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Everything posted by SilverDragon

  1. DCS: F-86F Saber

    https://www.facebook.com/eagle.dynamics?fref=photo http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2122232&postcount=3
  2. VEAO Hawk updates

    Update July VEAO, waiting to the Bae license. https://www.facebook.com/pages/VEAO-Simulations/130582376992838?fref=ts So, this weekend we're splitting the Hawk into two, not literally of course lol There will be the base Hawk in DCS World which the AI will use and you can see flying around negating the need for a multiplayer patch which we put out before. Then there will be the "paid" section which is essentially the activation part as our copy protection system will allow you to sit in the cockpit but not fly the aircraft unless you have a valid activation code. Both of these sections will then be uploaded into The ED testers version for them to test and report any bugs. Luckily most of the ED testers we have assigned are already on our test team so not much should be found. You will then see the Hawk appear in DCS World at some point in the future. We can't confirm which version yet but as soon as we know I'll let you know. I'm not sure if we'll make the Sabre update version but will try our best. The website and store are being worked on also right now by a very talented web designer in the US who is a good friend of one of our developers. The Hawk product pages are being built and we'll get our testing team to try it out prior to going live. This will be a seamless payment experience if bought through our site. We will then pass that product info in a format to ED for their web site and pass over thousands of activation codes for their star force database which allows you to buy from their store (still using our protection system). Then it's the Steam pages, I'm putting together the info needed for those and again producing activation codes for that database. So, when we said soon, we meant soon Legal stuff is very nearly there and will tie in with release. Very exciting times for DCS in the next few months for sure!! Cheers, Chris. http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2121843&postcount=289 Don't mean to be critical or pedantic, but surely all that stuff would have been sorted out before you even started working on a commercial release? Otherwise, it's a load of money, time and effort potentially down the drain. Not to mention the damage it would do your rep if it had to be abandoned. I'm assuming the same would apply to the Typhoon, as well. Hopefully you can wrap them both up in one swoop (along with any future projects... ahem!) Most aircraft have to be developed to demonstrate to manufacturers what you're doing. It's a very convoluted process I won't go into here. We've been in discussions with BAE for over 2 years now as it's not just the Hawk we need a licence for from BAE. Also they're not set up for this kind of thing as it's not been done to this level before. Don't forget we're doing military as well as consumer products. Cheers, C
  3. Pat01: Sa342 project

    Pat01 Sa-342 Gazelle Update http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2121435&postcount=364 A small update to show you the first step of Viviane sighting system. It will be able to launch and control missiles next week if everything goes right I'll have to code an autopilot auto-hover to enable the pilot to aim. http://youtu.be/9CWcjJUnuQw
  4. Leatherneck: Mig-21Bis

    https://www.facebook.com/eagle.dynamics?ref=stream The guys at Leatherneck have been doing a great job and this week we integrated the AI MiG-21bis into DCS World version 2.0.0 later in 2014 (there will be no 1.3.0 due to the extensive DCS World changes that are coming). The model looks stunning as we think you will agree! http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=127012 We'll be posting some more soon, with updated Speculars and Normals tweaked for EDGE. Enjoy!
  5. Leatherneck: Mig-21Bis

    Mig-21Bis update http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=126950 A quick status update for you; Currently we are working on several important things, which, when finished, will draw this project to a complete close. Due to changing underlying rendering backend, some additional work had to be done to port the MiG-21 into 1.3.0. Initially we thought we could wrap this up fairly quickly, but this has taken longer than expected. When we finish, I hope to share with you some very nice screenshots of the MiG-21 in it's new home. Core integration of the AI MiG-21 package continues and is progressing nicely. Stripping the aircraft of all artwork and code that is not required unless owning the module has been completed, and we're working on ensuring that everything is working flawlessly. Seamless integration to avoid splitting the community is obviously incredibly important, but it must be noted that DCS is an incredibly complex piece of software, and adding another complex piece into the puzzle is not something that can be taken lightly. A few weeks ago we noted that we will be sending out promo copies of the aircraft; but this has been delayed due to the ongoing 1.3.0 migration. Keeping up with two working copies of our product is a very time-consuming/wasting endeavor. Thus, when we're satisfied with the module and it's functionality in 1.3.0, we will then take a look at providing previewers with a legacy version that is representative of the newest build. In the beginning of July, we decided to upgrade our Damage modelling to a completely new standard. We've been busy ripping the aircraft apart with a new mesh-based damage system, in conjunction with hand sculpted normals. Additionally, we have modeled most of the interior components of the aircraft, and can expose them at will. I think you'll all find it looks very satisfying, and we can't wait to show you. As soon as we finish 1.3.0 integration and some other tasks, we'll be providing you with the aforementioned screenshots and also the aforementioned KH-66 + RSBN + SAU video, which will continue the in-depth looks video series. That one will be narrated as per your requests. Some of you have noted that it'd be beneficial to gather developer posts in a single thread, and we agree. Once the opportunity arises, we will work on compiling a FAQ/Developer info thread for quick reference on various topics. Thanks! LS Cockpit with SPS-141 flare disperser pannel
  6. DCS: World 1.2.8

