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Posts posted by DamianTeo

  1. More F-14 shots. I'm usually a Vietnam War sorta guy, but I began my airhead days with movies like Top Gun and the Final Countdown. So the Tomcat was very much the beginning of my love for planes. These are a pair of Tomcats scrambled for an Alert 5.




    Head-to-head with Soviet MIG-29's.



    Fox 1!



    Fox 2!



    Heading back to the boat.



    All down and dirty.



    Call the ball.



    Lined up nicely (way nicer than my carrier qualifications).



    A far better landing than my last attempt.



    Here, I was half hoping for the cheering deck crew scene in Top Gun to happen. Nope. A pretty dead deck. Oh well, the war goes on.


    • Like 5

  2. Hi Erik,


    Thanks for your reply. I was looking at the clear attachment option, because I've exceeded the 5MB allotted disk space I have for attachments, but it wouldn't be feasible to do so because it would delete the pictures from the post.


    But I've managed to get my picture from Imageshack to show on my post. I think I copied the wrong url type across.


    Thanks again for your help!

  3. Hi,


    I didn't want to start a new topic on something similar, so I thought I'd tag on to this topic thread. Could I ask if the allotted attachment upload limit is a daily (24 hour) limit, or is it a set limit for every user?


    Also, is it the case that Imageshack url's cannot be used on this site? I tried to post a picture via Imageshack but received a message saying that url is not allowed here.


    Thank you.



  4. I was quite heartened by the positive comments received about my previous Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam comic strip, title A Long Day, posted by MigBuster on the news forum. It made me want to finish another comic strip that I had left on the back burner due to lack of time. Well, I've finally finished it, and I guess it'll be nice to post in on here as my very first topic on the CombatAce site.


    Some information on what I used to make this comic strip, and my previous one as well, is that I used the Comic Life 3 comic builder program, which is payware. For both comics, I flew the mission and took screenshots using Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam with full merged installs of all the SF2 titles, excluding the TW expansion packs. The mod I'm using is SF2V Air Ground War Expansion Pack, before the 2014 update for the first comic, and for this comic, the last two pages uses the updated 2014 Air Ground War Expansion Pack.


    The Huey's are from Yankee Air Pirate, and the LRRP's, and the ground combat portion basically in this comic, are from ARMA II, an awesome sandbox military simulator. The mod I am using for ARMA II is the UNSUNG Vietnam War mod version 1.5, the second last version of the awesome mod.


    I also took the liberty to attach the CombatAce logo, along with a cheesy tagline, to make my comic strips a sort of CombatAce only comics. I hope it does not infringe into any copyright or anything. I am not making money from these comics. The idea of doing this was inspired by the Commando comics series. I just thought it might be cool.


    It's time to join the Wild Boars of the 390th TFS as they fly to the help of a LRRP team in trouble in South Vietnam.


    Hope you guys enjoy this comic adventure!










  5. I know this isn't particularly a screenshot, but I made this comic strip using a series of screens a took while flying SF2V with Air Ground War expansion pack. This was inspired by the French comic series, Bomb Road.

    A Long Day Cover

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    I need to ask, how do we post pictures that are far bigger than what I'm posting now? Also, I saw somewhere someone taking screenshots of an EC-121 Warning Star. Can anyone point me to the download? I really cannot find it.



    • Like 9

  6. Hi everyone,


    This is my first post in Combatace, and I decided to put some screenshots I took of a mission I made and flew. It's an AAR of sorts, which I thought would be more adequate here, since the SF2 AAR Thread has been quiet for quite awhile, and I was afraid of waking it up. Hope you guys enjoy the pics and the story behind them. I'm using the awesome Operation Darius mod, along with the Israeli F-15 Baz mod.


    The mission is inspired by the Operation Darius mod, the payware Strait of Hormuz mod (which I do not have), as well as the recent news. It's a mission depicting a what-if strike by Israel on Iran's nuclear weapons program. I dubbed the mission Operation Talon.



    The F-16I Sufa's, flying SEAD for the strike, readies to launch


    Viper 1 airborne


    Wolf flight of four F-15 Baz's head East from Tel Nof airbase, flying escort for the strike force


    Over Iran, the Viper's take evasive action against a SAM launch


    Having picked up a radar signature, the Sufa's let fly with AGM-88C HARM's


    But an additional danger is posed to the Sufa's in the form of IRIAF F-14 Allycats. The F-14's lock up the Sufa's from BVR and launch Sadjeel missiles at the F-16's


    The F-16's, having done their handwork of neutralizing the SAM batteries, make an escape for the mountains, desperate to evade the incoming Sadjeel missiles


    The Sufa's stay low in the mountains as they make their egress from Iran


    The F-15's of Wolf flight arrive on station to cover the ingress of the strike flight and egress of the SEAD flight


    The sky fills with air-to-air missiles in a BVR engagement between two stellar air superiority fighters


    The F-14's, from the hunters to the hunted, take evasive action


    An F-14 falls to an AMRAAM


    The F-14's reply in kind, launching missiles at the F-15's


    A Sadjeel in flight


    The fight gets in close. The F-14 goes into a turning engagement


    The F-15's do the same


    The lead Baz makes it behind the last F-14 and launches a Python-5


    The F-14 goes down in flames


    The skies clear of SAM's and enemy jets, the F-15I Ra'am's, composing the strike flight, enters Iran low and fast


    The sun is rising. They must be quick about their job


    Target locked, the lead Ra'am releases a GBU-10D Paveway


    Seconds from impact


    The Arak Uranium Fabrication Plant is destroyed


    The Ra'am's make a quick escape


    The Sufa's arrive safely over Israel


    Final approach


    Relieved to be back at base
    Hope you guys enjoyed it!
    • Like 7

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