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Files posted by Stary

  1. Mig-15 / Mig-15 bis / Mig-17 cockpit

    This is updated version of Mig-15 cockpit
    This package is preset to be used with stock Thirdwire Mig-15 bis. "Expansion Pack I" required for Mig-15
    several things changed in version 2.0 among them:
    stick added
    pedals added
    corrected gunsight a bit
    slightly adjusted, smoother canopy framing
    new slightly better and higher resolution textures for baked materials
    more real-size lamps
    other tweaks here and there
    original mod description:
    CrazyHorseB34 -betatesting
    Crusader, Ravenclaw_007,RussoUK, Zurawski -for max examples and help on the way
    Mod description:
    This is simplified Mig-15/Mig-15Bis cockpit. Very similar to non-radar equiped Mig-17 one. Please note there are some issues with some instruments despite my battling with the ini horror -feel free to tweak and share!


       (20 reviews)



  2. Kamchatka 250m version with adjusted tileset etc

    Kamchatka Peninsula 250m heightmesh update with corresponding tweaks and rejuvenated/extended tileset and layout
    for Strike Fighters 2, best fully-merged installation
    by Stary
    July 2016
    This is test rebuild of Baltika's and Wrench's Kamchatka terrain, based on Kamchatka v2.0 which is major update to original Baltika's
    terrain by Wrench.
    This is semi-experimental update aimed at demonstrating and testing in wider userbase usage of denser resolution heightmesh.
    I can >>not<< guarantee the stability of this terrain due to engine limitations and what I observed and what seems to be slight memory handling issues of the SF2 engine
    Baltika and Wrench for their work on Kamchatka map.
    Gerwin for TFD tool and BMP2TFD
    Combatace and Thirdwire
    All the nice people around here
    Extended information, please read carefully!
    The height mesh:
    The stock Thirdwire .hfd terrain format uses publictly available DEM (digital elevation model) databases to produce 500 meters vertex
    spaced terrain meshes with 2000 meters tiles covering them. This is proven, easy to use system but 500 meters is awfully 1999 technology
    for 2016 systems. Thus given my efforts into NA LOD-based terrains creation stalled due to lack of knowledge and tools I decided to
    reproduce one of more interesting yet obscure maps available, the Kamchatka Peninsula.
    The mesh in this download currently uses 250 meters resolution which is twice the density and detail* compared to original terrain.
    Please note that due to being based on low resolution hfd file output the actual height representation is somewhat off compared to real terrain!
    Not much and not that it really matters much. "If it looks good it is good"
    New heightmap was created in several steps which I now describe to help other more advanced terrain modders possibly use this method:
    First steps -Gerwin's TFDTool and Photoshop:
    -I used Gerwin's TDF tool to output the heightmap via F9 key
    -Also created the textures bitmap as a helper file via F7 key
    -The created file in grayscale is 3000x3000, which corresponds to 500m resolution on 1500000m map (3000/2=1500! Magic!)
    -Thus I rescaled the file to 6000x6000 pixels, the same with the texture bitmap which I copied to greyscale file for reference
    -The 6000x6000 or twice the original is the 250m per pixed heightfield file
    -I filled the blue water areas TFDTool creates with pure black 0,0,0
    -Then I spent some time in Photoshop working on several layers and using several brushes and tools to slightly tweak the grayscale height
    image, mostly to brighten the higher areas and adjust some more interesting places. Mostly blur, stroke tools and some slight wave-y
    filers to add some detail to now ARTIFICIALLY pumped up resolution (further on this below)
    -Pro tip: to get rid of any water/shore artifacts is easy way, the so called tsunami waves or coast areas on slopes I selected the
    texture map layer, selected all water areas (select by pixel color) and created another pure black layer on top of the main height layer,
    that drops slight shadows around it (2 to 4 pixels black shadow) -this way the heightmap gets toned down for few pixels (two is good
    value) when near the water areas; think smart not hard as The Ancient One says :P
    when the heightmap was considered ready I flattened it and converted to 8bit palleted file using the stock Thirdwire terrain editor
