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Posts posted by Heat2151

  1. Hey all, I hope everyone has a safe and great 4th of July.


    This goes out to all the men and woman serving and who have served in a military uniform and fought for our country. Your sacrifice is the reason why our country is so great, thank you for your service.




    US Navy Retired, 2008

  2. Rest in Peace, I never knew you, but we shared a common bond. My prayers go to your family.


    I leave you with this line from one of my all time favorite books: " He shall not grow old, as we are left to grow old. Age shall not weary him,nor the years condemn him. At the going down of the sun and in the morning...." Pg 142, Vipers in the Storm, K Rosenkranz.


    " May a virtual mig be on your twelve and the sun at you six"





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