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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. F-5a

    You want to have even shadow casting on the instruments itself, nice idea, but could overkill the external polycount. pls post some results :)
  2. Air Conflicts Vietnam

    Something to shoot donw .. what a question
  3. World of Tanks

    Diese Slideshowprobleme habe ich zum Glück nicht, habe nun etwas Geld angespart und habe absolut keine Ahnung was ich dafür kaufen soll. Zur Verfügung stehen Ferdi, JP2, AT2, IS3 und sogar E75, ka was ich da jetzt machen soll. Ich glaube erstmal nüschts... Was ich nicht vorenthalten möchte, ist das letzte Gefecht mit dem Alecto, diese kleine Misstding! habe es richtig liebgewonnen mit seinem MG. Aber den KV1 der gecaped hat, den habe ich einfach cappen lassen, was sollte ich da nur mit dem Ding machen? Kaputtknuddeln?!
  4. Jet Thunder - back from the dead...................

    Better late news than none news
  5. Mh, seems I have missread your question, damn. Now I understand, the animation itself isnt finished in it sequence. Never saw this problem before. Can you point me to the download link? Does the other Floggers have this issue too? Never encountered this type of proble, missing parts, bad mapping, exploding on airstrip, but never ever this problem. Maybe a incompatible SF2 file used in SF1?
  6. nope its a damper issue, i have no correct data for it right now, but definatly no animation problem ;)
  7. You need to tell the planes parts in the data.ini the specific codes. go to: [Fuselage] ... ... ... SystemName[XXX]=FuselageStation set for the XXX the correct systemnumber, than scroll down to the weapons section of the ini file and check what numbers are used for the station codes. Add a new weaponstation with the name "FuselageStation" or what ever u have used for it StationID=1 <---- just an ongoing weaponstation number StationGroupID=1 <--- is the number of the weaponstation group You can write the 1, ....., x to every station and you wil have one big group. If you just choose the outer station and set the same number for both, so you can load with one click the same weapon on both pylons. This is what you need to pay attention The naming has to be correct and the numbers. All has to be add in the data.ini of the plane
  8. Why NK is a better place to live than the US

    You are wrong, the right sentences is "Dont eat yellow snow" Cause the "yellow" is from NK. Even the birds are from NK, we in Germany, call them Chickens...or Pigs or Cows .. but mostly birds, not from the trees. Damn I need a cup of hot snow from the trees and meet some friends in bluebody bags .... Oh man, what a world ... in NK
  9. World of Tanks

    Ich habe mal den T80 probegefahren, das ding bounced im Lowtier bereich ordentlich was weg. 1C kann dir garnichts und die anderen verzweifeln auch wenn du richtig stehst! Genial einfach, dafür ist die Gun nicht mal das Wort wert! Ich wollte mal wieder back to the roots und den Skota 38t wieder fahren und den Pz 35t ausführen, war vor meinem Accountwechsel doch recht erfolgreich unterwegs. Panzerung ist ok und die Gun macht auch Schaden. Ich mag langsam diese Lowtier Gefechte. Max bis zu Tier 6 ist es recht lusstig, alles darüber hinaus ist etwas ... mühselig. Da hattest du auf jedenfall recht. Die einzigen higher Tiers die Spass machen sind Tiger, Su-100 und .... das wars, der Slugger M36 ist auch noch gut zu spielen. Starke und präzise Waffe!
  10. F-11F

    looks like the polys arent alligned properly. They has to have the same coordinates as the others to match perfectly, those were just positioned by MK1 Eyeball and not by coordinates
  11. Su-17/20 update

    We will create the right loadouts and pylons for the release versions. First we need to finish the plane itself, after this we can look out for the right loadouts and pylons Good to know this plane has some fans here.
  12. Su-17/20 update

    The whole Su-17 series will get a standart level of detail up to the M4, we only need some time thats all :D Im more than happy with the gear detail, build by Centurion-1
  13. Su-17/20 update

    We have a good and strong modeler on our side, so here is what I want to share with you guys: Centurion-1 did the great gear job
  14. Sukhoi Fishpot SU-9.7z

    Good news about the A and B models
  15. World of Tanks

    Irgednwie habe ich solche Leute nur erwischt die letzte Zeit, meine Statistik ist ganz ok mit 5360 Gefechten und 6250 kills. Hätte gern eine bessere ratio, aber das ist gar nicht mal so einfach bei solchen Mitspielern. Ich kämpfe erst einmal mit Analysis, nem Fach noch aus dem ersten Semester was ich weg geschoben habe.
  16. DLC029 now available

    We can use a new Su-9 and 11 for SF2. I love those early fighters. Need to finish my Ye-152 finaly
  17. Check the position of one decal or a pilot, you know where the guy is sitting and you can judge the Centrlal point of the plane. From this point you will simply set new coordinates after a time with out try and error.. but simply correct... it's like knowing the position. Cant describe it with other words.
  18. Haha same thoughts! "Im so lonly .... so lonly ..."
  19. Top Gun 2

    Maybe the will use the Hornet, but you have to watch the Fighter Fling 2004 on YT...
  20. World of Tanks

    Ich bin immer noch erstaunt darüber, wie krass man manchmal einfach verlieren kann, 3/4 des Teams tot und du als letzter Mohikaner... mit 4 Abschüssen. Passiert mir so häufig das ich mich frage ob da ein spezielles MM für mich gibt?!
  21. DLC029 now available

    If you can provide a early one and B I would change my course
  22. DLC029 now available

    http://www.airliners.net/photo/Peru---Air/Sukhoi-Su-20/1212165/L/&sid=fbd42eead4ec6bff5304a3788eecf01c This is how the main gear should look like, I know its a 17/20 but the mechanism is comparable
  23. DLC029 now available

    That could be a posdibility, i think i simply need to delete the auto rotation in the ini somewehere. Some planes has this auto start ingame and some dont. What entry causes this effect?

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