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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. The only thing you can do with them is to repaint. All excisting 3D models need to be remodel from scratch or you have the source files and you can rework them
  2. Mi-8 HIP WIP

    That`s the easiest thing, you have it in the vertical pack from Snailman Mi-8T
  3. Some pics of the upcoming Lim-6 screenshots by Enoc
  4. Chinese Mi-17V7 (russian markings will be changed later)
  5. SF2 FLIR?

    What if you link the camera to an invisible part and that part is linked to vector thrust to move left and right? without any changed to the engines.
  6. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Die Idee wäre Essen nach zu bauen oder das Ruhgebiet selbst, eventuell Köln und Düsseldorf. Denke das es irgendwo nen simples 3D model zum Kölner Dom geben müsste Du machst dir echt mühe! Find ich klasse!
  7. World of Tanks

    I use the Type 34 cause I wanted to explore the chinese, but I cant get into them, the russian stuff is for me more familiar. I have bought the T49 as you did and enjoy it, the only thing is, its not easy to play. I also recomend one thing, try out the german heavies, learn them to play and than switch ober to T29, you will be a massive beast! And a pain in the Ass for the others!
  8. @ Marcfighter and Mi-8

    Best man! Can`t wait to get it!
  9. What I can offer for the current Mi-8 version, is a DDR Mi-8TB or known unter Mi-8TVK Hip-F with 6 AT-2 rails or a Hip-E with only 4 AT-2 rails this is how it could look WIP It`s slow as hell but deadly!
  10. @ Marcfighter and Mi-8

    I have send him this link at FB lets see if we get an answer or not
  11. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Das sieht super aus Leute! Duisburg Rheinhausen?! Dann bitte auch den Gasometer in Oberhausen und die A40, A42, A3, A516, A52 Alles hier um die Ecke.. Spass bei Seite, ich freue mich auf dein Update!
  12. Let's just Nuke 'em

    A special Force unit isnt needed, lets tell Al qaida that Kim Il Sun has called them Clowns dressed like puppies... give them 2 weeks and the whole presidential palace will be blown by some suicide bombers... Than you can invade the land with McDonalds, Burger King, Coca Cola and feed them until they have the same size as americans and eurpeans... If I could choose.... I would emigrate to the moon and never come back..
  13. @ Marcfighter and Mi-8

    No just a few parts added as a "ejection seat" that`s all
  14. Bad weather is starting and is getting worse... Finaly I made it back on the deck, I have alot of fun with Snailmans Verticalpack and my additional parts for this bird! When the skin is ready i can share it with you But so far I will tease you guys!
  15. Now with dispensers and already tested with the russian navy The tail isnt accurate, but I hope you guys will oversee it and enjoy the ride
  16. Mi-8MTV5 Look how you can pimp an old SF1 bird with the fake pilot method... the method for lazy moders Need to build the chaff dispensers and we have a nice addition for the soviet vertical pack!
  17. ... they doesn`t fit into the launch bay of my Battlestar and explode always! Damn... I even tried to start them in outer Space, but you have no chance to fly them cause they simply don`t work. What has this man thought to call them Vipers... Damn I need to do everything on my own .... Ladies and Gentleman introducing officialy the "Colonial Viper MK I" the real one
  18. This thing will need some serious ini work, cause I have shot myself more than once in the orbit... and you guys know how TK`s engine is limited there.... It doesnt end good for me It will get some airbrakes too
  19. Kevin you need to read the Viper`s manual, this bird was designed to work in a planets atmosphere
  20. World of Tanks

    I can recomend the standart TD line with the Stug III in it, the others are very special, like the FlakToaster and the Nashorn. They are very fragile. When you reach the Stug III and have a pottent team, its pure fun in a good position. JgPz IV is a bit more difficult, cause you have the Stug III gun in a higher Tier. The Jagdpanther is giving you alot more fun, it looks cool and is agile enough with good armor. Hulldown and a bit angled upwards the front armor is realy good. The Ferdinand is one of the greatest beasts I have ever driven. The armor is very thick, I fire and start to angle it, Even IS3 bounce on me. You have an integrated fearfactor in this tank. If you defend a side with a few tanks and the enemy spots you, the whole attack comes to a halt. Because of you, than you start to kill one after another. Your Dmg output is around 500 - ,600 HP, and penetration is high enough till Tier IX. The Jagdtiger is special.. I can`t play it, no idea why, but the Ferdi is one of my favorite tanks... Btw I m on the way to the 49 ;)
  21. World of Tanks

    3. It`s simple, its called XVM you can configure this mod like you want it and it will show you some nice details ;)
  22. MiG-28M

    The MiG-28 is real! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEPCTCVp0X0
  23. World of Tanks

    The T49 is a great sucker as an enemy tank, I prefer the M18, fast enough and a powerfull gun! I love the Hello Kitty! I had a very lucky encounter with a Loraine 40t and I was in a Jagdtiger, the lucker shot me down till my very last HP, I hit him twice and he missed the last shot. I have survived and got him during his escape with a lucky shot. I was nearly dead, a Bat Chat came from behind and missed 3 times .... I managed to hit him twice till a third tank got me.... it was "Himmelsdorf" Not a real TD Map, but a very funny and satisfieing fight
  24. Tanks?

    We need to find a way to drive groundvehicles as a player
  25. I have put my fingers on the 25 again, I have solved some problems with new learned technics and the Reset X Form button is like magic on some things I have smoothed the model as far as possible and leaving only a few ares as WIP. Im satisfied with the over all result excepts the nose and the gear. Will rework both. Closed holes, reworked the lines and reanimated the flaps The Source file is Florians great Su-25 model for all those who doesnt know it. current shape

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