Selling accounts isnt allowed, Lets see how it will develop in the future, so far i am very interested in War Thunder. I have nearly 20 fps with all grapics set to ultra and it drops down to 9fps sometimes, so I could set it down the old settings (look like) to be playable. It doesnt make fun anymore with those stutters and low fps fights
  16. ignore the wings, already on the WIP list ;)
  17. The Mirage 3 stuff is also great, was wondering about the fact, I have no Mirage 3C in my folder. I used the MF one all the years
  18. World of Tanks

    I have the same prob, the Garage stutters alot on my end, but the gameplay itself is "ok" and playable, but you can notice it, in comparison with the old version... My graphics are set to ultra, seems I have to tune it down.. ab bit
  19. MiG-21UM infos

    There is no real canopy integrated into the model, you have to wait till Russo finish his Mongol
  20. I would go with the AI pack 1 & 2 cause the other are just skins. You can even find comparable here at CA, for free
  21. when we have a new version, the creator should pay attention to the real engine placement, the intake itself is realy long inside. So you dont have the "turbines" visible like on an Airbus A320 (example) source:
  22. World of Tanks

    What about upgrading your "old" PC?!
  23. @ Stratos Sorry I couldn`t resist We are optimising the model and will show some nice pics I think this or next week, some ingame pics btw

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