    Bonus Reward Changes. http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2117306&postcount=2 http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/faq/bonus_rules/ The customer has the opportunity to receive a bonus for existing orders (paid before February 20th, 2014) pertaining to products participating in the bonus program, with the same rules applied (p.2-3) as under the new order. Customers must use these bonuses prior to January 1st, 2015. Visit: Personal section / My account to register the orders. A product can be paid by use of bonuses no more than 30% (thirty percent) of the full product price. We retain the right to change this percentage at any time and at our discretion. The following rules are applied to bonuses accrued for purchases made after February 20th, 2014: 100% of the bonus will be cancelled without return and/or recovery in case the customer does not make a purchase within one year from the date of the last purchase from the DCS e-shop.
  7. AvioDev: C-101

    Aviodev C-101 Update https://www.facebook.com/Aviodev?ref=stream A couple of screenshots of the C-101 in EDGE (the latest terrain engine for DCS:World). The C-101 is under-going final internal testing prior to being sent to ED testers.
  8. DCS: F-86F Saber

    F-86F update https://www.facebook.com/eagle.dynamics?ref=stream
  9. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=126824 What we know… just the facts. Ok, I am writing this because so much info and answers are spread all over, as well, so much misinformation is being spread, either because people cant easily find it or cant be bothered to take the time. At the time of the Kickstarter RRG RRG, led by Luthier was in sole control of management and setup of Kickstarter and Project. All creative decisions and direction were planned and executed by them RRG stated that Kickstarter funds would be a small part of the project. Where the other funding was coming from was undisclosed. ED ED was partnered with RRG, supplying manpower, game core, and knowledge to the project, they were not involved with any management decisions, including planning and execution of Kickstarter. ED was to sell keys to RRG for distribution as rewards (Its believed that this order wasn’t completed as only a small amount of people received this reward at end of the funding period for the Kickstarter) ED developer Yo-Yo offered his services to do quality control on all FMs produced by RRG, he was also working with RRG is some form with the Spitfire as he had a unique fondness for that aircraft, but this was still and RRG project. This brings us to the changes. RRG RRG became mostly unresponsive a few months back (not just with customers), the forums were getting very frustrated, everyone was getting very frustrated, info wasn’t being communicated to the level people had come to expect. Some where between the last update from them and June 7th, it was announced that significant changes had taken place with the project, both how its developed and managed. This was described as: Luthier was no longer involved in the project. Luthier was contracted to continue work on helping with some of the manuals Since the Kickstarter funds had run out, ED had been footing the bill on development. ED decided to attempt to carry on development, hiring a number (undetermined) of the employees from RRG Kickstarter funds covered a small amount (“drop in the bucket”) of total funds needed to successfully complete the products The State of the project as left by RRG, as best we know. Map: No updates had been shown for sometime, person involved had been removed from the team early on. Its believed the map is not very far along at all, and delivery date of said map backs that up. (expected May 2015 with period AI units) Me 109K-4: We had seen many development shots of this aircraft, we assumed it to be in early Alpha (expected Oct 2014) Spitfire IX: No progress images or videos of this one where made public, no real news at all. (stated to deliver Dec 2014) P-47D-30: Model was in works, that’s all we were shown. (expected March 2015) Me 262A1: Model shown in progress, no more info. (no timeline yet) AI Only B-17G: No real info either, no timeline, but assumed it would be part of AI period units for map as stated above. ED’s official stance on the Kickstarter funds was that they were spent on all aspects of the project, but as listed above, none were very close to being done whatsoever, the closest being the Me 109, which ED had sunk 120,000 USD of its own funds into the flight model. This did not include the model, cockpit model, cockpit systems, etc. It’s safe to assume that a DCS Module can reach well above 150,000 USD to complete. Restructure Due to the above costs, lack of funds and ED needing to take over the project, all aspects were reviewed. Changes No more separate install (this means no separate keys for one or the other) Reward restructuring was needed as the reward structure was poorly thought out and would have been financially impossible to accomplish. Project delivery date was changed from Sept 2014 to numerous dates over the next year or so, as described above. At the end of the project, the entire collection could be purchased as a bundle. The rewards were initially changed to