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Everything posted by Eagle114th

  1. Hello everyone, It have been quite busy weekend and finally got a chacne to work on UK's Phantom FG.1 (F-4K) and Phantom FGR.2 (F-4M). According to the flight manual and researching, and as I stated before, please always feel free to correct me if I get any information incorrect. I sometime may have read the information incorrectly by mistakes. However, based on the information; Phantom FG.1 and FGR.2 uses AN/APG-60, whicvh is modified / simpdified version of USAF F-4C's AN/APG-100. Therefore, by using an existing AN/APG-100 to modified the texture into AN/APG-60, then used excelelnt work of DTMDragons' RWR known as Marconi ARI 18228 RWR for1970s onward version of both Phantom FG.1 and FGR.2. However, from what I learned that it seems that both Phantom FG.1 and FGR.2 uses the LCOSS that is used by F-4D known as AnASG-22 LCOSS and please note, the early Phantom FG.1 before 1970s, i believe udses the modified A-1 which is used by F-4C and F-4B / J / N. Phantom FG.1 (F-4K) Phantom FGR.2 (F-4M) Here is screenshot of Phantom FG.1 (EARLY) Alternative version with TW style radar and optional TW style RWR: Phantom FG.1 (1970s and onward) with AN/ASG-22 LCOSS Phantom FGR.2 Currently workong on F-4S and F-4J (UK) and further experimenitn with Served Optical sight (SOS) to implement more features after learning more about HUD from F-4EJ KAI Phantom II projects. Eagle114th
  2. Hello everyone, I am re-creating the posts after hte ideas came up about the name of proejcts and what it is about. This project is to be known as SF2 Avionics Community Pack (SF2:ACP for short), because the purpose of this projects is to create the assets for anyone to usse for our mods, as well for customizing our SF2 installation. You will need to put them into aircraft folder and customize the .ini files, in order, for them to appear in-game. This is what I find so enjoayble and I noticed that not many simulation does this. This s project aims to bring the realistic, immersive expereicnes in cockpits with actual textures for radar scope, RWR, HUD, and any avionics that is currently moddable in SF2 and aircraft mods. I will exlpain the limitation of SF2 engine, so we can get better pictures of what we can and can't do for now. I said "for now, is becauuse I have the hope htat someday, somehow, someone manage to make it possible to make avioincs further moddable in SF2. 1) Texture issues: What can be done is chan ging radar scope texture. But the problem is that, the radar symbols / lines colors can not be changed. We are stuck with default green SF2 radar symbosl /lines / circles. And eve with new textures, the radar lines / symbols/ shapes will be applied on top of it. So it mean, if you have 'black line' on top of radar scope like A-4s as an exampe, the radar still overlap it. Another issues is that, most of SF2 default aircraft does not have texture-able radar scope for 'turned off' radar, so it seem strange how CRT (texture) would suddenly show up when turnig radar on. I wished that the radar scope woudl be texture-able, so that it seem taht only radar lines / symbols / shapes would appear, therefore preserving the immersive experiences. 2) Lighting, after attempting to use the actual colors of radar scope based on the pictures, as an example, they usually show upup too bright comnpared ot another instructments / avionics in cockpit. So they need to be darken, in order to blend naturall in cockpits. And another issue is radar colors of green, it need to be readable, therefore further darken the texture. So they might will appear darker compared to the photo. (I am currenlty wokring on this part on both F-89s and A-4s radar scope and RWR new textures). 3) Avionics DLLs, there are only two DLLs I believe, that we can use either one of Avionics DLL for early and modern aircraft. But I still have the hope. The reason why I have hope is because, I am part of the community that is modding Jane's series simulation. That simulation is almost 30 years old and people still mods it. It amazes me, therefore gives me hopes. Besides the lmitation, it does not stop us from wanting to create the mods that would improve the experiences in avioincs. What inspired me to do this, I was customizing SF2 installation for early cold war era (My favorite era), in Asia, midddle east, and other theatre, along with later cold war era, I noticed that there is always room of growth and improvement for cockpits. That is when I came up the awy to improve F-89 series radar scope, as you can see it in another theatre abou Stary's F-89 cockpits. Then here it is, SF2: Avionics Community Pack! What would be great help if we can share the pictures and information on the avioinics for various planes, so we can get busy with the avioniocs improvement. If anyoneo have the requests for radar scope, or any avioinics improvement, it would be great help if the resources can be provided too. The next posts will cover what I am doing with both F-89s and A-4s gunsights, radar scope, and rwr, along with F-89's radar scope. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOWNLAOD: SF2 ACP v0.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheers!
