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Everything posted by Robert33

  1. Update: I finally saw the video from his point of view. It does look like lag from my end since his missile was pretty much visible.
  2. Ok... I had a rematch with the same player. This time he was using a MiG-21 (1968).. Me still with the same F-104C 1966 version He got me under the ff circumstances: 1) it was a head-on. 2) we were a good distance from each other (specks at a distance) and closing at each other at approx. 400+ kts 3) his Atoll-A hit me with no visual or rwr cues. I'm not taking away his win since he flew really well, but do you guys think it's lag?
  3. I guess that's how the situation will be for a while... For the record, I have no problem with the Savres and similar aircraft... I'm more worried about the MiG-19 and 21...
  4. It's definitely worth trying. My work's cut out for me and any tactic is better than none.
  5. It's against a human opponent. Not to brag but the AI in this game is not enough to make me fly like this. They only have numbers on their side and they fly in a pattern in such a way that I can afford to turn and burn a bit in the F-104 (which is asking for trouble admittedly). @saisran Yes, there's a timer in the game and each match starts out in a neutral head-on course.
  6. Hmm.. It's just as I had feared... You are also correct about the MiG-19's capabilities... Looks like head-on is my best option... But those 30mm guns that he has... They make head-ons a dicey proposition...
  7. Thanks for the feedback Eric :) I have no worries with the platform preferences :) I was hoping what tactics could you guys recommend based on the video of my last fight. Granted the physics are different due to the platforms used but there might be basic or common strategies/tactics available. I'm looking at trying to nail him with the Starfighter's high-speed without exposing myself to retaliation by his guns (30mm type if I'm not mistaken).
  8. Hello everyone, it's been a while. I've been playing a newer version of Strike Fighters' incarnation for mobile devices. It's called Strike Fighters Legends. It's a bit more realistic and a lot harder than the previous version and it also has multiplayer. Now that I've provided a background to it, I'd like to ask for everyone's helps, tips and suggestions. As you guys may remember, I have a preference for the F-104 Starfighter. I was in a 1v1 with a competent opponent who was flying a MiG-19 (with heatseekers) against me and my F-104C. While he was always able to get behind me, everytime he does, I always lit the burner to leave him (and his missiles) in the dust. Naturally, that would leave head-ons as my best firing opportunity but I am wary of the MIG-19's guns. It doesn't help that my opponent is a competent stick and shot as well. Any suggestions? And please don't suggest taking up the other turnfighters. There are already too many of them. Below is a video of the fight to help you guys evaluate my situation: Thanks in advance!
  9. Thanks for the clarification. I'm actually more used to the A-4 being called "Scooter". Something new to learn everyday
  10. Super Foxes? you mean Foxhounds? I don't recall foxhounds having a better turn rate than Eagles
  11. Since we're talking about Vietnam combat, I was wondering how well an A-7 would do in a dogfight with either the MiG-17, MiG-21 and possibly the MiG-23 on the PC version. Tried it on my mobile version but of course, it's just the mobile version. Here's a video of how it turned out for me:
  12. Based on what you've told me, it looks like flat turns aren't the best for the Lightning... Something along the lines of climbing a bit while entering a turn to factor in the nose drop.. I don't know if this would help but in the mobile version most of my sustained turns in the Lightning has a nose-low profile... Not sure if this would apply to the PC version as well...
  13. Hmm... I don't know if this would help but... Talking from my experience with the F-104 in the sense that teh speeds mentioned here also worked in the mobile version... It might also work for the Lightning... If you're using the F6 or F2A variant, for turns, keep it at around 300-350KIAS... Then use afterburner on brief bursts to maintain speed just like what I did in my video... Oh and be wary that it doesn't have RWR which is probably one of the reasons why it was so easy for the F-14 to bring down in the scenario that you mentioned... Oh, and it's radar works looking up against the horizon, not looking down if I'm not mistaken... The F1, F2 and F3 variants are a bit harder to handle since they don't have the improved wings of the F2A and F6..
  14. @Ceasar I just remembered, which Lightning variant did you download and trying to get the hang of?
