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Everything posted by JAT81500

  1. nope, i will Well sorry to have bothered you, i figured it out (i used the DX10 data.ini instead of the DX9... Stupid me !!!)
  2. Hi Stary, first of all it's a great mod congratulations. I have a problem under V2 of the game and DX9 settings with enbseries(i use that config because the FPS are much better than DX10) : the buildings are not showing up, and the water did the same as Soulfreak. Could you help me please ? Thanks. JAT
  3. If it is usable under SFP games, i could help for ini, skins and many other things As i always propose ...
  4. Hey didn't i see a Rafale in your web site ? Welcome to the community.
  5. Does anybody saw a SA-8 in the Version2 Game ? I'm trying to find how to place a Mobile SAM on a terrain, but i can't. Can somebody help me please ?
  6. Sarah Connor chrociles and Dollhouse

    It's a shame, i was a big fan
  7. Ok thanks Dave, after few more test it appears that the phenomen occurs and disappear when i change the view from pit to external. Very strange :)
  8. he i think we didn't understand each other. I was speaking of all the other parameters like ambient occlusion, threaded optimization and so on
  9. What about the other parameters in the Nvidia Control Panel ?
  10. 191.07 yes. I don't use HDR, when i activate the info on the HUD the FPS goes from 11 to 300 and more. When stuttering the FPS displayed seems high. The stuttering doesn't occur all the time, and i didn't find what cause it. Maybe it's my Nvidia parameters ? Dave could you post yours please ?
  11. I'm still suffering stutters even with my new System (i7 860, 4G DDR3 1600, GTX275 runs on 7 64 bits)and the new patch. So i'm not so happy as customer Maybe it's a Nvidia issue ?
  12. iPhone Users

    I have one and use it for visiting
  13. Actually the pit is the Gripen's one with some tweaks but it matching well. The avionic is totaly new and looks like the real one (i think )
  14. Thanks my friend, it's always a pleasure to work on great planes I have to say that the Rafale is THE plane that i miss in this sim. I think you will enjoy the FM, the pit, the avionic and a few more surprise.
  15. Wich map ?, where did you find it ?
  16. Too bad :cray: I'm so motivated on this project. To see the whole family (B, C, M and also fake N) of Rafale in TK's games is a real obsession
  17. This is a masterpiece, thank you very much
  18. I think it happens in some occasions because the pit's skin has a huge resolution. I think it's a memory problem.
  19. Amazing work as usual, thanks a lot.
  20. We definitively need more SAMs, i suggest SA-12, French Crotale, and maybe the actual US short range system wich i don't know the name
  21. Rafale

    Well i don't have a Rafale M (unfortunately) but i made a what if ? Rafale N. I made a Domocles pod, add a fake hook, and i tweak a little the canards. So here is the Rafale N from the 12F squad !!!
  22. Unfortunatelly, i would say no. I have done many tests on that with no success

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