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Everything posted by pablo499

  1. LMAO!!!!! Guess what? Went to Thirdwire, downloads, SFP1, F-104G add-on.....installed into WOV vs SFP1, and WAHLA!!!!! Perfect.....!!!! I am stoked!
  2. Well the F-104C WILL take off w/o blowing up....so, its just the F-104G that's not liking SEA! Still would like the Warnings to go away, but I can live with it!i
  3. ok, now I added F-104C by Adjunaidr, it worked in air, added F-104G cockpit, that worked, but still got the warnings....
  4. I imported the SFP1 F-104G. Missing something though....won't take off, release the brake and BOOM! Started in the air, and seemed okay, but note the warnings...."canopy unsafe", and "gear unsafe"
  5. yeah, they show up......but, are invisible when I go to external view. I have a copy of SFP1, the import idea sounds like a winner. How hard is that? The one I got to work was the F-104C-10 by wpnssgt. But, it really wasn't functional w/o external view. Think the cockpit was an F-4, it showed, but a/c was not there. Tried to take off, and wouldn't stear. I have alot of luck with most add-on a/c....this is just one I really want, but....
  6. Version


    Historical based F-105 Missions
  7. Hey, lloking to try out WOV online.....anybody want to help? In hyperlobby now.....its desserted.....(patch 3 wov)
  8. You probably know what i'm going to say, but here goes: Missions/Camp are add-ons just like everything else. The easier it is to add, the better. That being said, WOV/SFP1 provides alot (maybe too much) flexibility. If I have to add 5 objects, and 3 a/c just to fly a mission, I might not download. But, if the mission/camp is SO tempting, then what the hell! Problem is everyone out there is playing with a different deck......hard to get a game going with 1000 decks! But!!!! Half the fun is creating the damn things......the other half is someone saying its cool....so do the first half, and hope for the second!!!!!
  9. You gotta go to hperlobby and update lobby @ http://hyperfighter.sk/ Then hyperlobby ....... New myself but, there aren't many people flyin today. Looks cool and loads ok.
  10. ACE F-100D vs Mig-17



    Fun Mission, Like Instant Action without SAM, AAA of Help! Try and Bag 5 migs
  11. ACE Mig-17F vs F-8E



    Fun mission, bag 5 and become ace in a day! Instant Action type, w/o AAA, sams or help!!!! Must have Flyable Mig-17F Don't ? Let me know, I'll send you mine.
  12. ACE F-8E vs Mig-17F



    Fun mission....try and bag 5 and become an ACE. No mods needed. Kinda like instant action w/o Sams, AAA or any Help!!! WOV only....
  13. Wingman A-4F



    Sorry forgot to add custom Loadout file in original. Just copy to A-4F folder, adds the custom loadouts, leaves stock ones intact.
  14. Version


    Historical based F-100D missions for WOV

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