    palette (you can do this palette by exporting any heightmap as bitmap from within the TE and saving it's palette to file, most programs
    allow palette saving)
    Second step -Thirdwire Terrain Editor, the 042106 version:
    so now I had the TE-format palleted 8bit heightmap but to import it without further data loss I needed to adjust the TerrainEditor.ini
    settings via notepad:
    -the line that specifies the min-max scale of height present in the file is this line:
    HeightScale=15 <---- this line, by default uses value of 10
    MinLandHeight=0 <---- by default 1
    experimenting with this value gives you the similar results as using PGUP/PGDN keys when using Gerwin's bmp2tfd tool, basically sets the global vertical scaling of min-max values in file
    To create new 250m resolution the values at creating new map are as follows:
    Terrain Map Size: 1500 (km, like original Kamchatka terrain)
    Texture Tile Resolution: 2000 (meters, like all common SF2 maps and tilesets)
    Height Field Resolution: 250 (meters, compared to defaul 500 meters)
    Then if you do have the texturelist loaded yo ushould get new flat terrain with textures filling the areas, just impor t he
    heightmap from the created 6000x6000 paletted bitmap and save.
    This is basic procedure, same can be used to create 125 meters resolution terrains (I did so for Korea3 terrain so far) BUT those are unstable and I am still trying to get
    perfect values in BOTH flightengine.ini and given terrain's _data.ini
    *now the heihgt information/detail gets lost every time we index the heightmap so one must then increase the HeightScale= value to get
    more or less proper -OR GOOD LOOKING height values. Also be warned that Gerwin's TFDTool doesn't properly translate non-standard maps
    (1000 kilometers ones go ok though) that is why the TE hassle
    That said -the height scale is a bit OFF in this map so if you are a purist complain all you want, I wanted better looking mesh more than
    geographical accuracy. To have the latter we need to come up with otehr height data sources for denser terrains. I have yet to look into
    the tools and programs I own what could be of use.
    Before installing this mod BACKUP your Kamchatka terrain!!! There is possibility you won't get this terrain working at all so I warned
    To install this exctract the zip and move the content of the included folder to your Kamchatka terrain, overwrite when asked.
    This way now you have new terrain tfd and hfd files, new inis, TODs and new reworked tileset in both summer nad winter flavours in their respective folders.
    The mod has all the nedded tweaks into kamchatka.ini and kamchatka_data.ini already present,
    HOWEVER to use this terrain in efficient way (ie, not to experience CTDs when loading the map every signle time) please do adjust few
    things in your installation:
    The essential is making small adjustments to your flightengine.ini file
    by default uses value of 80000, and while I now use the original value to prevent possible memory crashes use the 70000 value which lowers the loaded terrain "bubble" around the camera.
    Also if you do use very extended trees/objects drawing distances (with or without additions of Mue's extra distance fading shaders) I
    recommend lowering the DetailMeshSize= values, start with something like 8 or 10 and try if the map loads for you, can then increase this
    further, it might be very VERY system-dependent
    Known Bugs:
    YES this is test and YES you might get constant CTDs when loading missions; might be very computer or installation dependent. I have
    medium-high system and work ok with the values I use in inis. Also can't guarantee if some crazy large scale missions wouldn't prevernt the
    terrain OR textures to load, as I have hit some engine limitations during more brutal force tests. That is why the tileset, albeit I have
    it in 1024px resolution too, is 512 version.
    Also you should have much less of issues when using ObjectsFade=TRUE and not using Mue's extender draw distance shaders. That is because
    the sim engine apparently does not have to load ALL the TODs at once during mission loading, just later when need be.
    Anyway that is my assumption, I might be totally wrong
    Legal stuff:
    CA Fair Use license apply, not to be used as base or part of any sort of payware
    That should be all,
    have fun (I hope) and if you are terrain modder, try my method. Again, 500m res is soo 1999 :P


