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Everything posted by JAT81500

  1. A major addition to the game, thanks a lot
  2. Any chance to have a screen ingame ? And if you need help for avionics...
  3. If you need help for real decals and numbers or for the avionnic let me know i have a couple of things ready
  4. Marcfighter, maybe to allow us to wait until your new beauties came out you could give us a christmas gift in advance : the su-27 UB (same avionic, pit and maybe FM of the one seater). It would be Soooo nice from you :yes:
  5. You can send me the drawings here : jat81500@hotmail.fr and i will do it !!
  6. Are you sure ? i didn't find it
  7. 14 anos sem Senna

    I was in front of my TV that day :cray: The image is in my head each time i watch a race, a real tragedy.
  8. Hello, first of all thanks for this fun addition. And now my question: how do you find the satellite ? I tried but i failed
  9. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    Happy birthday
  10. You are the master of the trees Thanks a lot
  11. Does it mean it can't be done ? Anyway if someone need a hand to paint and work on avionics for this bird i'm the man :)
  12. Just one comment : congratulations !!!
  13. On a Good Note.....

    Well, be sure i understand you very well !!! Happy birthday to the twins girls from my twins boys (they'r 4 the 19/01) (and from they'r sister)
  14. Thanks a lot Master MarcF
  15. A beauty, and the last one is simply awesome
  16. Well you can see it in Falcon because these skins are made from the JAN HAS ones. Thanks to him, he is the artist
  17. Thanks a lot FastCargo. This is a great addition. What are you planning next ?
  18. Can i ask what did you change ? I search but didn't found :(
  19. Roll Call

    Well, one more !!
  20. That's what i call firepower !!!
  21. Can i have it to please ? Thanks in advance JAT
  22. Hey this Russian AC is awesome. Is it far to be released ? And the Foch from Marcello ?

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