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Everything posted by glennhailstone

  1. Ok sorry about that. I have an F 16, and when I start the game and go to load out it has no weapons available just feul tanks. I have a weapons pack. Thats all I know. Thanks again
  2. Can we just start from scratch. Step by step. Those threads are far too complex, just start data dumping. Thanks for your patience
  3. Yes I was just reading it, got a headache, lol You have put which pages the loadouts are on, but I could see one for the F 16. Where do I get the patches from. OMG this is so hard! Thanks for your help though. Glenn
  4. haha not yet Erik. Thanks Rench. However this is not enough information, I dont know which weapons are for the F16, and are those parameters the same for all weapons. You need to dumb it riiiighhhht down, hahaha I think your knowledge base for adding weapons needs to be updated, because it doesnt go into enough detail about how to load weapons omto a downloaded plane. It needs step by step instructions from start to finish, and easy to understand for dummies like me.
  5. Hi all, Can somebody please explain how to load out weapons in easy step by step instructions, Im stuck and the knowledge base is doesnt go into it with enough detail. I think your knowledge base for adding weapons needs to be updated, because it doesnt go into enough detail about how to load weapons onto a downloaded plane. It needs step by step instructions from start to finish, and easy to understand for dummies like me. Thanks very much, Glenn
  6. Awesome, thanks for that! Now I just need to figure out how to do everything else. lol Thanks

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