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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. I stand Corrected. Forgive Me.....I was thinking FRS, and wrote Gr.3. You're right. That's a Laser in that Nose. My Age is telling on Me now.... 331KillerBee
  2. Right on Target Crusader! But don't forget about the Gr.3's. They had a Radar.... The G&C Patteren is suppose to be in a Circular Pattern, But in reality, It does it in a Egg Shape. Why? Well, It doesn't spend alot of time looking Up as opposed to looking down and side to side. 331KillerBee
  3. Go for it! Mine stands at 2252 Weapons now and with the right Loadout.ini's, I have no problems with any Terrain and any Campaign/Mission. But I know What is What by the Nomenclatures. Wpnssgt did the Training Weapons. I included them in My Pack for those who wish to use them with the various Ranges Terrains. I have no objections to trimming the Pack down. It's whatever the Community needs. The Problem I had with building the Packs is keeping the Effects stright. There are some many from so many From Effects and Weapons Packs, It was hard to keep them stright. Lindr2 Has just done his Russian Bomb Pack. If he does a Missle Pack, I bet I'll alot more than 2252.......... Semper Fi 331KillerBee
  4. In 1972, The Marines recived their first AV-8A's at MCAS Beaufort. They were the first Marine Aircraft to have "SEAM" installed. They Installed the Boxes on Stations 1 and 5 first thing as the Aircraft were being accepted. All other Aircraft recived "SEAM" shortly thereafter. It was to take advantage of the new AIM-9L Seekerhead Improvments. The AIM-9L was released in 1971. A "SEAM" Box is about half the size of a Tissue Box. It connects Between The Sidewinder Harness inside each Pylon. It also controls extra Nitrogen needed for the AIM-9L's G&C from the LAU-7's Bottle. "SEAM" doesen't require Radar to opperate. But having Radar is a Bonus. The "SEAM" Boxes is what I helped the RAF and Royal Navy install back in 1982. And We all know what they did using the AIM-9 "Limas". The worst part of the Install was the building of two 32 pin Connectors for each Pylon. It was a Pain... Just some Notes...... 331KillerBee
  5. A few Shots...... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  6. Holy s**t....

    Damn, I thought it was Bobbin'....... Big Belated. 331KB
  7. Show off your Desktop!

    Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  8. Cool shot CL. That's a VMA(AW)-332 Poka Dot Moonlighters AD-6. They just stood down with F/A-18's and are in stand by Cadre to receive F-35 Lighting II. 331KillerBee
  9. No, It means if You place anything on the Base such as Trucks or anything like that, They'll be backwards from the Numbers presented. This is the Korat Base on the "Range", which is completley flat, And this is the results I get. This is with a korat_airbase.INI with a MaxVisualDis= 100000000.0 331KillerBee
  10. It's a Model Problem. The Korat Add-On that You are refering to was created by ArmourDave. He made the Base as one Model. The Runways, Buildings, Fuel Tanks,ect. were made as One .LOD or Model. You can try going into the Korat.INI and increasing the maximum distance the .LOD can be viewed. If the Model doesn't have a .INI, You can create one with the Example below...... [LOD001] Filename=Korat.lod Distance=10000.0 <<<< Play around with this Number. [shadow] CastShadow=False ShadowLOD= ShadowType=0 ShadowCastDist=0 MaxVisibleDistance=10000 <<<<<<< And this one. P.S. Also, I forgot. All the X-Y Posistions on the Model are backwards....... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  11. I'll take a look see. But I don't know if I have "Considerable Talent" for the Job........ 331KillerBee
  12. 63-8312 Midnight Sun a "Commando Nail" EF-105F. Shot down February 29 1968. It was hit by a SAM at 10,000 over Hanoi. In Memory of Maj C.J. Fitton and Capt C.S. Harris that were lost in that Mission.......... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  13. CL, Make a Folder in Your Weapons called "GPU-2/A" and add a copy of the suu11.LOD in it. then use the Info below for the Data.ini. [WeaponData001] TypeName=GPU-2/A FullName=GPU-2/A Gun Pod ModelName=suu11 Mass=266.000000 Diameter=0.300000 Length=2.150000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=USAF SpecificStationCode= NationName=USAF,USN StartYear=1965 EndYear=1985 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=24 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=3 GunTypeName=20MM_M197 MaxRounds=300 MuzzlePosition=0.000000,1.000000,0.000000 LightPosition=0.000000,1.150000,0.000000 AimDirection=0.000000,1.000000,0.000000 EjectShells=1 EjectPosition=0.000000,-0.550000,-0.100000 EjectVelocity=0.000000,0.000000,-2.000000 Now You'll need the Gun Info and put it in Your "Gun" Folder..... [GunData] ObjectFullName=20mm M197 ObjectDataFile=20mm_M197_data.INI [GunData001] TypeName=20MM_M197 FullName=20mm M197 Caliber=20.000000 ROF=1500.000000 < 700 or 1500 ROF MuzzleVel=1030.000000 AmmoWt=0.101000 WarheadWt=0.010100 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=70.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1000.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=20mmFireEffect GunFireSound=Vulcan EffectClassName=20mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.150000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.015000 MaxVisibleDist=8000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE Now, Increase the load Limit on the Centerline Pylon from 600Kg to 800Kg in the OV-10A_Data.ini. It will give You below. SUU11 SUU16 SUU23 Mk4 Mod 0 That's all I can think of, Short of making a new Model for the GPU-2/A. 331KillerBee
  14. Twin 20mm Mk 12's..........A-4,A-1,F-8..... 3 Barreled Vulcan......
  15. All I can say is Bad Eyesight and Old Age. I did this Pack while My Hand was in a Cast from a broken Wrist. There might be some Typos, But not much.....
  16. Jomni, I hope it's not wrong. It was a Priorty on My list of Fixes in this Pack.........Damn. I might have checked it off, But failed to get it done. Sorry.
  17. how is Column 5 doing?

