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About LEChouffleur

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  1. Imagine that you own a 6 year-old PC that runs a soon-to-be-unsupported OS (Win XP). One night in the not-too-distant future that PC starts making alarming washing-machine noises. You now have 3 weeks to back up what you own and spec out a new machine. On this machine you will play WOFF, perhaps RoF, and someday if the Lord is willing and the creeks don't rise, RB4. I *know* that it's all about budget and I don't really have one for you. Here are a few constraints: No overclocking, no water cooling (or liquid nitrogen or other weirdness). Pick a config that that will give you good performance on high-average graphics settings. Specify peripherals (stick etc.). Don't worry about anything else it needs to do, pretend it's just a flying machine. Assume you have a decent broadband connection like cable or fiber. Note that you are not an epic pilot, just someone who flew RB II and RB 3D semi-competently. In other words, an aged newbie. What do you buy? Thanks, Chouf
  2. The stuff I see from people with the dev kit says among other things that it's like wearing goggles (blacked out at the edges of your vision) but this gave me some hope: https://developer.oculusvr.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=5243#p71727 I'm up for "amazed beyond words". ;-)
  3. Game Controller Lets You Feel The Weight Of Virtual Objects http://www.popsci.com/article/gadgets/game-controller-lets-you-feel-weight-virtual-objects#YwTYh6H2jXDjUvsZ.30 Seems like a useful idea. Beats FF buzzing anyway.
  4. Gentlemen/Ladies: In the wake of the Red Baron kickstarter I started contacting fellow LEs. So far I've found around 20 pilots. Based on the records I've been able to put together by trawling through abandoned airstrips all over France, that leaves me another 60 or so more to find. If you flew with the Lafayette Escadrille (in any flavor of Red Baron) please contact me. If you know someone who flew with us please call this to their attention. Thanks, Chouf LE~Chouffleur You may assemble my email address as follows, the second and third letters of the word "elephant" + an underscore + the first four letters of the word "choux" + the letter "f" + the first word in the phrase "fleur de lis" + an at sign + "hotmail.com"

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