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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Im not complaining, im just frequently running out of money, it`s a student fate...
  2. works well with the meteor design!
  3. Mig21F-13

    Looks good, like this design, sad that time is always the factor that prevents a full time modeling... same here! fantastic work
  4. You have no idea about his Hardware power, he is able to run SF beyond the normal maxed out detail level. He tweaked the ini's so much, that im barely able to play his stuff.
  5. We have all Florians fantastic early Su-17/20 models. I enjoyed it to fly it over the years, so i asked him if he would send me his source file to let me overhaul it. I must be honest, in the earlier time I had not the ability and the experiance to achieve the goals I wanted. The result was frustrating and I lost for some time the interrest for this project. After my exams, I have started now 3D modeling again in nearly full scale, solving problems and creating new ... but the ratio between solving and creating new problems is better and better. So I would like to present you a decent update of a egypt Su-20B. -Smoothe parts, new Canopy framing, new Glass effect -to do list: smoothing tires, pylons and some small and minot details.like antenas The mapping will remain the same and I hope you guys are happy with the result so far, here is is how it looks now ingame: All credits goes to Florian, I have only reworked some areas
  6. World of Tanks

    Ich fliege immer noch sehr gern il2 und habe auch WOP ausprobiert, doch schon nach 10 mins wieder deinstalliert, da dies einfach nicht mein Fall war. SF ist eine "Sim" die es einem ermöglicht relati fix in die Luft zu kommen und die ersten Erfolge zu erzielen. Was ja auch für den Simmer für zwischen durch sehr gut ist. Ich mag es schon etwas umfangreicher jedoch kann ich mich bei SF kaum beschweren, es ist wie es ist und hat mir seitdem Jahre lang Spass gebracht, geschweige denn il2. Bin da Kunde seit 2001, der ersten Demo. WOT ist da etwas anders, es macht einfach fun! Ist wie ein FPS mit Panzern! Habe mich mitlerweile mit der E75 eingeschossen, mach fun das Ding, du kannst ganze Gruppen feindlicher Tanks blocken wenn du dich geschickt hinstellst. Gut angewinkelt werden dir die Ketten abgezogen und du zerlegst in der Zwischenzeit IS8, IS3 und die anderen dicken Fische. Fahre nur nie allein! Fazit, der Tank macht Spass beim richtigem Umgang und einem gewissen MM. Hoffe nur das deine Teammates nicht zu doof sind, oder nutze es aus und Kill alles was die angefressen haben. Ist zwar nicht die feine englische aber es kommt so auch zum Erfolg!
  7. You can use them in SF2 and rework the ini`s as its mentioned in the knwoledge base. Nothing big. But we have also some good fixes on our site ;)
  8. Su-17/20 update

    Thanks, but we have all we need, except time, that`s the only factor thats missing
  9. Mig21F-13

    No idea, Inskye stuff is cool to have but it has doubtfull origins. I can post some pics of it, they must be somewhere in the screenshots section.
  10. Mig21F-13

    This early F13 is a very good base for the chinese stuff also their angled delta wings version. I have here one from inskye but it`s nor releasable, I have no idea where they have got it from
  11. Su-17/20 update

    You will not believe it but I am also The stuff that needs to be done are new pylons and the usual ini work
  12. Very good news, with the CA fixes those models are definatly worth the buy!
  13. Su-17/20 update

    Holes on the Gearbay closed, new minor details o the cockpit and the base model is nearing completation.
  14. Your plane, Volker`s weapons, what do I want more :D ....
  15. Great you can fight the imperial FW-190D9 with a X-Wing .... wow
  16. It doesnt matter how you map, you can "remove" the vertices not "delete" sorry, deleting will cause damaging the mapping, but remove seems to work different.
  17. Im reducing the vertices, simply by selecting the right ones and delete them from the mesh, the mapping will not be disturbed and oyu can save nearly 33% of the actual polycount and more if you do it right :D
  18. I know it's not amusing..but

    The names are not real?!
  19. The project is further progressed than you can see it on the pics, those are older ones. But I have a small mamut proect with the Su-17 and 25 Mig and Su so I can`t promise anything.
  20. I have here a MiG-19 started long time ago...
  21. Sukhoi Fishpot SU-9.7z

    Su-7 too had it on my list too but if you want i leave it to you.. I would like to cooperate in the Su-7 project nd provide the twoseater if its ok for you?
  22. Sukhoi Fishpot SU-9.7z

    I was pointing to russo`s Su`s ;)
  23. Sukhoi Fishpot SU-9.7z

    The F is more what if plane, never read something about such a version. But the new Su-9 is great!
  24. Air Conflicts Vietnam

    New Arcade Sim on the horizon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-0nlX87S_A

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