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Posts posted by The_Nephilim

  1. I recall a quote along the lines of "no one will cower from an assault by a superweapon until the first time you use it."


    Japan wouldn't have believed our threats of what the bomb could do, nor would the USSR. I suppose it could've been dropped in a less populated area, such as off the coast, but I don't know enough about their leaders' psyches at the time to know what line needed to be crossed to convince them.


    The 2nd bomb was important for several reasons. They all boil down to a single one, however, and that's that the US had more than 1 bomb. If 1 place had been bombed, you could conceivably think "well, that's the only one they had". By dropping a 2nd one mere days later it said "we have a bunch of these and we'll use them", which is why Japan sued for peace so quickly...they didn't want a 3rd dropped. It also sent a message to the USSR that we had an arsenal of these bombs and could and would use them.



    Well we had Only two Bombs Fat man and little boy.. WE probally could of made more in time but at that time we had only enough Uranium, Plutonium to make 2. Well actually we did have 3 but the First one Tested we nuked Ourselves..Known Now as Ground Zero!! here is a Pic or twoof the VERY First A-Bomb:






    By the_nephilim at 2010-08-09



    By the_nephilim at 2010-08-09




    By the_nephilim at 2010-08-09

  2. Hi Guys Probally coming from China?? There is a big Article in either Popular Science or Popular mechanic about the Chinese Hackers and how they see it as there right to attack US Sites and abroad. they are just being Patriotic to there country and attacking ours. /


    This is Cyber warefare and the 1st Major attack happened in May of 2001..They even said a third of the Grade school kids think becoming a hacker is a Cool thing.. These are every day people that feel it is there right and patriotic to attack US Sites..

  3. it is the 35th or 36th?? I wanted to know if any one here has listened to the SACD or DVD-Audio of this Album in Surround sound??




    The lunatic is on the grass

    The lunatic is on the grass

    Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs

    Got to keep the loonies on the path


    The lunatic is in the hall

    The lunatics are in my hall

    The paper holds their folded faces to the floor

    And every day the paper boy brings more


    And if the dam breaks open many years too soon

    And if there is no room upon the hill

    And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too

    Ill see you on the dark side of the moon


    The lunatic is in my head

    The lunatic is in my head

    You raise the blade, you make the change

    You re-arrange me till Im sane

    You lock the door

    And throw away the key

    Theres someone in my head but its not me.


    And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear

    You shout and no one seems to hear

    And if the band youre in starts playing different tunes

    Ill see you on the dark side of the moon

  4. I'm pretty sure i already forwarded the necesary ports for F4AF

    which ones are they, just in case i got a bad walkthrough earlier



    They are 2934 & 2935 TCP & UDP


    If you answer my Questions I stated in the above post I will better be able to help you they're may be more going on with your Network than the average user is aware ;)


    Just answer this Are you on ADSL if So what is the make & Model of your Modem??

  5. If anyone needs to know, What was happeneing it would run the 1st time then I would shut it down sometime ltr then about some more time ltr I would go to restart the Server and RCU Utiliry it would NOT run I kep getting some Error messages;...


    Come to find out the Program was still running in the Backround ( I did an ALT_CTRL- Delete) and it showed the EXE still running and it would NOT run as it was already running but the error message didnt state that it was like the above one I linked too.


    So Either Reboor your PC or Manually turn OFF those EXEs that are still running if you run into a similar Problem ;)

  6. Hi, Well putting your PC in a DMZ is Somewhat Dangerous and NOT reccomended. If you would like to get your Ports Forwarded I can help Both of you..


    I need to know some Info about your Network like are you on DSL?? If so What is the make & Model of your Modem?? Do you have a seperate Router if so what is the Make & Model of that..


    Also more than likely you will need to setup a static IP (if your Router needs it to be) and when you pick a Static IP it needs to be Outside the range of the routers DHCP Start & End IP.


    Port Forward is Possible in most any router it is just getting it setup Properly is the key ;)


    you can find a Guide on How to Setup Port forwarding at PortForward.com Which I am an Admin. but if you like I can help you here or there.. http://www.portforward.com


    If you post at PF.com let me know you are from Combat ace, If you can Post a link to your Thread..

  7. However, several things were sacrificed...Apollo missions were stopped after Apollo 14, other unmanned probes put on hold and most interestingly, the Space Shuttle was never developed.





    Hi, Wasn't the Appolo 17 the Last to go to the moon?? Says so at wikipedia and my Old World records Book from 1980?:








    I thought China did put a man in orbit??

  8. I have a 100% fix for a Hangover .......



    DO NOT DRINK!! hehe


    Works for me ;)




    Serously I have Alway ate some Egg McMuffin Sandwiches and a soda !! The Eggs give you some Protein!! but the Gatorade will Probally work well too ..

  9. Hi, I have a Server running and would like to get AARCU Running but It does Not work I get the Following Error Message upon running the EXE:







    When I run the Server Manager It says it is Not installed but it is I installed numerous times?? What do I have to Do to get the RCU Working so I can Setup Punk Buster on my Server?? I read the Guides but I did what it said??





  10. Hi Please B4 you post some links of the Must read I have Read them well the Usual suspects and my Ports a Forwaded and all is well there.


    I also set up my ini file but it still does Not show up in the List, I also have set the Filters and maually looked for my Server online?? '


    What else besides the Router Blocking ports or the Windows firewall would keep a Server from NOT showing up in the list for others to Join??


    This is More then just the Basic Problem?? I have had a Problem with STEAM in the Past and Hosting a half-Life Server their so I hope this is Not a Repeat of HL1 Host Problem??


    So Please Help me get my Server up Online. I do NOT get any Warning messages when I start up the Server..

  11. Hi, What do I have to do to Play in the SF Snake Plains Map?? I try to join but get booted with the Message Player is Not qualified?? I have completed all the Training except for the Medic training?? Please Help!!

  12. Hi, All The US Army just opened a New Center "Army Experience Center" Which I went to the Other Day. I recently got reinterested in AA game.


    They have 3 Huge Simulators you get to Fly the APache D You get to be a Gunner in a Hummer and A Door Gunner in the BlackHawk. I only did the Apache Sim which was kinda Cool but a lil bit Arcadey but the Graphics where very Good. It had a 5 Front Projector & Screens so you had a Very wide FOV.


    They also had 60 Alienwere Computers to Play a Few FPS and WoW Games on. check out the link and if you live Close to the Franklin Mills Mall defientely Check it out it is the Only one of it's Kind:




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