  15. Thanks but please bear in mind that this is the mobile version of SF so things are a bit easier to say the least... and the first gun kill was a lucky one too... From what I've read about the Lightning from available documents and anecdotes online, it was the bonafide dogfighter among it's peers (F-104, MiG21, MirageIII) , capable of holding what were considered tight turns in it's day. It was said to be able to give early Eagles a run for it's money in a 1v1 fight... The only downside to it was it's range of 900M (or was it NM?) and the lack of room for growth and flexibility compared to it's contemporaries...
  16. Bump? Just messing around in a Lightning F.6... yes, this is the closest that I have to SF2 PC as of the moment...
  17. In the age of all-aspect seekers and wingman tactics, VIFFing with the Harrier's pretty much suicidal. More like a last resort thing. As for the F5Es running out of E or not going up, my guess is that its either a case of them successfully being held at the low altitude Harriers love or they were testing the limits of the SHAR since its their first time to encounter it. To be fair to the article/account, the SHAR's DACT debut was the time when all aspect seekers were justing starting to come online and the prevailing heat seekers of the day were the rear-aspect types. @saisaran The next time you try a BAC Lightning, try either the F2A or the F6 versions. They were the best performing variants of the Lightning if memory serves me right.
  18. Ok, I found the link to the SHAR's DACT debut. Can't confirm the authenticity though, whether how much is fact or fighter pilot bravado.. http://www.combatsim.com/memb123/archive/htm/htm_arc2/f15_shar.htm
  19. Your recent DACT reminds of an account of the SHAR (Sea Harrier)'s DACT debut against the F-5E Aggressors... The F-5s got slaughtered... I'll have to search for that anecdote again and post it here for reference...
  20. No worries, I didn't take it that way :) though all things considered, it was "crap" in the sense that it was a literal one-trick pony. And even in it's specialty of air-to-air, it's at a distinct disadvantage when the late 70s rolled in since it doesn't have bvr capability plus the lack of RWR at least hurts it bad IRL.
  21. Hmm.. Which basic Lightning did you use? The F1 version? @ericj Can't blame you for thinking about the Lightning like that. Though according to available pilot accounts, it was quite the hotrod.
  22. @Cougar Thank you for the DACTs. They are very interesting to say the least especially the Flogger vs Starfighter matchup. Based on the video, it looks like you had the easiest time with the F-104 though the MiG23 is pretty close. @everyone I've been reading a bit into British aviation and got intrigued with the BAC Lightning. According to the available info on the web, it was the best dogfighter among the 50s interceptors, capable of giving F-104s a run for their money in speed and acceleration, pulling 9Gs as well as still being pointable at low-speeds. There are even accounts that it took down early Eagles in WVR exercises. Any takers into checking how well the Lightning stacks up to its contemporaries from the 50s and some of the planes in the 70s?
  23. @Cougar Interesting DACT that you made there. On paper, the Mirage F1 seems to have the initial advantage in wvr with it's point-ability... until it's rather lackluster targeting systems and relatively poor energy-recovery eats it up...
  24. As an example of how missiles are in the mobile version, here's another DACT with an F-104S. Ideally, I would use energy tactics and boom and zoom to win the day. But since I am under time limit, coupled with the rather narrow engagement cone of the AIM-9B and the slow-locking of the AIM-7B, I'm forced into a slow-speed circle. Luckily, I was facing off against Floggers in this fight as well as the fact that the mobile version is far more friendly compared to the PC version.
  25. @EricJ Mobile versions of most games are easier in general since they have to appeal to a larger market than dedicated games like SF2. That said, games on mobile platforms are generally less capable compared to their PC counterparts. With regards to missile accuracy, I would say that for a mobile game, there's still a degree of realism to it. Fire any missile from the 50's - 80's (rather sweeping statement there) at ranges closer and at angles higher than I was at on the video and they will miss. Note that I didn't just fire my missiles even when the indicator said that the missile will surely hit (99%). And yes, at lvl 100, bogeys in this game know how to dodge missiles or spoil gun solutions... Just not all the time and the AI here is certainly more of a sitting duck (solo) compared to the ones on the PC version.

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