  3. Hello everyone, I have a questionsa bout [HUD] as I am stil trying to figure what I am trying to do; SARH version of SRM codes (SymbolType=TD_HEAT)? I do not know the sSymbolType for SAR, so I would like to ask anyone for this information. For example, with the SRM I have (for IRM) in avionics.ini, under [HUD] group of codes: It works when the IRM have the locks on target. However, what I would like is an additional codes for SARH version. Thank you and have a great day! Eagle114th
  4. Hello everyone! The TMF's F-4EJ KAI (with new overhaul) is also implemented in Ravenclaw_007's F-4EJ KAI mods. Ther are multi folders for F-4 new cockpit / avionics overhauls: Ravenclaw_007's F-4s, TMF F-4s, and Thhirdwire (With Lex2Limit and other modder's TW tweaks along with my works). here is TW style radar and imnproved HUD, along with improved gunisght for F-4EJ KAI. Please note, I am unable to find information onthe gunsight used by F-4EJ KAI, tihs is an educated guess that makes some senses. If anyone have the information on the gun sights used by F-4EEJ KAI, pleasee send it to me or post it here. I will happily update F-4EJ KAI with new gunsights. The UK's F-4K / M / J (UK) are being worked on. I look forward to it. And I aim to work on Israel's F-4Es after that. There are a lot of researches to do. Eagle114th
  5. Hello everyone! It have been quite challlenging journey workong on F-4EJ KAI, the information on HUD and radar reminds mostly mysterious. At least what I learned is that F-4EJ KAI Phantom II uses AN/APG-66J radar with radar scope wihch only display radar like earlier F-4EJ but with more information I believe. At the same time, the HUD is quite tricky and there is limited data on it. I Hope to find more informaton on HUD and radar someday. For now, this images is what I use to base on while using the TMF's F-4EJ KAI HUD as template to work on HUD and radar. Here is image: (Thank you Ravenclaw_007 for excellent information!) F-4EJ KAI (WIP) NAV MODE Air to Air mode Air to Ground mode I want note that the angle of attack bar and arrival time to waypoint is what I am stuck with. I do not know how to add both of these, I am currently looking through various SF2 mods for hints. For now, in place of AOA indicator bar, I am uisng number, which is below Gs number on lower left part of HUD. And the roll indicator is also fixed, you can see it on bottom part of HHUD, which is limted to 45 degree left to right. I would like to request for the feedback and assistant on the HUD. If there seem to be inaccurate layout on teh HUD, let me know and I will fix it. Thank you and cheers! Eagle114th
  6. Thank you for pointing thjis out, just went to check TMF F-4EJ KAI's ini and here is what I found: Looks like I am using avionics70.dll. Eagle114th
  7. Hello everyone, I am still puzzled why the radar symbol seem off centered. Here is screenshot of F-4EJ KAI's radar screen: The Acquisition symbol seem not to align with the target blips eiither. The new radar texture is created in 1024 x 1024 resolution. Updated the .ini files to ensure the game sees it as 1024 x 1024 radar texture: I would like to request for thhe advice how to fix this issues. Thank you Eagle114th
  8. Hello Ravenclaw_007, Thank you for the advice! I recently tried that, it still does not work. I am re-checking ot see if I am missing anything else. For this situation, I am using avioniccs70 instead of 60. Eagle114th
  9. Hello Lex2Limit, Your works are impressive! I like what you do with the radar and gunisght. I have some feedback adn suggestion; I think that the optical sight could be bit bigger. From the docunment, the 'fixed' circular is about 70 MIls diameter or 35 MILs radius. And the roll reference (vertical lines outside the fixed circular sight) is a bit longer compared to the pitch refernece (Two horizontal lines). Here is two images with SOS (Served Optical Sight). By the way, I am looking forward tsting SF2 with your new F-4D avionics overhaul. I will be releasing my version in about a week or two, still have a lot to do with various F-4s. It is a very fun project! Cheers!
