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Everything posted by Typhoon

  1. I have been missing in action for the last week and a half or so. I had my left knee replaced on May 10 and things have not gone well since. I had strong reaction to the pain killers they prescribed, so it is now just to try and manage it with Tylenol which just doesn't cut it. This is the first time I have visited the Forum since then, or even turned the computer on. I expected to be back on my feet by now, but it looks like a long recovery time. So I will be away for a while yet, unless something of a miracle turns up. I hope to have the use of a laptop by the weekend and then can at least check in from there. Cheers Tony
  2. OT All 56 British Airports Closed

    My friends wife went to visit her daughter in the UK and now it seems that she is stranded there. Although she can stay at her daughter's flat until this thing blows over. I don't suppose that the airlines are liable for expenses for stranded passengers being as this is a natural disaster. It seems that the economic outcome of this event may be worse than first thought. Tony
  3. It's official....

    Congratulations CJ, did I mention I'm gonna be a Great grandpa in May. Tony
  4. Some Questions About OFF

    Klewer: Perhaps you could go to the OFF-Phase 1 & 2 section of the OFF forum and request a copy of phase 2 and try that. Did I mention it is free. It would give you a good idea of what Phase 3 BHAH might be like. Although Phase 3 is head and shoulders above phase 2. Most of us started out on Phase 1 and graduated to phase 2 & 3 & HiTR upgrades as they became available. Phase 3 HiTR is about as immersive as you can get. You would still need MS CFS3 to install Phase 2 and at the very least a joystick as a control input device. Tony
  5. What was your Fun Car?

    The memories that this thread brings back. I had a 1949 Pontiac straight eight, would pass anything on the road except a gas station. It was rusted through in a number of places and we patched it up with sheets of aluminium and pop rivets. I was in the air force at the time and had access to scrap aluminium. We painted it chinese red and cream with a brush. It didn't look too bad from a distance. We cruised around in that thing for about a year and a half before it finally threw a rod and had to be put out of it's misery. Here's a link that kind of goes with this thread: http://cruzintheavenue.com/CarsWeDrove.htm
  6. Lou: I had the same thing happen to me last week. Mine was a WD 320 GB and was just over a year old. Anyway I work part time at a computer store and we used a program called Parragon Hard drive manager and we were able to recover all the data from my hard drive and clone it to a new one. We use it all the time and only charge $60 plus cost of a the new hard drive. Check around at some of your local Computer stores. Worth looking into. Tony
  7. Anti-Ubisoft DRM petition to sign

    Well I signed it as number 9000. Tony
  8. Women, you gotta love 'em

    If we have to paint or wallpaper, one of us has to leave the house until it is done!! Tony
  9. Here's a solution for you: http://gizmodo.com/341413/alienware-curved-monitor-looks-like-its-from-another-planet Tony
  10. One of the problems that I have with OFF or any game for that matter is the inevitable shout from SWMBO "TURN THAT THING DOWN I'M TRYING TO..." I tried headsets but they just didn't do it for me. Then a friend of mine showed me these: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/gaming/headsets/devices/5095&cl=ca,en He let me try them out and they are superb. A little pricey perhaps at $145 but well worth it. Mine will be here tomorrow. He said they work well with teamspeak the 3 buttons being programmable. The nice thing is that peace reigns again in the Typhoon household. Tony
  11. Sound Solution

    Why not get a pair of these: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=34195160 Problem solved Tony
  12. Sound Solution

    It was supposed to link to the "Logitech G35 Surround Sound Headset", but for some reason It doesn't go there from this forum. It worked ok from the CH Hangar forum. Anyway they are awesome. I don't know about the TrackIR clip as I use the hat clip. Tony
  13. three ways to fail a Drunk Test

    Absolutely crazy. I think the third guy would be in the most trouble, Assault with a deadly weapon. LOL
  14. Catfish: Make sure you get Windows 7 64 bit to access all your ram. Tony
  15. Snowy Isle of Wight

    We had about 3 inches of snow yesterday not a lot by our standards, however when I got home this was the scene directly across from my house. No one was hurt but the 4 wheel drive SUV was totalled and I was out of power for 4 hours. The policeman told me that she was talking on her cellphone when she lost control. Tony
  16. As the title suggests I have been out of action for the past week or so. and it is time to start thinking about replacing the gaming rig. What I need is some advice on Mobo, CPU and Graphics card. :helpme: My soundcard, 24" widescreen monitor, and HOTAS are all servicable. The other question concerns the operating system, XP or Windows 7. Thanks Tony
  17. My Gaming Rig is Dead

    So much for the $1000 budget. Here is what we came up with: Motherboard Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD4P Proc Intel i7-920 Memory 6 Gig Patriot DDR3 16000 PS 950 W Enermax HD 300GB WD Video Card AMD Radeon HD5850 OS Windows 7 Professional The best part is that the price will be reduced substantially because I agreed to help out the local mom & pop computer store by setting up new systems and removing viruses and malware from his customer's computers. He is currently backlogged about 2 weeks. Oh and he supplies lunch every day as well. Tony
  18. Freetrack and Accelerometers

    ZZ if you check the latest patches I think you will find that the Gweebo disc is now self calibrating. It's the dingle dongle that needs all the attention now!! Tony
  19. phase 4 and beyond?

    This may be a little off topic, but in the same general area. Just a couple of questions for the devs. 1. If the money was found for a new game engine, would one be built from scratch or would an existing engine be purchased? 2. If purchasing an existing engine what would be the approximate cost? 3. What is the approximate time frame for building a new game engine, and could the existing simulation be incorporated into a new engine? Just curious. Tony
  20. OT: Greetings From North Dakota

    I don't know I've made that trip 4 or 5 times, but I think travelling across South Dakota is even worse. I only did that once and that was enough. Tony
  21. My Gaming Rig is Dead

    I'd like to keep it under $1000 Tony
  22. In my case I would have let him have my copy as my gaming rig is non-operational at the present time, and shall remain so until the "mistress of finance" loosens up the purse strings, I am not holding my breath for that to happen any time soon. I thought that PP may have been in my neck of the woods and I could just pop it over to him, and he could use mine until he got his copy. However as he is way out west it was out of the question. Tony
  23. Will Santa come this year?

    Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy, safe, and prosperous New Year. Tony
  24. Question about download

    Ohlam: The zip file I downloaded was 418,906 KB. When I extracted it, the file was 429,080 KB. Tony

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