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Everything posted by Eole

  1. Good mod + Very detailed and useful documentation = 5 Stars : thank you for sharing. The bad thing I've just been shut down over Port Saïd in my Vautour IIa by this fucking ZSU-23 Shilka armed cargo ship LOL
  2. We have the Aleck product, unfortunately with in build a plenty of low res polys Rafales stuck on the deck, I tried to ask him to remove them from his 3D model but no answer for now
  3. Quote WhiteBoySamurai : "As for French escorts, I would like to do my own versions of the La Fayette and FREMM someday, and also a Horizon" Very good news regard to the high fidelity of your past products The Suffren-class frigate will be a good choice too : designed as escorts for the Clemenceau-class aircraft carriers ( I like to use this British Type 82 destroyer instead .. better than nothing) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffren-class_frigate It's a pity I have no 3D modelling skills just INI and skinning, but I have a lot of good materials for all the Cold War "Marine Nationale" 's vessels (One of my Uncle is a high ranked retired of our Navy : La Royale) So if you need valuable informations about French Navy (Cold War period) I can help. Cheers Eole
  4. yes long time ago The Mirage Factory have made a real Foch Class ship Cheers Eole
  5. Some French escort vessels will be good too. We've only La Fayette Class frigates ( 3d Model a bit outdated) and FREMM ones. Nothing to cover the Cold war period and provide a valuable escort to the Foch and Clemenceau aircraft carriers ( Mirage factory product) or La Fayette and Bois Belleau ( made by YEYE)
  6. Below the SEM upgraded pack link http://combatace.com/files/file/14589-sem-upgraded-pack/
  7. Paulo where I can find it please ? I have found sometimes ago an add-on that's brings to this old model the ECM Sabre antenna typical of the SEM Version. With a new nose we will get a descent SEM model. Grazzie in advance Cheers Eole
  8. Very nice model as usual What about your Breguet Br.1050 Alizé I've seen some time ago ? It will be a great addition for the French Navy which lack of Dassault Etendard IVM and IVP too
  9. I used ErikGen G-91Y nice cockpit for Vautour IIA and Skyray Ford one for the IIN model the IIB model Stary Il28 one with some graphic work lol (bien pratique pour viser puisque ce cockpit comporte une vue bombardier)
  10. Thank you for the update, but I was not able to download the 4.8 update that's said : file missing Did your upload still pending for approval ?
  11. Gerwin, Thank you again for your quick answer and nice addition .
  12. I've just noticed that's for the time being your nice tool doesn't support JPEG tile file format, could we expect to get it ? Thank you in advance
  13. When I opened the archive the GroundObject folder was empty, the Sounds folder was OK, perhaps is only me ?
  14. Outstanding work ... as usual, I've just made some quick test flights with Mirage IIIC, Jaguar A & GR, F4M all worked like a charm. Thank you for sharing.
  15. I got the same issue and solved the problem , I've just made a copy of SweetFX files into the Flight and Menu folder, my SweetFX have been set differently for the menu and game render
  16. Merry Christmas..........

    Merry Christmas all Joyeux Noël à tous

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