       (7 reviews)



  3. MiG-15 Bis cockpit HD

    This is highly detailed, high poly cockpit model of iconic soviet jet fighter MiG-15 Bis.
    Thanks to Do335 and Coupi for some very nice tweaks to my previous MiG-15 cockpits which were incorporated into this mod; also to Swambast for some reference materials.
    I made my best to make most of the instruments working; possibly includes some new never before seen creative solutions ;)
    Read the readme for the boring stuff and additional info.
    Have fun


       (16 reviews)



  4. Sa'ar cockpits dual pack

    File version 1.1 check the changelog for more info
    This is dual -two cockpits in one!- pack of slightly "what if" cockpits for IAI Sa'ar.
    The cockpits are bit of "creative guesswork" Israeli updates of my SMB2 cockpit released earlier this month.
    The two variants are BOTH installed in the same folder, you have two cockpit ini files so the matter of chosing the right cockpit is which one you'll point towards in SuperMystere_Saar.INI
    SAAR_COCKPIT.INI -this one is basically upgraded and slightly repainted SMB2 cockpit with added RWR and some RHAW annunciators lights.
    SAAR_COCKPIT_Upgraded.INI -this is slightly more advanced with slightly redesigned dashboard and it's frame (annunciators lights, moving of brakes and chute pull levers, removal of SMB2 style attention lights here and there etc) added RWR and tape-style AOA and accelerometer instruments. Currently the AOA doesn't work, blame my brainfarts.
    I have addded new avionics data file that adds simple RWR (vector type, detection based on A-4F one) and 2.7NM range boresight radar for A2A ranging use.
    The simpler version uses simplified gunsight from Kfir, the advanced uses one taken from Nesher to represent avionics, optics and electronics upgrades.
    This pack assumes you have Saar installed in your SF2 installation -the stock Saar version prefferably but should work ok with 3rd party version (or other plane of your choice for that matter)
    Unpack to SuperMystere_Saar folder, overwrite when asked.
    now, by default this pack uses the CockpitDataFile=SAAR_COCKPIT.INI cockpit data, change to CockpitDataFile=SAAR_COCKPIT_UPGRADED.INI to use the other bit more advanced version.
    have fun


       (7 reviews)



  5. Super Mystere B2 cockpit

    Version 1.3 posted, read the changelog.
    I strongly suggest you keep the 1.2 version backed up in case you don't like certain aspects of changes introduced in 1.3 (specular effect you might find too excessive)
    Super Mystere B2 cockpit
    To install unpack to your Super Mystere folder, overwrite when asked
    have fun


       (18 reviews)



  6. F-94B cockpit (proper)

    This is correct 360-degree F-94B cockpit, to replace my earlier F-94C Starfire released in 2015 (as we lack Starfire model still...)
    unpack to your F-94B folder, overwrite when asked (you might want to delete replacement cockpit folder first if exists any)


       (11 reviews)



