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Everything posted by wenkman

  1. Neuer Eurofighter!

    Was soll ich sagen: bin gespannt!
  2. Deutscher Eurofighter

    GEIL, danke!!! Von ein paar (deutschen u.a.) Prototypen abgesehen haben es die deutschen und österreichischen Eufis vorerst nicht. Ist dasselbe wie es schon der Starfighter hatte (wohl nie wirklich benutzt) und die Mig-29/Su-27 (alle auch vor dem Cockpit). Infrarot-Sensor, mit dem bewusst ohne Radar das Ziel geortet werden soll. PIRATE ist natürlich wesentlich leitungsfähiger als die Vorgängermodelle. Ob es sich beim Fehlen bei den dt./öst. Eufis nur ums Sparen dreht oder vielleicht um nicht (oder nicht glaubwürdige) Fähigkeiten des Systems weiß ich allerdings nicht ...
  3. Deutscher Eurofighter

    uhuh, Mann, Ihr seid die Größten! DANKE!!! Nur mal so nebenbei, wie funktioniert "das System"?
  4. Deutscher Eurofighter

    Bitte, bitte, ja
  5. Deutscher Eurofighter

    Ja, ja, uh, uh, haben will, was muss ich dafür tun?!
  6. Sounds maybe like a stupid question, but is there a possibility to leave/delete the PIRATE FLIR sensor on the left upper nose of the aircraft? I want it to be like the German version and that version does not have it ...
  7. I am also interested in that but to be more exactly my interest goes far beyond namely in the direction of the CCIP program which means e.g. the addition of AIM-9X (saw it in Farnborough this year and want to play with it myself I guess the new helmet-mounted sight is not an available feature in WOE?
  8. Dave, please check PM again for my request on this
  9. Is it possible to add the possibility of arrestor landings (=deployed hook will stop the aircraft immediately) on regular runways? Reason: NATO will normally use this method in cases of emergency (that is why even the F-16 has a hook).
  10. F/A-18F

    still no shadows in WOE
  11. F/A-18F

    Yes, I have this also. But after reviewing some books on that, I figured out that there is "something", at least on some pictures I saw. Maybe not that "strong", but seems that between the tails there is some area with special cover or paint (or no paint, of course).
  12. F/A-18F

    Really GREAT !!! But as I am a "shadow freak", is there any chance that the .shd file already included will show up? It seems that it is also linked correctly via the aircraft.ini but still not showing up!?
  13. Hello Guitarclassic55, THANK YOU VERY FOR THIS GREAT WORK !!! It gives my install a better "feeling" and as a german - gues what - I like especially this "german touch" with the Fokker DVII, of course. Sorry to say that, but I have one problem: every time I finish a mission and want to see the debrieing screen at this time the game crashes with a frozen and ill looking screen with no response from any button. Is there any chance to solve this? Maybe an issue only on my system/ATI card or a thing which needs resizing the respective bitmap? I do not have this problem with the default screens and yes, I have the same problem with your install without the movie. Thanks in advance Wenkman
  14. Mmh, why is nobody posting here? Great aircraft!!! Especially for us germans around here. Remember that this aircraft is on duty with the Luftwaffe for 30 years now. Thanks! By the way: the 80s upgrade is called "Peace Rhine" like the river Rhine. The Rhone is also a river but a French one ;-)
  15. Sorry, just for everyone to participate, I had two problems: 1) I somewhat lost my Hydra rockets out of the weapons folder ... 2) had to change the flightengine.ini according to Bunyap's instructions in cases of CTD's postet here: CTD or low fps assosciated with a specific aircraft..
  16. Hello everyone, the Thirdwire F-104G remains very popular especially with the newest mods available. Therefore, I would like to get rid of one thing which I never like on this model: the extra extended nose gear. It always looks like there is no gun built in or at least some other equipment which lets the aircraft go up at the nose gear. Is it possible to reduce the nose wheel extension to a "normal" size?
  17. That's it. Having this in mind, it is a matter of CGPosition. Therefore I successfully changed the data.ini to read [AircraftData] CGPosition=0.00,2.17,0.00 It is still good flying and it looks "real"
  18. Allright then, has anybody an idea how to lower the front gear, please?
  19. GREAT !!! Thanks to ravenclaw_007 I made it! It works, thank you!
  20. PM answered. Dual Core (2x1,96), 1024 RAM, ATI Radeon BUT again, this is then first time in years that I experience ANY problem; that is weird ...
  21. Mmh. I figured out that Matra250 and LAU51 cause crash to desktop, BUT there is a new failure when ending the session/single mission called "graphicsengine.dll"
  22. I DO HAVE the latest patch, the latest weapons Pack from Bunyap etc. Everything works fine until I tried to add this excellent fighter of yours to my game Any other idea? What is your own configuration like? Mybe we can figure out, what is different on my system ...
  23. ally great add-on, but I am not able to add the weapons. WOE crashes to desktop with some "MissileObject.dll"-error?

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