  10. Hello everyone, I am still puzzled by the issues with both GunsightName / AGGunsightName and GunsightRollTabsName. What I am trying to do is to have GunsightRollTabsName only enabled for GunsightName, while not being tied to AGGunsightName when switching to rockets / bombs with depressed sights: Here is codes I have in F-4S_Cockpit.ini: When using air to air weapons, the pitch / roll reference looks just right (roll tabs), as well the range bar (when lock on target by radar) But when switcing to rockets / bombs, this hapens: I would like to request for the advice to workaround this issues. I have tried experimenting another ways with [HUD] to replace roll tabs (HUD_ATTITUDEBARS and HUD_BANKINDICATOR), but they do not stay with the fixed sight, so I am stuck with this situations at the moment. Thank you adn I wish everyone a great day! Cheers Eagle114th
  11. Hello everyone! Actually it does work, and I have another issue to solve: The crosshair appear and points at target when using radar to scan for target: However, the issue is that, another crosshair also appear when switching to gun or IRM: This is what I have in F-4S_Avionics.ini for [HUD] What I am trying to do is to have HUD_GUNSIGHT_TD symbol disappear or disabled when switching to gun or IRM. Eagle114th
  12. Hello everyone and @OlWilly After working on US Navy / Marine Corps F-4B / J / N and US Air Force F-4C / D/ E, I am working on F-4S now. Added the codes to F-4E_AVIONICS.INI, under [HUD] for both SARH and IR AAM: Turns out that HUD_GUNSIGHT_SRM work as intended, but HUD_GUNSIGHT_TD does not work. The crosshair does not appear. In-game with IRM locking on target visually which works perfectly But SARH version, as stated, crosshair does not appear yet: I am continuing to try various codes to try to get SARH visual lock working. By the way, I have an additional questions: Is there HUD method version of GunsightRollTabsName and GunsightRangeBarName too? If there is, I would like to request for the codes, so Ican apply it on F-4S too. Eagle114th
  13. Hello everyone, It have been awhile since I posted and I have tons to share today! After working on F-4C / D / E, I also did a lot of experiments with the color hue / filts for TV for CRT / DSVT / DSGC while research and ask questions about the radar scope types. I owe big thanks to Ravenclaw_007 and Lex2Limit for the information and allowing me to use the files for this projects. I especially thank you everyonein the community for the suports too! What I realized is that the early CRT and DSVT have greenish gray or greeen display. DSGC, in other hand, show up as grayscale as shown with later MFDs. But first, I awnt to sharemthe texture I did for both RWR and radar for F-4D and F-4E. I always learn new things everyday, and the feedback always help. If you see anything that is inaccurate or needs fixing, pleaset post here. I will be more than happy to discuss withh you and fix what needs fixing. This is F-4D with DSVT type radar scope: New gunsighht for early F-4D (I still do not know which year F-4D get upgraded to use AN/ASG-22 LCOSS. So for now, F-4D (1966) will use this optical sight until 1967. If anyone have the information on thhis, pleaseshare them with me.) This sight also was used by F-105s. NOTE: For now, the sight is not completed yet, but will go ahead in this stage. When I find more information, will update this sight. Based on the information provided by Lex2Limit (Thank you!) and the images from the researches: It comes in thhree colors, just like various LCOSS. here is screenshot with one of the color: Now next, let's talk about F-4E; It comes with two radar types; From the beginning of F-4E service year to 1974, they used DSVT like F-4D do. However, from 1974 onward, they get upgraded to use DSGC. By the way, the new RWR texture is bsaed on the excellent work of Ravenclaw_007 and the researches. Here is screenshot of F-4E before 1974: Notice the optical RWR in TW style too: Nnext is 1974 onward version: Finally, here is screenshots of improved TV for CRT / DSVT / DSGC. (A-4 Skyhawk's TV will be updated too) NOTE: From research and information I have learned, this is the theory I have: CRT always have fuzzy, not clear TV while DSVT, which is more advanced version of CRT, would be more clear and solves the issues that CRT have. DSGC, in other hand, the most advanced of all, have grayscale like you would see in MFD for TV mode. Unfortunately, I am u nable tom make it look exactly the way I want, so I did my best with the limitatino of SF2 avionics modding. CRT type TV DSVT type TV DSGC type TV Eagle114th (
  14. Hello everyone! It have been quite hectic month with the real life and endless researches on F-4 series (USNS / USMC and USAF), and creating multi radar textures for different F-4s, along with new RWR textures. I want to give big tahnks to Ravenclaw_007 and Lex2Limit for the advice, supports, and great informatiion on the F-4s for this big projects. The radar texture for USAF F-4C / D / E are now completed, as well the new RWR. However, the TV for guided ordinancesa re still WIP. For now, the F-4C (1967) is completed. I would like to share what I have been working on: F-4C's new CRT radar scop eand RWR texture: Optical TW style for radar and RWR New TV texture and effects (WIP) The F-4D and E screenshot will be posted as soon the TV is completed. I am still researching on what DVST and DSGC TV looks like, especaily the colors. Eagle114th