  7. Korea visual update and enhancements pack

    Korea (V3) visual update and enhancements pack.
    This is new tileset, treemod, objects, targets enhancement mod for Wrench's Korea(v3) terrain.
    Version 1.1 update:
    Added missing graphics files for the village type objects, added three graphics to main folder (were in seasonal ones) just to be extra sure
    Kevin's Korea V3 terrain was released with temporal f***ing ugly test set I made for KAW team back in early 2010, despite me having some other nicer fittable sets at my disposal. Yes I have been angry about that. Very very angry. But now I am ok, good doctors care for me here ;)
    This work is done to fix that omission of mine and I tired hard to make Korea nice place to fly in.
    What's this:
    -new summer and winter tilesets
    -new tile layout-following dedicated TOD objects, with densely placed and rather real-size objects
    -new era-themed ground objects (barracks, fuel tanks, tents, HQ, fire houses, misc buildings etc) to replace the stock TW ones, be it in airbases or targetareas
    -some older target objects have their textures tweaked or repainted under fair use license; that is mostly various "halle" objects by either Gepard or Gocad
    (various runways are yet to be repainted)
    -lots of targetareas have re-positioned targets to avoid i.e. barracks in the middle of tree cluster or factories sunken within tod buildings -but there is still LOTS of places to redo. You have been warned.
    -lots of targetareas expanded with additional eyecandy civilian village-type objects (though these are still a bit of WIP and bit "generic asian" in appearance; also these are old, like 5 years old)
    -the tiles are specfically tuned to work best with SARCASM 2 beta 2 update 1 lighting and sky
    Installation (read carefully!):
    -given the amount of objects this pack replaces you are advised to keep archived full current Korea terrain you use (it's called BACKING UP and it's really healthy, trust me)
    -this pack assumes you do have working Korea (v3) terrain installed and tested in your installation -dedicated Korean War installation in of course preferable
    -before installing content of this 7-zip archive, go to your Korea3 folder and delete EVERY SINGLE TOD file there (the files with .tod extension) -otherwise you might end with trees in wrong places of houses in the sea. Yes, really.
    -you can delete the seasonal tiles folders (winter, spring, fall, late fall etc) as this pack has new unique seasons in their new folders with new naming (fade_summer and fade_winter; why "fade"? This months-long project I kept under such code name to confuse my better half or possible Insky-related hacker bot that keeps attacking my emails. Ohh wait, where's my tilfoil hat?)
    -extract this archive to a place of your choice and move the Korea3 folder to your terrains one overwriting all files when asked. Overwriting IS vital of course.
    -you shall test my Sarcasm 2 beta (2 update 1) with this pack, really. i have my own, ohh well "art style" for SF2 series these packs represent; you might not like this but well, you can't change me can you?
    -in SF2 WW2 forum I released some new or updated effects, work well with this pack
    -you're pretty much good to go at this point
    CA Freeware license apply -not to be used in any payware project; But you are encouraged to repaint and tweak the tiles, objects and associated graphis, tods to fit your own tileset or terrain.
    The author of the original decade old SFP1 Korea mod terrain as I tried to replicate it's general green-brownish tones.
    Wrench and KAW team for Korea3 and everything-Korea related. Than you guys. KAW mod is not yet dead. Or I'd rather say quite alive and kicking.
    Do335 for his work invested in putting the KAW team work and available assets back together. Much appreciated.
    Luk1978 for sharing with us his interesting repaint of my Taiwan/Korea set that gave me few ideas about the general feel of the set, thank you. Be back to SF2 please as you quietly do interesting stuff IMO.
    All the good and bad souls at Combat Ace and around :P
    Happy flying


       (13 reviews)



  8. Fouga Magister CM.170 / Tzukit cockpit

    This is dedicated Fouga Magister CM.170 / IAF Tzukit cockpit as included in The Scandinavian Front 2 expansion pack released earlier this year.
    Uploaded for convinience as separate entry as not everyone might have interest in TSF2 mod (silly you!) or be aware that such a thing exists (doom on you!)
    Installation is simple drag and drop into your desired aircraft. There are both english/french cockpit textures aswell as finnish ones included, the english/french ones enabled by default. My patented damage FX included for extra immersion.
    Have fun


       (9 reviews)



  9. F-94C "Starfire" cockpit

    F-94C "Starfire" cockpit
    For SF2 only!
    Yeah I know, I know -we don't have real Starfire (F-94C) yet, but it's close enough to be safely used in F-94B without causing universe to spontaneously collapse ..I think
    Read the readme for credits and other informations eg. installation and usual stuff.
    Update 1.1:
    lower central panel texture update with windshield wipers controls and inverter switch labels, now it's like real thing


       (11 reviews)