    Yhea Man, It's cool of You to let Us know You're alright. Give Us a Yell from time to time...... 331KillerBee
  18. Kevin, I can confirm that this is a "Bug". Below is what I got on a Carrier Landing. Seems Shadows got messed up with the Feb 2010 Patch. It's not a DX9/XP only Issue. I'm running Win 7 DX 11. 331KillerBee
  19. Besides Thanking Me, You all need to give EricJ Much thanks. He fleshed out alot of the Edits and Fixes from the original "Ordnance Shop". Thanks EricJ For all Your Help.
  20. A quick Comment.....There are No First Eagles or First Eagle 2 Weapons in this Pack.
  21. Vietnam Vet vs Thug

    Man, I wish those Video People would quit following Me.........
  22. Yes I did.....It's Basketball Season. No harm, No Foul... And to the rest of Yall', Thank Yourselves. It's the Community's Pack. It's all of Yall's Hard Work to begin with. The more Weapons, The merrier I see it. 331KB
  23. Yes, The Weapons Pack is being updated. This one came out on 4 May 2009. It came out before anyone knew how Weapons Effects were handled in SF2 Series. The new Weapons Pack will have the Effects done for it. But if a User wants to get a he start on things, try this from the "Knowledge Base"...SF2 Weapons and Effects There's nothing wrong with the Pack. Nothing at all. It's just that it was done right after StrikeFighters2 was released. I did 1800 Weapons from first Generation Format to SF2. And it's been working fine for Me ever since. If You feel that this is not good enough for You. Then don't download it. And do Your own and submit it. Feel free to make it better if You can. Once the revised Weapons Pack is done and Uploaded, That's it. I'm done doing Weapons Packs from now on. This will be My last one and I should be able to finish it up sometime next Week. I've been involved in every Weapons Pack since the Idea came to being around 2002. I retired from the Military. Now it's time for Me to retire from this. For the life of Me I can't see why something so easy becomes so difficult. I guess that's where Modding Experience comes from. I've been doing thing like this way too long. It becomes second Hat. But for those that want to say that this Weapons Pack is "Broke" or "Doesn't Work" is so very wrong and insulting. It's more like "Hey Man, I'm too Lazy. Will You do all the Work for Me". 331KillerBee
  24. First Off...... If You have a WeaponsData.ini, GunsData.ini, Weapons.Dat or Guns.Dat, The only reason that You should be foolin' around with them is if You have a "First Generation Game". i.e.(StrikeFighters, Wings over Vietnam, Wings over Europe and First Eagles) All "2nd Generation Games" (Any with the Number "2" in it) Does not require edits to a WeaponsData.ini or GunData.ini.....For Examples, Look at My posting above for File Structure. As for the "ASRAAM", I used a "unedited" version of the Ordnance Shop with a EF-2000 and got this...... 331KillerBee

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