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Everything posted by Eole

  1. 1965 - Gulf of Tonkin VA-153's A-4C - Departure from USS Coral Sea Credits VA-153 A-4C_65 High Res Skin & Decals by Nyghtfall VF-154 F-4B skin made from Sundowner templates decals by MYTAI01
  2. A great addition to the game my hat off to all involved
  3. A-37B By Centurion-1 : Status WIP F5-E By Centurion-1
  4. Duno if intended but it seems to me that's your Hi Res TW F-8E templates files submitted are identical to your skins pack file (no PSD files inside)
  5. North Atlantic 1970 : Clemenceau Battle Group in action Suffren Destroyer firing Masurcas SAM against incoming Badgers & Bisons Br1050 Alizés (Still WIP) launched against the incoming Soviet Surface group
  6. I agree with you making a good template is the starting point of a skinning project. Time consuming at the beginning but as you well explained the only way to get proper skins in number when you want to cover each Nations / Squadrons / Service date. I like to use Paint the Gimp Artweaver Xnview (Very useful tool to convert all the picture file format with batch processing) http://www.xnview.com/de/ I'm still working on Veltro2K's Alizé with the help of experienced moders Baffmeister for the FM's, JonathanRL for the specific Campaign and learning. As example 4 different version of the planes for the French Navy x 3 Squadrons skins per planes 12 skins + one for the Indian Navy version + the Decals job (Template also needed) + 1 specific Hangar screen for each so I've made a template for the Hangar too. + The INI's work and at least all the debug flights The good thing I can ask to the 3D modeller to make the necessary change / the Bad thing 4 version of 2 LODs Family. Without templates impossible to do with the RL issues I'm just looking at your nice template and you give me some ideas thank you for sharing
  7. I've just made my first Premier Membership subscription, that will not be the last for sure. Long live to CA and thank you for all your hard work Cheers from France Patrick AKA "Eole" Le Naour
  8. Will be happy to make a screen shot of this beauty I would try to make justice to your hard work (as a Skinner I'm impress by the quality of your production) my hat off gent.
  9. If you wanna make an AMD Etendard IVM & P from you previous outstanding one I could help in skinning, decalling and research
  10. Sorry I should complete the Alizé & A-37B first sorting with RL issuesbut after if I have some time ...
  11. The AS-20 Files https://www.dropbox.com/s/6vc0bua25apqoqf/AS-20.7z?dl=0
  12. You're right for the loadouts I grabbed them from Adla Vautour IIN's instllation Thanks for the information about the the Matra 530, I have the 511 loaded instead now I duno for the use of AIM-9B by our Adla ( never seen a picture of a IIN with this loadout) Now for the Air to Ground I duno if IDF used French or American Bombs & Rockets or a mix of them
  13. Nice job Veltro2K the new 3D models are just perfect I liked to use the Skyray Ford pit for the IIN model and the EriGen G91Y pit for IIA and IIB Below my LOADOUT and COCKPIT & AVIONICS INI's files for the three models VautourIIA https://www.dropbox.com/s/59dpkrqapvcwn62/VautourIIA.7z?dl=0 VautourIIB https://www.dropbox.com/s/tbm5ga4iby14yu6/VautourIIB.7z?dl=0 Vautour IIN https://www.dropbox.com/s/sgez3ykajdufqgv/VautourN.7z?dl=0
  14. Special thanks to mppd "desaturate the color tones and back off on the contrast a bit" looks better now
  15. Hi, long time ago I've tried to enhance the side panels https://www.dropbox.com/s/1r92vcfbwhhrfg1/F-106_SidePanels.7z?dl=0

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