  10. Grumman F7F Tigercat cockpits pack

    GRUMMAN F7F-1 and F7F-3N "Tigercat" cockpits pack
    For Strike Fighters 2, preferably all-merged and up to date
    by Stary and KJakker, version 1.1
    March and August 2015
    Update 1.1:
    -fixes for engine gauges supplied by KJakker, thank you
    -removal of temporary mesh helpers in 3N variant
    What's this:
    This is pack of two dedicated and quite accurate cockpits for the Grumman Tigercat twin engine heavy fighter/point strike fighter aircraft; F7F-1 and F7F-3(N) radar equipped variants respectively.
    Best for late WW2, 1946 and specifically Korea installs. Made for and tested with Geo's excellent Tigercat.
    Please read the readme for more informations about known bugs and other balooney. Seriously read it.


       (8 reviews)



  11. MiG-23 BN cockpit

    This is cockpit for MiG-23BN ground attack jet fighter of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pack countries from the 1970s -I think usable in vast array of either MiG-23 or 27 dedicated ground attack planes (sans the TV display equipped ones...)
    Build for and tested with Eburger68&Team's Flogger-H found in the great Floggers pack here:
    I have supplied modified data that makes the small pressure air tubes and antennae just slightly visible from the cockpit, other than that no other alterations to that file have been made.
    Have fun


       (16 reviews)



  12. MiG-23 MF/ML/MLD/etc generic interceptor cockpit

    I forgot to mention in readme there is optional "icky green" textures set in it's folder for those who find this shade of blue not to their taste. Matter of copying that one into main cockpit folder and overwriting
    This is fairly detailed cockpit representing somewhat "generic" MiG-23 interceptor cockpit. Fits well or "close enought" MF ML MLD etc interceptors series 1 and series 2 of Floggers.
    Build for and tested with Eburger68&Team Floggers Pack:
    and subsequent parts
    By default pre-set for use in MLD variant, so feel free to adjust to your favourite Flogger of choice. Do not use at the moment in the ground attack versions as dedicated BN cockpit is in the works
    Read the included readme for more informations.


       (25 reviews)



  13. Folland Gnat F.1 cockpit

    Folland Gnat F.1 cockpit
    Mod description:
    This is cockpit for Folland Gnat F.1 (early british*)
    *note for The Scandinavian Front players: it differs very slightly from Finnish version as far as layout and labelling goes but nothing distracting
    You might want to backup Gnat.ini GNAT_COCKPIT.INI Gnat_DATA.INI files just in case.
    To install extract the package (zip) to your Gnat folder, overwrite when asked.
    Fair use license apply. Feel free to tweak, adjust, reapint, recalibrate etc. Do not include as part of any payware.
    Have fun


       (5 reviews)

    1 comment


  14. SAAB A-21A cockpit

    This is cockpit for Swedish SAAB A-21A-3, ground attacker variant of J-21.
    Created for TSF mod flyers with help from JonathanRL. Thank you mate.
    Small disclaimer is required at this point: as this was to be part of the TSF expansion I was asked to be on hold with releasing those and other TSF-relevant cockpits -but as now Expansion is not going too well and YEYEYE made public his great 21 pack few months ago (been away!!! Sorry didn't noticed that!!!) I decided to release these I got green light for.
    To install unpack to your A21A-3 folder, overwrite when asked. I recommend backing up any files or cockpits you are going to replace just in case.
    JRL & Team for TSF mod
    YEYEYE for fabulous SAAB J-21
    Good folks at Combat Ace
    Have fun


       (1 review)



  15. SAAB J-21A-3 cockpit

    This is cockpit for Swedish SAAB J-21A-3 fighter plane.
    Created for TSF mod flyers with help from JonathanRL. Thank you.
    To install unpack to your J-21A folder, overwrite when asked. Best would be to backup any files or cockpits you are going to replace, eh?
    JRL & Team for TSF mod
    YEYEYE for fabulous SAAB J-21
    CA friends
    TW&TK nah, those among us who still make SF2 series what it is
    Have fun