  15. Thank you, I will try this method. Cheers!
  16. To everyone, I have a question, would anyone like TW style version of RWR, along with the TW style radar scope? Or should it be optional for anyone whho prefer TW style radar scope with texture version fo RWR? Eagle114th
  17. Testing new RWR and radar texture on F-4B Phantom IIs. Added some of 'light shadow to the white lines, looks great this way: TW style radar texture
  18. Hello everyone! Sorry for being being quiet for a while. What kept me so busy is searching for the flight manauls / docunments hwlie doing intense researches on the US Navy / Marine Corps and US Air Force Phantoms. What I have learned so far, along with great help from our community, including Ravenclaw_007 and Lex2Limit. While I am working on the readar texture for Phantom IIs, there is one thing I want to comment; It is awesome that various mdoders are working on F-4s projects, we learn from each other. Even if we create the mods for the same aircraft, we have different methods of doing it. I am learning a lot from Ravenclaw_007 and Lex2Limit for F-4 modding. I am going to share what I have learned and please feel free to corerct me if the information I share seem incorrect. It appears that US Navy / Marine Corp F-4B / J / N uses CRTfor AN/APX-76A display (radar scope) for AN/APQ-72 and AN/APG-59 radar. At other hand, US Air Force F-4C also use CRT display for radar scope while F-4D use DVST. F-4E initally start with DVST then in the early 1970s, upgraded to more advanced DSGC. Going back to AN/APQ-72 radar for F-4A and F-4B, there is one thing I noticed about the radar scope: The width is about 102 to 103 percent longer than the height.and at the same time, the frame above and below the radar display are a bit different in height too. Top is a bit longer than bottom. So therefore, I re-created the radar for F-4A and F-4B from ground up. Here is new texture with some of darkness level applied due to SF2 radar bring too bright. F4H-1F / F-4A radar display: F4H-1 / F-4B, F-4J, and F-4N radar display: I am workiong on the RWR display at the moment then wil test them in-game. Eagle114th
  19. Looking good! Just so you know, the next version of SF - CAP will have a completely new gunisght for all aircraft with new sight system. Youwill have more fun with these and I look forward seeing your new version from it too! Cheers
  20. Excellent information, thank you for the information. I will post the updated optical sight. In thfuture, if you find out te name or type of this optical sight, please let me know. By the way, do you, by any chance, hahve information on the optical sgihts used by different variants of A4D / A-4 Skyhawks? Eagle114th
  21. Hello Lex2Limit, Thank you for the messages and yes that is right, it is REFLECTOR.TGA. I am creating tilted glass area by HUD methods for all TW's default cockpits that does nto have texture for HUD glass. You, too have been doing great with cockpit projects for F-4 series too. And thahnk you for the gunisght, I have questions about this sight: 1) What is name of this sight? is this a early LCOSS? 2) What is size of both circle and a dot in MIL? I am looking forward creating this in new sight system I am using for SF - CAP. 3) About early F-4D, which year did F-4D use this from beginning to end of years? 4) If you have information and disgram on this, can I ask for it? I awnt to add it ot he library and use it to createe new optical sight and radar texture for F-105s too. Eagle114th
  22. Thank you, your message cheered me, and I do my best with our modders and community everyday! Cheers
  23. Hello everyone! I am currenlty working on the Navy F-4 series radar texture. Here am I, finally back to F-4 avionics and this page is flashback fo my former projects I used to work on years ago: And I awnt to thank to both Lex2Limit and Ravenclaw_007 for their excelelnt F-4s cockpits, which I am using for SF - CAP projects for F-4 series. Please note, the original texture color for radar texture backgroudn is darken, due ot the nature of SF2 radar scope always glowing . Here are the preview of F-4A and F-4B radar texture (WIP): F4H-1F / F-4A Phantom II - AN/APQ-72 radar F4F-1 / F-4B - AN/APQ-72 radar F-4J / N / S are being worked on. Eagle114th
  24. Thank you for the information! That isnoted. Cheers
  25. Hello DTMDragon! I got this from one of gem, I can not remember whehre If ind it from. It was pure luck after intense research and searchihng for information. By the way, thank you for mentioning about UK's phantom, I Just realized thehre are F-4J (UK) Phantom II and Phantom FG MK.I and FGR MK.II, i got them mixed up. I believ etihs may mean F-4J (UK). WIlll have to read this moree. Here is the cover page of Supplement to F-4J Flight Manual:

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