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Everything posted by Dark_Knight_667th

  1. Well, my cd is still a coaster, even if the patch is released today, you sir need to grow the hell up. At least in this forum people can speak their mind without getting banned. If you don't like it..go back to SimHQ..it seems better suited for you. DK
  2. This is all unofficial at this point..however, at SatanX's prompting that somebody oughtta go over and give these guys a hand in the flight sim department I sent em a little "sample" of my writing.. Seems they liked it. The Dark one as I am sometimes called may just be doing reviews of the hottest flight sims in the near future for the Armchair Empire..Sim companies..be warned..if it don't come out smelling like a rose..I will put a name to it. If it does come out smelling like a rose..you can bet your vertical stabilizer that I will praise it.. DK
  3. When you want to kill something..
  4. Dagger, I can understand your feelings on my post ok, Simple fact is, Strat First Gutshot Strikefighters from the get-go. It might have been savable had they followed TK's requests to not release...they didn't. I got took..again...thinking that maybe, just maybe, it would be ok. I've waited almost four months now. I have better uses for my time than waiting around, twiddling my thumbs to do flight models on a very broken sim. We can fix FM's all we want..we can't fix broken code. I know TK is tryin..but I don't think Strat First is being straight with him, or us. TK, I seriously hope you change publishers..I would strongly suggest approaching ubisoft for your next release. They, at least, listen to their dev teams. IL2 was put on hold for a year at Oleg's request because of bugs in the beta for IL2 that he was having problems working around. He got it fixed and both Maddox Games and Ubisoft have benefitted from it. They've done the same with LO Mac once just to be sure they could include in that sim what they said they would. Guys, the bottom line is this. I've had enough of waiting. I've had enough of the silence, I've had enough of Strat First period. This isn't the first sim they have published that I have bought that was screwed from the get go. Steel Beasts was another that was under developed that could have been a show-stopper had it been done right from the start. Patch news or not..I've had enough. I'm going back to what I know..and thats flying a viper over Korea..Good hunting, and good luck. DK
  5. It's becoming obvious that we probably aren't going to see a patch before summer or possibly even later that my SFp1 cd is now becoming a 50 dollar coaster. To thirdwire and Strategy First..I hope it was worth it because, and I think I can pretty much say this for the majority of the people who purchased this mockery of a sim, that your respective companies are probably black listed in most simmer's minds. This fiasco has probably cost you a pretty decent chunk of pocket change from future sales. I'm out. To those of you with more patience than I..good luck with your experiences. I hope it all works out in the end. DK
  6. The screenshot is the viper out of Falcon 4.o SuperPack 3 Block 52 F16 CJ..I've tweaked the loadouts for it and am tweaking a campaign Good Luck to you all. DK
  7. Holler and ye shall find the answer to your woes.. Drop me an email and I'll send you something to to get you a temporary fix. I've put any additional FM work on hold until after the patch in case of ini changes. But if you are frustrated, drop me a line. cptdarkknight@cox.net DK
  8. Rudder Reversal?

    Is it on the F104 you are noticing this or on all aircraft? DK
  9. ...landing lights

    Adding landing lights would not be hard to do through the dat.ini's for each aircraft. An additional light entry would have to be added giving locations on the model for the lights, color, and whether it strobes or doesn't strobe..I think even intensity of the light is also set there. Again..its a matter of having the proper tools to do the job..and being able to translate all that is there..and figure out from that, what can be added, how much of it..and when it is "seen" or "not seen" DK
  10. Hmm..then we would need a top notch wingtip vortices model..as well as engine exhaust vortice model..Oh god..the agony of tryin to tank would drive me to drink..I'll take a nice fat KC any day..even a KC 130....hmmmm
  11. THE CAT