       (1 review)



  16. Yakovlev Yak-28P Firebar cockpit

    Yakovlev Yak-28P Firebar cockpit.
    V0.9 18.02.2015
    Cockpit for Yak-28P Firebar interceptor of the Soviet Union, not perfect but "close enough"
    To install:
    Best would be to backup your existing Yak-28P ini files* and cockpit folder, right?
    Extract to your Yak-28P folder, overwrite when asked.
    *I DO realise that as far as I checked there seems to be no Firebar upgraded to SF2 standards, BUT the procedure is quite simple and takes 15 minutes tops. You are encouraged to do it yourself. NO SF1 version of this cockpit is planned. Period.
    Also, some aspects would require more tweakings but people more in the know of both avionics systems in SF2 and the true airframe radar capabilities, so go ahead if you habve the knowledge.
    Freeware license apply, not to be used as part of payware of any sort. Raw max 3D model available for those willing to work on this as basis for other mods/adjustments.
    Feel free to include in your own reuploads, retextures, tweaks etc without asking.
    Pasko, Doghouse, Lindr -for their work on Yakovlev 25/27/28 series through all the years. Avionics and data adjustments based on ini files by Doghouse and Lindr I think -at least found in the packs they created and or uploaded
    Boopidoo- I borrowed the "fake" SPO-10 RWR idea from his excellent Su-15TM cockpit
    TK, Thirdwire -for SF/SF2 series
    Admins, moderators and good folks at CombatAce
    Me- cockpit mesh, textures, cockpit inis, avionics tweaks etc


       (4 reviews)



  17. Yak-28B cockpit

    Yakovlev Yak-28B cockpit.
    V0.9 18.02.2015
    Cockpit for Yak-28B Brewer soviet jet bomber. Comes with "Stary's patented bombsight" for quite accurate high altitude level bombing. Bombsight activated with switching to air-to-ground gunsight mode or by simply selecting A2G ordnance.
    Suitable for Yak-28, Yak-28B and several other subtypes of Brewer family aside from P/PM and R/RR/PP types (without getting into too much detail).
    To install:
    Best would be to backup your existing Yak-28B ini files and cockpit folder, right?
    Extract to your Yak-28B folder, overwrite when asked. If you want to substitute this for other planes you should know what to do as the procedure is straightforward.
    Freeware license apply, not to be used as part of payware of any sort. Raw max 3D model available for those willing to work on this as basis for other mods/adjustments.
    Feel free to include in your own reuploads, retextures, tweaks etc without asking.
    Pasko, Doghouse, Lindr -for their work on Yakovlev 25/27/28 series through all the years. Avionics and data adjustments based on ini files by Doghouse and Lindr I think -at least found in the packs they created and or uploaded
    Boopidoo- I borrowed the "fake" SPO-10 idea from his excellent Su-15TM cockpit
    TK, Thirdwire -for SF/SF2 series
    Mods and good folks at CombatAce
    Me- cockpit mesh, textures, cockpit inis, avionics tweaks etc


       (8 reviews)



  18. Spitfire cockpit (late Griffon powered, F Mk 45 based)

    Late, Griffon-powered Spitfire cockpit (F Mk45 based)
    for SF2, preferably with AI planes packs DLC installed
    fully merged installation preferred
    Made in and tested with >>MAY 2013<< installation, should work ok with older or newer ones though.


       (11 reviews)



  19. Yak-38 Forger cockpit

    This is cockpit for North Atlantic's native Yak-38 Forger carrier-based VTOL fighter.
    for SF2:North Atlantic -fully merged installation preferred
    Made in and tested with >>MAY 2013<< installation, should work ok with older or newer ones though.
    Won't work in Series1.


