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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. Greyhawk, Since You are running a SF2 Level Title, There's no need to mess with a WeaponsData.ini. Only first Generation Titles need WeaponsData.ini Edits. Go to the Download Section here at CA. Under ThirdWire's StrikeFighters2 Downloads in the Weapons Packs and Single Weapons, Look for Gunny 331KillerBee's Ordnance Shop. Download it. It has over 1700 Weapons and Stores in SF2 Format. Follow the Directions in the Read-Me's and have Fun. Weapons and Guns in SF2 Titles are what is called "Plug-in-Play". 331KillerBee
  2. Ant, You can add this one for the Package if You want, M8....... 331KillerBee
  3. VNAF's 518 Fighter Squadron....... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  4. Stock, My Friend..... 331KillerBee
  5. Remembrance Day

    Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  6. Thanks! This one is for Marines everywhere. Happy Birthday and Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  7. Happy Birthday Marine Corps

  8. Happy Birthday Gunny!

    Well, Thanks Guys.....Even tho' I'm not as an "Old" as the Corps. But Close.... This Birthday is for all Marines Past, Present and Future. The USMC. 234 Years of Romping, Stomping, Raisin' Hell. The Worlds Greatest Death and Destruction Machine. It's Mother is a Firefighting Hole. It's Father an M-16. Every Day a Marine lives is another Day away from Enemies Lives. For We are that Green Amphibious Monster that beleaves in Mom, Apple Pie, And the American Flag. We stole the Anchor from the Navy, Rope from the Army, And on the seventh Day while God rested, We overan his Perimeter and stole the Globe and have been runnin' the Show ever since. Solider by Day, Lover by Night, Drunkard by choice......... MARINE By God......... Happy Birthday and Semper Fi to all Marines everywhere. 331KillerBee
  9. For a Vietnam Era VMCJ-1 or VMCJ-2, A white Tail will do. VMCJ-1 had a "RM" on them. J-2 had a "CY" with a Playboy Bunny on the Rudder. If it's post-Vietnam, VMCJ-1,2,3 and VMFP-3 were the most painted up'd Phantoms in the Marine Corps. There are so many different Tail Paint Jobs that it would take weeks to do them all. RF-4B's of the Marines had 17 different Paint Jobs. The Vietnam-Era ones are the easiest to do. VMCJ-1 had a Standard Tail with a canted "RM" Tail Code on them. VMCJ-2 had a Standard Tail with a canted "CY" Tail Code with a Black Playboy Bunny Symbol outlined in Red on the Rudder. VMCJ-3 had a Standard Tail with a canted "TN" Tail Code with a Dark Green Delta Symbol in front of the Tail Code. 331KillerBee
  10. Another to look at...... 331KillerBee
  11. Col. Ky's VNAF Bird........ Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  12. Just messing around......... The Bama Bomber The Mission Belle The Flak Maid Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  13. Along with what Wrench just said about the Percentages being adjusted in the Airfield.INI's, Also You can control what a "Large" and "Small" Aircraft is by adjusting the WingSpan Entry in the Airfield.INIs. They are in Meters. You can control the size of what gets parked that way. 331KillerBee
  14. Yep......It works.... 331KillerBee
  15. Gettin' in the swing of things....... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee (Always, Oli!)
  16. Just a quick suggestion. I'd use the Recon Pod that NATO Units used on their F-104's. Some Nations had them adapted to their F-16's and should be in Download Section under Weapons here at CA. 331KB
  17. This Update is COOL! The Wingfold keeping the Ordnance in place is a neat Addition. It's an excellent Model for using in the Rolling Thunder Campaign. I think all but 3 Squadron Skins are represented. HrtFixr and Paul Northness has covered the existing Squadrons with downloadable Skins out there. 331KillerBee
  18. Yes, It's the one that comes in SF2V. I've been working down the List of all A-1H/J's that are listed in the Stock Campaigns and doing Decals for all of them. I've just got A-1J's of VA-196 and VA-215 left to do......
  19. "Betty" Sword 501, VA-145 Swordsmen USS Intrepid 1965...... 331KillerBee
  20. VMCJ-1 Late 1965 RVN......... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  21. These are also in the Campaign.Dll of SF2.....Just hadn't figured out how they work. CampaignEndWinMovie= CampaignEndLoseMovie= CampaignEndStallMovie=
  22. Actually, Here's some more that actually work that Yall' can mess with.... These would fall under [ForceXXX] in the Campaign_Data.ini..... AllowRandomAceCreation=TRUE or FALSE UseFAC=TRUE or FALSE RandomFACType= ANY or List the Type RandomTransport=True or FALSE RandomTransportType=ANY or list Type RulesOfEngagement=TRUE or FALSE LimitTargetToActiveRunway=TRUE or FALSE MaxSecondaryStrikes= (#) RandomCAP=TRUE or FALSE And of course, "Known Aces" can be added to any [unitXXX]. 331KillerBee
  23. eburger68 and Malibu43, If nobody has told Yall yet, The Campaign Code for First Eagles was left in SF2 Titles. Here's one Example below for use in any futher Campaigns Yall' come up with.... [GroundUnit001] GroundObjectType=M113 UnitName=1st ARVN Infantry Division ForceID=1 Nation=SVietnam BaseArea=Hue RandomChance=100 StartObjects=80 MaxObjects=100 Experience=50 Morale=40 Supply=40 UpgradeType=NEVER Intelligence=40 Formation=USTank MaxObjectPerMission=10 331KillerBee
  24. Dagger1, I would, but I don't mod WOX Series anymore. All of mine are done in SF2 Title which don't require a Weaponsdata.ini or Groundobjectdata.ini Edits. It would take me another Week to compile the Information back to WOX Title Formats. I don't have any problem in doing that. It's just I don't have the Time. I'm leaving Friday for Your part of the World and I don't know when I'll be able to return home as of yet. 331KillerBee

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