    Ranger..most of those aircraft are model complete..they lack only an FM. FM team is currently working on tools and data to do just that. Once the data is found and the tool is finished (ours, not thirdwires) we should be able to do FM's in about 3-4 hours would be a good guess. so that means that add on aircraft could very well have their FM BEFORE they have a model. If you would like to see aircraft added faster..start helping to find flight test data on the real aircraft. DK
  12. Umm...if I may interject here..lets just drop the whole thing and move on shall we? The thread is gone..lets leave it at that. DK
  13. A while back I posted on the bug reporting area of this site a message about Leading Edge Flaps, or Slats, better known as LEF's and the IRL effect on lift they produce..LEF's deploy on most aircraft at low speeds or hard turns to increase the amount of lift the wing is producing to prevent a stall..as we all know..this is the area that the F100 out of the box has..at low speeds or hard turns..it handles like a dog..won't turn wont do jack unless you deploy the flaps..which got me thinking that in the sim the LEF effects were modelled backwards..Last night I got so disgusted at the F100 I was almost ready to give up on SF until the patch..then I though why wait..lets see what the .dat file says.. So using skypats utility I extracted EVERY file from the Objects.cab and took an indepth look at the F100 FM data..this is what I found..in all respects for the leading edge slats of which there are four in the dat file..the data for the LEF's in the retracted position was indicative of HIGHER lift than when deployed..the values were as follows: Deployed: 128.6 and Retracted 149.2..so as a test I switched the values and saved the dat file..didn't change the values at all..just reveresed em..result in campaign..I can now turn with a Mig 17 at any speed over 220 knots..whether its a high G turn, or a low G turn, at same or higher speeds, since the SuperSabre should outclass the Mig 17..this would appear to be a correct and temporary fix..until further FM tweaking by TK and crew...and my wing AI can now maneuver enough to almost keep from getting killed...This is how the Dat file should read for this area after the fix.. [LeftSlat] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=-0.0481 DeltaStallAlpha=6.00 AreaRatio=1.02 DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_AERODYNAMIC_LOAD Setting[1].Angle=30.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=149.2 Setting[1].RetractValue=128.6 MaxDeflection=30.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=2.0 AnimationID=3 [RightSlat] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=-0.0481 DeltaStallAlpha=6.00 AreaRatio=1.02 DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_AERODYNAMIC_LOAD Setting[1].Angle=30.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=149.2 Setting[1].RetractValue=128.6 MaxDeflection=30.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=2.0 AnimationID=3 [LeftOuterSlat] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=-0.0481 DeltaStallAlpha=6.00 AreaRatio=1.02 DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_AERODYNAMIC_LOAD Setting[1].Angle=30.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=149.2 Setting[1].RetractValue=128.6 MaxDeflection=30.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=2.0 AnimationID=3 [RightOuterSlat] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=-0.0481 DeltaStallAlpha=6.00 AreaRatio=1.02 DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_AERODYNAMIC_LOAD Setting[1].Angle=30.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=149.2 Setting[1].RetractValue=128.6 MaxDeflection=30.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=2.0 AnimationID=3 The result..the F100 is now a dream to fly..easier to control less downward pressure needed on the stick at high speed flight to maintain level flight..climbs better, and turns WAY better..easy to do with the extract utility and all those frustrations trying to chase down those mig 17s are a thing of the past. The plane behaves like any other plane in any other sim in all flight parameters..including stall..and I purposely stalled it to test it..right down to a flat spin..recovery is still tricky..but it is a bit easier as well. If you try it..enjoy it. DK
  14. Just an update: Due to TK's response that the Flight Model tool was low priority at this time, two of the FM team have begun work on our own to aid us in the creation of flight models..As work progresses on it I will keep you all updated. DK
  15. I would like to reiterate my request for people to help out with the Flight Model team..We've got a ton of aircraft coming up that have been requested to us to do Flight models once tools are released or made. We've gotten a start on some of the major data collection as far as flight test data for the real aircraft..but with all the aircraft being modelled and without more help we are going to be overrun in a very short time. Even if you don't think you have anything to contribute..if you can run Internet explorer and use a websearch..then come help..the rest can be taught as we go. DK
  16. One request to all the modellers: Its great that all these aircraft are being modelled, as you complete a model and IF you wish the skunkworks FM team to do the flight model, please forward the model and a complete set of Flight test data for the real aircraft to us. Doing it in this way will be the only way the FM team will be able to keep pace with all the new aircraft. Thanks DK
  17. RA-5C Vigilante

    considering some of the trees I have flown over SD it would be a matter of doing the forests..just a matter of placing all those D**n trees, second thing to consider would be the possible fps hit. DK
  18. Delta Dart

    :shock: DK
  19. Direct X..the open GL support for SF is very limited..and only supports it in 600x400 res or something like that DK
  20. THE CAT

    Being one of those Spec Ops on the ground, yeah, we painted our share of Sam Sites and a few other things as well. The cats could drop em just as good as the Eagle E's DK
  21. lock alarms

    Savage..what you are referring to is ecm and it was not available on early aircraft like the sabre and early phantoms.. DK
  22. http://members.cox.net/cptdarkknight/this%20low.jpg There's an example :D DK
  23. If its bright green in front of you..that means climb If its bright green RIGHT in front of you that means two things 1. quick check to make sure you put on clean underwear. 2. pull yellow handle Other than that...if you aren't leaving a dust trail behind you..yer not low enough DK
  24. It is..however, once tk releases the tool for the FM's it will be a pretty simple fix..I just need the data to plug in..I've got pretty good data on the migs..but at the moment I'm flying blind by trial and error Russky over at simhq provided the data on the Migs straight from the Mikoyan design bureau. I've got a set of beta FM's with that data in it..but they are nowhere near ready for public release. The Migs still need the lift ratios tweaked for the wings which I can't do without the tool. The Mig 17, with proper thrust is still a threat..but with the available tactics a beatable threat and vs a phantom is practically not a threat..Pop two of em before you get wvr and the other two in the flight generally turn tail and run..Mig 19s pose more of a threat to a phantom than the 17's and the Mig 21s are a serious threat, or will be once their wing data is properly put in, this data as far as I am able to discern isn't off by much..but that little bit is making all the difference in how the AI fly. Same goes for the AI in the flyables. Just putting in proper stall speeds has made the AI fly much differently, The migs won't try to climb high unless they are high to begin with due to stall limitations set in the data.inis..the Mig 17s now try the turning dogfight instead of an energy fight, MIg 19 tries both, Mig 21 I haven't come up against yet..and I have found even more data on it and the phantom finally but I am still stalled till the tools are released. Now, I would like a set of volunteers no more than 8 or so for the dirty job of working on FM's. As a community with the potential for large multiplayer activity we need a standardization of flight models, both for new aircraft being added as well as the "cd stockers' The eight or so that volunteer, plus myself I would like to be able to offer realistic flight models for all added aircraft, allowing the modellers to concentrate on the model, and us on the FM's, this would bring about faster addons of aircraft for the enjoyment of the whole community, as well as a standardization in multiplayer. Those that wish to volunteer, please contact me via icq at icq# 82925687 or by email at cptdarkknight@cox.net

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