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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Su-25

    It looks nice and works also nice already ingame, thanks to Florians earlier version with good ini`s I need to finish the Rafale Project and will go for the Suchois 17-25 family. The AD-4W is nearly finished, encounterd a small prob, the skin doesnt show up ingame?! Plane is still white
  2. Su-25

    To be honest, not by me, I think there will be someone outside who will volunteer on it. Will inform some people when the plane evolvs enough to be send to someone who would work on the pit
  3. Hi Sky, I see you are new here, so welcome onboard. Pay attention to detail when modding. Last week I was wondering why a plane is invisible as the mission started. I simple had a wrong entry in an ini file. Some weapon has specitic station codes on the plane and each weapon hast a specific diameter, weight, length, type of weapon and some more stuff. Make sure the plane is capable to carry a specific weapon. Pls keep asking, you have entered one of the friendliest public forums I have ever seen.
  4. Su-25

    Hi Gerwin, Distance LOD`s are planned so far. Im finishing right now the mapping of the Skyraider, still learning new stuff every day. I have still some stuff to do on an other project. But the 25 is back in line. I couldn`t solve some broken parts of the plane some time ago.
  5. Su-25

    An earlier version made by Florian is already ingame, this plane is based on his ;)
  6. JM or I can post a pic later if you like
  7. Its Heberts work, working just on some details ;)
  8. AD-4W

    ok thanks will check it ;)
  9. Su-25

    The nose is still WIP will be corrected. The plane is already ingame but not mapped. Damn I have checked my project folder last time and found some interesting stuff
  10. AD-4W

    Current pic for fun I have a problem with the gear animation, why does the retracted position looks different in max than in game. The main gear (the shocks) seem to be extendet in the the retracted position. So the gear stick out of the wing and doesnt match the gearbay anymore?!
  11. AD-4W

    I have seen a pic of a visualy identical AD-4W without the radome but with "weapons" under the wings. They flew in a pair and seemed they worked together.
  12. AD-4W

    AD-3W? Seems I have to learn more about this version. If thats the one im looking for we will have one more version
  13. TUB

    the movement should be inwards ;)
  14. AD-4W

    The FAA used this plane and the USN, they partly removed the gearcover to save weight. Sometimes you see this version without the radome, but i can't find some info about it. The oilcooler exhaust was relocated and the hooks for the catapult were moved from the wingroots to the main gear. The AEW-1 has less gear cover than the US version so you will nitice a difference between them
  15. AD-4W

    The skin isnt the problem ;) @Kevin, I have solved the blurry prop of the static model, pls don`t ask how I did it, I have no idea. I used the Data.ini to solve it. You can use the entries on the other Skyraider`s to @Flogger, talking about ... flying around insted of modelling .. guilty
  16. TUB

    Its a cosmetical thing, take a look on the first pic and compare the position of the "after engine plate" with the real position of the engine and the look of the free space in the nozzles. Your plate is to far back, it needs to be positioned more inside ;) Look inside the Nozzle here you can see the position I hope that help you a bit to find the right position
  17. Jet Thunder silently buried?

    This sim could be a very good and moder friendly sim. Imagine a better SF2 with all the stuff we ever wanted. Avionics, terrains and better graphics
  18. TUB

    hope thats not a missunderstanding, i mean the "plate" where you can see the texture from the after part of the engine itself. That plate is to far back, needs to be more inside the plane
  19. TUB

    I like it too! I would only move the inside of the engine on the back, far more inside. Cause the engine sits more to the center of the plane than on the back. Thats all, the whole plane is cool, good work!
  20. Drop Tanks

    The strange thing is, when you drop a tank into the tankfarm, you cant select it. So i have droped it into the weapons folder and it selectable?! Where is the difference?
  21. TUB

    cant you use some data from the razbam fix pack thats uploaded here at ca?!

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