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About DerAlte

  1. Well, I did too, and after about 20 minutes playing..............I bought SF2. My next is SF2:Vietnam. This new version runs great on Vista. Much smoother than the older ones. Note, I have a HP Pavillion 8050 with a ATI 1650 card, and it runs great. Thank you TK. I have now started porting missing cockpits and planes (AV-8) drom my other TW games. So far no problems. Just extract what you need, and whoola.............. Canadian F-104`s. The plane sets are just fantastic. DerAlte
  2. I have a rather silly question.......How? DerAlte
  3. Also the MiG-23/27 series canopy opened upwards, not sideways like on the MiG-21 series (late). DerAlte
  4. Really great guys ! Just a few things, the rocket firing "Lock". That really need to be fixed. And it is missing the 12.7mm MG that the crew chief fired. I talked to a ex-NVA (National Volks Armee) pilot who flew the Hip. He said once the master arm switch was on, there was no delay in firing. And all the NVA and Soviet version had the gun, or the ability to mount one. Only in SAR mode was it not mounted. He said it was always mounted when the Hip's were used as attack craft. Just keep up the good work. DerAlte
  5. The belly AA missles have no launch rail. Just kinda hangs in mid air!! (wrong or missing .lod?) Other than that, I like them alot. DerAlte
  6. The later MiG-27's (Mig-27KR) has one in the nose. I think the tactics are for the one from the flight mark the target and another to attack, then switch around. On the GR.3, I think I have to research a little more. BTW, thanks Gocad for the prompt answer. DerAlte
  7. I have looked in the KB, and have not really found my answer. The Mig-27/23BN and the Harrier GR.3 have a laser nose, but I don't see anything in the avionics file. I think I read some were that these planes can launch LGB without a external pod. I would like to know how to add this line to the .ini file so I could use LGB's without using a external pod. Anyone know how? DerAlte
  8. F-1C "New" cockpit .ini



    This .ini file modifies the stock Kfir cockpit from WoI for the F-1C. It replaces the RWR and makes it a Radar scope. You MUST have WoI to extract the full cockpit from the Kfir to use this. This cockpit.ini can also be used for other aircraft that has a Radar scope in the corner. To add a acoustic RWR warning...... add the following lines to your avionics file (or update the RWR entry); [RWRTrackSound] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=1 [RWRLockSound] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=1 Many thanks to TK, the ThirdWire people, the makers of the great Mirage F-1 series (at Column5's site) and to the great KB section here (who showed me how to do this real simple mod) and to all involved with this great series. DerAlte
  9. File Name: F-1C "New" cockpit .ini File Submitter: DerAlte File Submitted: 29 Apr 2008 File Category: Jet Cockpits This .ini file modifies the stock Kfir cockpit from WoI for the F-1C. It replaces the RWR and makes it a Radar scope. You MUST have WoI to extract the full cockpit from the Kfir to use this. This cockpit.ini can also be used for other aircraft that has a Radar scope in the corner. To add a acoustic RWR warning...... add the following lines to your avionics file (or update the RWR entry); [RWRTrackSound] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=1 [RWRLockSound] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=1 Many thanks to TK, the ThirdWire people, the makers of the great Mirage F-1 series (at Column5's site) and to the great KB section here (who showed me how to do this real simple mod) and to all involved with this great series. DerAlte Click here to download this file
  10. Got it working!!!! The RWR is now working radar with accoustic RWR sounds. I would like to upload it....... but I do not want to make anybody mad. It is all Stock WOE and WOI parts, no third-party. Can someone give me info if it is alright. DerAlte
  11. Thanks for the prompt response. Will give it a try when I come home from work. DerAlte
  12. I have tried every trick in the book, and I have a small problem. I am trying to modify the Kfir cockpit to use in the F-1C Mirage. Now, I would like to change the RWR box on the right side and turn it into a Radar scope. I have managed to put the Radar.bmp there. But I can not seem to get it to become Radar. What am I doing wrong??? Please help. DerAlte
  13. That's not really true. My games run more stable and better with VISTA than with XP. I could never get the Interstate 76 game to run on XP, in any mode. With VISTA, like a charm. Go figure! The problem lies more with the programs and not with the OS. Some games have a very hard time with, for example, Duo-core proccessors, or the newer GFX cards. And it does not help that the VISTA drivers are always lacking. XP drivers were the same way when it came out. I remember when XP came out..." STAY WITH 98 or ME.......XP SUCKS!" I have noticed another thing about people who have problems with VISTA, most of them have a "self-made computer" or they over-clock. Maybe the problems start there? Don't know. DerAlte
  14. Sorry, but that is just wrong. VISTA is more stable than any other MS system. And Dell? I would not buy a computer from them if they were the last computer makers in the world. The drivers for VISTA are much better today than when it first came out. SP1 will be released about March 18th, I have been using VISTA for about a year now and have had not one "Blue Screen of Death" yet. With XP, that happen four times in the first two weeks I had it. I remember when XP came out, the same story as today......"Don't buy it!!!"

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