       (16 reviews)



  20. SARCASM v 1.5

    SARCASM sky/clouds mod version 1.5
    what's new?
    -new experimental sky lightning (HighAlt sky pushed down from 5 to 3.5 kilometers, try 2 km if you want things go odd!)
    -modified, more fluffy clouds (finally!)
    -smaller clouds texture (no need for 2048 ones really), and now only one
    -small changes to clouds distribution pattern for scattered and broken
    unpack to your Flight folder, overwrite when asked
    (previous installment of SARCASM mod not required)
    have fun


       (10 reviews)



  21. Green Hell 3.5 optional trees graphics

    tiny additon, if you use Green Hell 3.5 here are slightly modified trees graphics
    also buildings textures made a little little darker
    unpack to your Vietnam map, overwrite


       (7 reviews)



  22. OTC Cuba repaint -warmer colours edition

    As some might find my Cuba repaint (version 1.5) a bit too dull, monotone and on the dark side, here's optional warmer, more colorful and slightly brighter edition of the tileset.
    Basically, same as my Cuba repaint version 1.5, just looks and feels tad different (for the better I hope!)
    Just unpack to your Cuba terrain folder and overwrite when asked.
    CA Freeware License apply. Not to be used as part of any kind of payware.
    Have fun,


       (2 reviews)



  23. Green Hell 3.5

    This is optional high resolution repaint/treemod for SF2:V VietnamSEA map, I call it "Green Hell 3.5" ;)
    SF2:Vietnam required for Vietnam map (doh!) SF2 all-merged install preferred
    made and tested im May 2013 environment
    -included both 1024x1024 pixels and smaller 512x512 pixels versions for those with older computers
    -repainted hangars/base objects from my WW2 hangars pack, fits this particular scenery ok in my opinion
    -city textures by Brain32 from his excellent Vietnam repaint, used under freeware license
    -full TOD coverage included
    Backup your Vietnam folder, unpack and move/copy new VietnamSEA to your Vietnam folder, overwrite when asked.
    Legal mumbo jumbo:
    Freeware license apply, no to be used as part of any payware
    have phun


       (24 reviews)



  24. Su-7 B/BM/BMK cockpit

    Su-7 B/BM/BMK cockpit
    for any Strike Fighters 2 title except SF2:Vietnam (lacks Su-7)
    fully merged installation preferred
    by Stary Aug 21 2013
    Made in and tested with >>MAY 2013<< installation, should work ok with older or newer ones though.
    Won't work in series1 so move on guys!
    This is cockpit for Su-7 B/BM/BMK soviet ground-attack family of aircrafts. Basically "stripped down/tweaked" version of my recent Su-9 cockpit, thus not 100% accurate but in my very biased layman's opinion ok for the Su-7 family (unless you're rivets counter that is; then I suggest you stick to the A-4B cockpit you've been using ;))
    You'll find some Su-7 variant in any SF2 title except Sf2:Vietnam.
    unpack to the aircraft folder of your choice (for example Su-7BM one) and add those lines to your aircraft ini file, in this example Su-7BM.ini, under [AircraftData]:
    ...and that's pretty much all
    I've included simple hangar and loading screens.


       (6 reviews)



  25. Su-9 Fishpot-B cockpit (for TW DLC model)

    This is detailed cockpit for Su-9 Fishpot-B DLC soviet interceptor from the 50s
    you can buy the "DLC AI planes pack 2" fron Thirdwire store following this link:
    if you can't affort it (sad as it's really nice package well worth it reasonable price!) you can alternatively use it in one of these 3rd party models:
    RussoUK's Su-9F
    Pasko&Column5 Su-9 Fishpots pack updated to Gen2 standards by The Ancient One aka Wrench:
    or optionally SF1 version:
    bare in mind this cockpit has >>NOT<< been tested in these models, however should work just fine
    as a bonus I've added simple hangar and loading screens, hope you won't mind


       (3 reviews)




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