this: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2110895&postcount=1 After customer feedback they were changed to this: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2112208&postcount=1 Key changes, Choice of aircraft from all 6 WWII modules. $1-$19 backers would receive $20 ED Bonus points Clearing some misconceptions and false statements Q: ED is taking the assets of RRG and getting nothing but profits from this, off our money right? A: No, ED has already assumed many costs associated with the project, the fact is all the Kickstarter money was spent before ED took over. While it is true that ED has recovered, or believed to have recovered all the assets, much work is left to be done, and a rough estimate of 10-15 percent of the project is actually completed, some of which was already funded by ED Q: ED was funding this project all along A: No, not at all, no one knows where RRG was going to acquire the funding to satisfy its lofty goals, ED only got heavily invested when things started to go south. Q: ED planned this, it was their goal all along to bait and switch us and give us less, isn’t that the truth. A: As stated above, ED had no involvement in setting up the original reward structure, in fact as they took over, they were honestly shocked at how truly confusing and lofty the set up was. Again, this was because all of this was set up by RRG Q: ED bought out RRG and all its assets right? A: ED didn’t buy, acquire or takeover RRG. The details of how it all transferred may never be known, but what we do know is it appeared Luthier surrendered all the assets created with the Kickstarter money, and some of the employees were hired by ED to help continue the project as not to disrupt their other projects. Q: ED’s first restructure was bad only to make the real one look good. A: No, not at all, It was an oversight, a simple mistake, if you look at the initial reward restructure purely by the numbers it’s a great value, but it was pointed out that a number fo backers already had the P-51D and it didn’t make sense to force them to accept that as one of their rewards. Wags admitted this was a mistake publically. Q: Why not just offer a refund? A: Its complicated, but the short answer is this, The money was spent before ED stepped in, ED believes people want DCS WWII. They thought the best path was to make the project workable, and continue to develop it, in turn offering a realistic compromise on the reward structure Q: Why cant you refund the money and just make the project anyways A: This would be an incredibly hard hit to the bank roll, it would be a big enough loss that the project would have to be scrapped. They are already expected to continue to fund the project, but adding an 150,000 hit right off the start. Well its too much. Q: It doesn’t matter, you cant give me my original rewards 100% you are supposed to refund A: Kickstarter requires people to be upfront and communicate with their customers ED is trying to do that, even though ED didn’t enter in to this agreement, they are trying their best to make the project a reality. If it comes down to it, and they are forced into a refund, you can count on the project being scrapped. Not even the 109 could be guaranteed at this point. This isn’t a threat, its just the way it is. Q: I am not happy with my reward structure, why cant you give me more? A: ED did its best to make the value the best it could, while still remaining profitable. They are still a business, and they have to protect that as well. They have been very open to reviewing and making changes so far. Just a side note on this FAQ, I requested, to Wags, to do this for the community, I know how info can be spread about in a thread and lost in the shuffle, I feel like both sides of the argument might be missing some key points. I am going to initially leave this open for discussion, but I am warning you now, it will be moderated heavily for the back and fourth bickering. I am not an Employee of ED, I cant answer legal stuff as that has not been disclosed, so what you see above is all I know and understand. Also you may not agree with how ED is handling this, posting here your plan to fix everything will not change anything, This is where we are at. If you feel I have missed something or you need clarification just ask, either in this thread, or by PM (preferred). This is not meant to be an update or anything new, but just to gather all the info in one location.
  10. VEAO P-40F Kittyhawk

    VEAO P-40A update http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=125793&page=2 I hope you guys love the detail as much as I do Pman
  11. VEAO Hawk updates

    I think can be a Victor B.K 2 Brochute :)
  12. VEAO announced "Warbirds Collection": http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2048830&postcount=1
  13. VEAO Warbirds Collection

    thanks pauulrkiii
  14. VEAO Grumman F8F Bearcat

    VEAO F-8F Update http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2112922&postcount=20 Time for some new eye candy I think... As you can see the Bearcat is coming along nicely and great work is being done to have this model ready by the end of the year so that we can look to bring it to you in the early part of 2015 I will update Dev Diary in due course Pman
  15. VEAO A-4C Skyhawk

