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Everything posted by glennhailstone

  1. Yep done that, I can load stock weapons
  2. Oh ok thanks, done that. What do I do next
  3. ok directory read that. However the Weapondata file reads WEAPONDATA although it is a dat file it doesnt say WEAPONDATA.DAT so do I just rename it WEAPONDATA.DAT.BAK Thanks
  4. Man it sure isnt easy : ( What do I do next. Thanks
  5. Attached readme.txt ok fast cargo I've done all that : ) Readme.txt
  6. Ok but Im using the F 16 recommended by Wrench. Also I updated the game with the latest service pack. If I put the weapons folder back to wings over europe\weapons I get my weapons back but only the stock ones
  7. Hahaha, I'll give it a try. Im sure he will understand. And I know that it is because he asked for the directory tree that he was onto this. So after I tried this the weapons in the loadout screen have disappeared entirely.
  8. C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe\Weapons
  9. Ok thanks for that. Im trying to find out why these weapons arent showing up. The only weapons that do show up are the ones in the aircrafts folder. On a single mission. Can you explain why that is. Cheers
  10. Ok, so I downloaded the weapons pack and added it to my weapons folder, but it doesnt make any difference. It seems like each aircraft has its own weapons in its loadout.ini and it doesnt matter what weapons are in the weapons folder because the aircraft dosent look there for weapons. If you know what I mean.
  11. Hi Wrench, I got it going your instructions were fine, except that I deleted the flight folder and replaced it with the temp one, when I should have just added the extra files into my existing flight folder. Anyway, its all going sweet now so thank you very much. The only thing I will say is that there only a few weapons to chose from, but it looks like theres heaps in that weapons folder. I wonder why they are not all showing up. I just got sidewinders and a few bombs. Thanks
  12. Ok well thanks for all your help, I'll have a play around with it. So what is a more modern one SF2 or something. Which one do most people use now. And will it run with my WOE. Thanks
  13. Ok, firstly I would like to say I appreciate the time you have spent in helping me out with this issue, and I have a new appreciation for the programming that has gone into making all the mods and campaigns. So, I done everything as you stated and it did appear that it was going to work. As when I installed the update the game worked fine. I didnt install direct X as my one newer. However when I went to run the new game with the mods I cant get past the main menu. If I go single mission the screen goes black and I can just make out a faint message box silhouette, which I cant read. I then wait like a couple of minutes nothing happens so I press escape and go back to the desktop. I'll wait to see what you think the next step is. Thank you very much, Glenn
  14. Ok thanks Bob! for all this, just reading through it all now. Should I delete everything and start with a new WOE install, like get rid of any strike fighters weapon editors mods ect. Thanks, Glenn
  15. Can anybody help me out on this? I still cant get it going, and the thread has gone quite.?? Thanks
  16. Maybe you can have step by step instructions from start to finish. You dont have to have one for each indivisual plane just any plane so it gives a rough guide, then the users can use common sense to make the appropriate changes.
  17. Actually Bob I did answer Fast Cargos questions, again, I am running XP and "I have found that I am running v04.23.06" I dont know how to find out which strike fighters I am running, and I have asked how to determine this but I have not had an answer to this yet. I think its strike fighters 1, it should be the same to load weapons though so I think it shouldnt matter. To answer your other questions I have the F-16_Blk20MLU_FACH I'm not sure how to provide the link, but it was downloaded from combat ace. Im not sure where the loadout ini file is, can you please be more specific with your questions. I assume its the weapons data file which is in the F 16 folder under objects and then weapons. Its big but I will upload it in steps. I can fly the plane no problem, I just cant load the weapons. I will post more information soon. But hopefully that helps a little. Thanks It might be easier to give me your email address because the max file size here is 1mb. I will upload anyway. more weapons data files more weapons data more weapons data The weapons pack is WeaponsPack_03Jul06 File version 2.0.024 Ok Bob I just finished reading your reply. It sounds like I should get SF2. Does that run with WOE. Im sorry but this is all very complicated. I dont know what to do now, I just want to fly an F 16 with weapons in Afghanistan in WOE. I dont care how I do it, just the easist way. Thanks again for your help so far. wepdata.txt wepdata2.txt wepdata3.txt wepdata4.txt wepdata5.txt wepdata6.txt
  18. hmmmm that'll shut me up for a while. I'll be back!
  19. However I still haven't had an answer to my original question. How to make weapons available in the load out menu for an F16. I have read all the information but I can't find any step by step instructions. Somebody else in the thread also is wanting to know how to do this. I suggest re writing the "adding weapons" sub topic in your knowledge base, because for somebody who is just getting started it is of not much use. Thanks for the help so far : )
  20. Ok I have read the links. I dont know if I have strike fighters, is there a way to tell. I definiately have WOE, but I have Afghan and I have an F16 which I dont think came with the original game, so Im pretty sure I have strike fighters but I dont know which one, how do I check. I have found that I am running v04.23.06. Can I download a service pack for this, and are there any patches. All I really want to do is have some weapons on my F16 there are only feul tanks at the moment. Hopefully someone can help me now. Thanks : ) Glenn
  21. My appoligies, I am running xp. How do I find which strike fighters sim I am using. And I dont know what patch level my sim is at. How do I find that out. And thats another question is where do I get patches from. Just reading the links now. Thanks again for your patience. Glenn

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