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Everything posted by JAT81500

  1. Very Nice Eric, will you do the Foxtrot Brown version too ?
  2. You can release it, with credits to Bobrock because i used his pilot as a base
  3. Did you try to make 2 seperate entries for each surface instead 1 with primary and secondary function ? It's work for my rafale, the surface worked for the normal functions and for the airbrake function at the same time. The secret is creating dummys pivot objects for each function.
  4. Well you see wright my work is based on the Harpoon4 datas. The annexes could be usefull thanks. I think wee can keep 55 for the S4 because the only improvement in avionnic was on the radar on this series. New upgrades were introduced on the S5.
  5. Yes the AASM will soon be avaiable in the Mirage 2000D mod.
  6. You are right, it should be 55 for the S-4. It's surely not a realistic value at his own, but it is a good one according to my chart you can view here https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AklJcHZw0T-4cFc1SVFMNFp4bEFHd1RQa0p6U3ZtUVE&hl=en JAT
  7. Taking good time working with Aleks. Rafale project is alive
  8. A very great Addon congratulations and thank you very much
  9. Not already but ready to work on any Rafale !!! Woohoo let me know what i can do
  10. Thanks a lot Florian, great job
  11. Thanks Ludo, yes if Florian is ok with it i will post it. There will be the R1 and R2 versions with skins for every french squadrons. Here is the R1
  12. Heavy modded Florian's Mirage 2000D over the ranch.
  13. Mirage IV A

    Hi, very cool project a Mirage IIIR Here's some links for close pics: http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/AWA1/401-500/walk411_MirageIII_Bob_Verhegghen/walk411.htm http://fighters.forumactif.com/photoscopes-f86/photos-mirage-iii-rd-du-03-33-moselle-1968-1988-t2025.htm If you need some help on the ini work or with the skins, i can provide. JAT
  14. Happy Birthday to Dels

    Joyeux Anniversaire
  15. It is outstanding !!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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