    Update VEAO A-C SkyHawk http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2112931&postcount=169 Jim, Tony and the team have been working tirelessly on the A-4C Hope you all like them Pman
  16. VEAO Warbirds Collection

    Brochute VEAO Warbirds Collection https://www.facebook.com/pages/VEAO-Simulations/130582376992838?hc_location=timeline Please note, aircraft you see on the brochure are still very much WIP and obviously we will update the brochure to reflect the four aircraft mentioned when we have them in-sim. This brochure is specifically for Legends and not the final one. Thanks, Chris.
  17. Coretex change Facebook page (and talk over a video incoming). The pic has very dark, but show a funtional HUD with AAM simbology and the right MDF with Air to Air radar. https://www.facebook.com/CoreTexDesigns
  18. WW2 July update: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2110895&postcount=1
  19. Coretex Designs: F/A-18E

    You're very wrong, the reality is different. A production video of past September..... some time has past over them and the team has improve your module over there.
  20. VEAO Hawk updates

    VEAO Hawk Brochute: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=126667
  21. Leatherneck: Mig-21Bis

    New update and video of Leatherneck Mig-21Bis http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2109848&postcount=1 I'm going to keep this update fairly brief, as we have some new stuff cooking that still needs a few days to simmer before it can be presented. Thus; do expect another update with some nice juicy screenshots of the MiG-21 in EDGE sometime during next week. Work continues on integration of the MiG-21 into Core DCSW and on the final level of polish and testing prior to public release. The past week was mainly focused on moving the aircraft into the new 1.3.0 development environment, which required some art tweaks on various components. This is still not complete; as there are some significant visual glitches still present. I am, however, confident that we'll be wrapping things up on this task in the first few days of the next week. In addition to this, we're working on some auxiliary tasks such as box art, main menu artwork, icons, shirt artwork, more liveries, tactical numbering, and a lot of other stuff that escapes my mind. We've also begun reaching out to a lot of external partners and individuals to kick the promotional and marketing campaign into high gear. I hope we'll be seeing the effect of this very soon. All of the remaining tasks are on the artistry, and thus Roland and Novak are taking a short break away from development. Certainly excellent timing for Roland in particular, as his first child arrived just a few weeks ago! Things are, however, already stirring and things will kick into gear as we head into the next project(s). Preparatory work in the form of in-house tools that will alleviate several development hurdles, such as FM programming, are already taking shape. We're excited to properly embark on a new era of Leatherneck, especially with all the developmental experience we've accumulated over the course of the last few years. You're all desperate for a release date; but I don't have one for you. As mentioned many times in the past, as soon as we are dead-certain on a time-frame, you will all be the first to know. We're just as excited as you to finally have it available to everyone. It feels unreal to be so close after such a long time, but we're finally almost here. If you haven't seen it already, be sure to pop into the video suggestion thread and give voice to what you'd like to have an in-depth look at prior to release. We hope to be able to provide these little looks at the aircraft in a somewhat rapid succession (subject to change, however!). We'll also look into doing some detailed write-ups of the approaches and simulation complexity behind various components of the product (FM, Radar, etc.). Tonight I come bearing a very simple, and even perhaps somewhat boring gift. A simple ramp cold-start and takeoff of the MiG-21. It's quick and dirty, but hopefully you can appreciate it for what it is: an unsullied look at the raw gameplay of the MiG-21. I initially narrated this video; but figured it was superfluous after watching it a few times. The next ones will be narrated however, as they will deal with some more advanced concepts (radar, weaponry, navigation). Cheers! Team Leatherneck
  22. http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2020450&postcount=3
  23. From ED Facebook https://www.facebook.com/eagle.dynamics A interesting detail....
  24. Pat01: Sa342 project

    Pat implement the moving map on the Sa-342 Gazelle http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2101806&postcount=328 The cockpit and the external model are completely being re-textured at the moment (still WIP), but no view at the moment. If you appreciate the BO-105 cockpit, you will appreciate the gazelle cockpit too, thanks Oliver. A lot of things have been improved or changed, among them, rotor blades animations have been re-made with bones (for the technicians), rotor head animations are now like the real helicopter, a moving map has been added to the "copilot" position. This vid was made at the first step of the moving map coding http://youtu.be/heoMcZYev3Q Thanks for your support.
  25. DCS: FW-190D-9

    Thats correct, can be used on DCS: W and WW2 with the VEAO Warbirds. Same engine, only diferent periods

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