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Posts posted by 331Killerbee

  1. Another Tool We've needed for a LOOOOONG Time!  I'll take a Copy and use it for sure. Any Tool to make life easier is more than welcomed in My Book. Thanks for all Your Efforts in this Area Mue....... You're making SF2 Life much easier and more Fun.... Thanx!


    PS    I can hear Stary right now......"Dude, Where You been with that!".....lol




    • Like 2

  2. Your Bottom Graph is a perfect explanation for a "Lima" Missile. SEAM expanded the Seek of the G&C. Aircraft with Radar could lock on to Target and Missile G&C would Track same "Painted" Target. But Aircraft without Radar could not take advantage of this, But still had a Sidewinder in "Expanded" Mode and could Lock a Target at greater Angles of attack.. The "Lima"s on, needed a larger Nitrogen Bottle under more pressure in the LAU-7's for the demand of the G&C s.


    For a F-14 Tomcat Era study, See if this helps......







    AIM-9G   U.S.NAVY  (Upgraded AIM-9D)  1972-1976


    The "Golf" and featured a solid state design that improved reliability in the carrier environment where shock from catapult launches and
    arrested landings had a deteriorating effect on the earlier vacuum tube designs. The "Golf" was an improved version of the basic AIM-9D
    featuring larger forward canards as well as a more aerodynamic IR seeker and an improved rocket motor. The missile, however still had
    to be fired at the rear quarter of the target, a drawback of all early IR missiles.(Boresight)



    AIM-9L  U.S. NAVY    1977-1982


    The "Lima"was the first "all-aspect" Sidewinder with the ability to attack from all directions, including head-on,(SEAM) which had a dramatic
    effect on close in combat tactics. Its first combat use was by a pair of US Navy F-14s in the Gulf of Sidra in 1981 versus two
    Libyan Su-22 Fitters, both of the latter being destroyed by AIM-9Ls. Its first use in a large-scale conflict was by the United Kingdom
    during the 1982 Falklands War. In this campaign the "Lima" reportedly achieved a kill ratio of around 80%, a dramatic improvement over
    the 10–15% levels of earlier versions, scoring 17 kills and 2 shared kills against Argentine aircraft.The "Lima" was distinguished from
    earlier Sidewinder variants by its double delta forward canard configuration and natural metal finish of the guidance and control section.
    (DSQ-29 seeker unit)
    There are a number of "Lima" variants in operational service at present. First developed was the 9L Tactical, which is an upgraded version
    of the basic 9L missile. Next was the 9L Genetic, which has increased infra-red counter counter measures (IRCCM); this upgrade consisted of
    a removable module in the Guidance Control Section (GCS) which provided flare-rejection capability. Next came the 9L(I), which had its
    IRCCM module hardwired into the GCS, providing improved countermeasures as well as an upgraded seeker system. Diehl BGT also markets the
    AIM-9L(I)-1 which again upgrades the 9L(I)GCS and is considered an operational equivalent to the initially "US only" AIM-9M.



    AIM-9M   USAF U.S.NAVY  1982-Present


    The subsequent AIM-9M ("Mike") has the all-aspect capability of the L model while providing all-around higher performance. The M model
    has improved capability against infrared countermeasures, enhanced background discrimination capability, and a reduced-smoke rocket motor.
    These modifications increase its ability to locate and lock-on to a target and decrease the chance of missile detection. Deliveries of the
    initial AIM-9M-1 began in 1982. The only changes from the AIM-9L to the AIM-9M were related to the Guidance Control Section (GCS). Several
    models were introduced in pairs with even numbers designating Navy versions and odd for USAF: AIM-9M-2/3, AIM-9M-4/5, and AIM-9M-6/7 which
    was rushed to the Persian Gulf area during Operation Desert Shield (1991) to address specific threats expected to be present.

    The AIM-9M-8/9 incorporated replacement of five circuit cards and the related parentboard to update infrared counter counter measures
    (IRCCM) capability to improve 9M capability against the latest threat IRCM. The first AIM-9M-8/9 modifications, fielded in 1995, involved
    deskinning the guidance section and substitution of circuit cards at the depot level, which is labor-intensive and expensive—as well as
    removing missiles from inventory during the upgrade period. The AIM-9X concept is to use reprogrammable software to
    permit upgrades without disassembly.




    Semper Fi!



  3. no this is not based on fake base. Totally irrelevant.


    Understood from the outset.....

    Dueces somehow added how the Stars are projected against the Sky, and doubled the Entries to project on the Terrain "Plain" at the same time. Would turn on and off as Stars would light up from Dusk through the Night........  The cool thing was that the Star "Twinking" made the City Lights look "Real"......... I just wish I knew how He did it.






    BTW, His location for the Stars?         ............ The Location, X,Y of the .Tod's of the Terrain.......

  4. Orsin,


            That's interesting stuff there.....



      Over the Years, I've thought about City Lighting at Night..... I've seen different Approaches to this over the Years. I saw only one to do it. It was "Dueces" Years ago....


    He never told Me how to do it.....He just left Me with one Hint......



    ............... Stars!




    PS, Maybe something to ask Stary about.........






  5. Streak,


      Did this using Your Decals from Your SFP1 File and adapted it to Ravenclaw's F-4E. The File is Yours anytime You want it. Just holler' Buddy.....







    Marc taught Me first starting out in SFP1. I still have some of the Notes We passed regarding Painting in SF. I owe him a lot for helping Me getting involved in SF in the early Days. You bring back Memories of "McFly's" , "Biohazard", "Column5's" and "ACFC"........Fond Memories...



    Semper Fi!




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