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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. Quick Story about the Colt Mk.12's and the F-8. When I got to VMFA-235, We still had some Ole' Ordnancemen that were in 235 when they had F-8's. The Max Effective Range of the Mk.12 was alittle over 1800 Meters. They told Me that They used to set the "RC" to 1700 Meters for the Top two Guns. The bottom two were set at 1684 Meters. That's a "RC" Area of 16 Meters..... Roughly the Length of a Mig-21.......
  2. Yhea Kevin, Much like a Car Chassis. With most Six Gunned Aircraft like a P-51 on the Wing Leading Edges or a F-86 with Six .50 Cals in the Nose. Each Gun could be individually adjusted through the Set Screws. I know We've all seen those early Films of an Aircraft on the Ground firing it's Guns at a Cloth or Paper Target. That's what the Ground Crew is doing there. Adjusting the Rounds Convergence of the Guns....Along with test Firing them. This process was done on a regular scheduled Maintence Inspection. In the case of the A-4's I worked on, It was done every 180 Days. The process is long. In the case of the A-4, There was a whole Manual dedicated for how to set the Aircraft up. And it only had two Mk.12's. The process is not unlike setting up a Shoulder Fired Weapon. First, The Aircraft had to be Zeroed "0" with it's Gunsight. The Aircraft was placed on Jacks and Jacked up until the CG of the Aircraft Level and the Gun Chassis were loose enough so a Ordnanceman could move the Gun in the Chassis by Hand. A Calibrated Rod was placed through the Barrels of the Guns with a Fixture on the Ends of the Rods. These Fixtures had a manual Indicator on them, So when adjusted, The Guns could be lined up for the Zero-ing of the Aircraft. The Aircraft being "Zero-ed" ment that the Guns would fire at a Trijectory stright out from the Aircraft along the same path as the Sight is adjusted to, with no Convergence dialed in. Then came Rounds Convergence Adjustment. It was done with the same Calibrated Rods, but without the Fixtures. In the case of the A-4, A large, Preset Board was placed in front of the Aircraft. The Board was painted and marked like a Large Graph. The Ends of the Rods pointed out on the Graph the Distance of the Round Convergence. The Guns were set accordingly via the Set Screws through the Gun Chassis. Keep in mind, This all came after a 180 day Inspection in which each Gun was tore-down, cleaned, serviced and assembled and placed back into the Aircraft. Once the Rounds Convergence was set "Dry", Then the Aircraft was towed out to a "Live" Firing Area. The Area consisted of the same Graph as a Board, except it was printed on Cardboard and set in a Fixture that compensated for the Angle of the Aircraft's Landing Gear. A very high, Thick Mound of Dirt...More like a Mountian of Earth burm to catch the spent Rounds behind it. This Area is where We'd test Fire Guns to see if our work was right and to test out the Convergence Adjustments. The A-1, A-4 and F-8B all had Lead Computing Sights. Most all early Jets starting with the F-80 had "LC" Gunsights. By the End of the Korean War, They were going from Gyro's to Solid-State equipment. Today, HUD's use Microprocessers to do the same thing. 331KillerBee
  3. There were two Types of Gunsights used durning WWII. They were Reflective and Gyro Sights. The U.S.Navy had two Types of Reflective Gunsights. One was the Mk.8 used first on F4F's. The second was the Mk.9. It was used on all Naval Bomber Types such as the SBD. It had manual "Depress" for Gun's and Bombing. The Mk.18 was a Gyro Sight that was Lead Computing. It was introduced on the F4U. The Mk.18 became the "Grandfather" of the Ferranti Gunsight used on A-1's, A-4's and early F-8's. Rounds Convergence is the Point where the Rounds come to a Point of Impact. Ending with the retirement of the A-4 from service, Pilots could select and choose the Rounds Convergence to their personal Tastes. This was done on the Ground by Ordnancemen by setting Gun Convergence Set Screws on the Gun Chassis of the Gun Rack. Each Gun, no matter the Type (Such as a Mk.12) or Timeframe (WWII,Korea,Vietnam). Pilots regularly had their Rounds Convergence set. This became important with F-86's durning the Korean Conflict. Many times the F-86's would pull G's that would short out the Reflective Gunsights. So, Pilots would use their Round Convergence with Tracers to sight-in their Targets. Many Kills in Korea were done in this fashion. The Set Screws in the Gun Chassis worked in the X,Y,Z Axis. So Guns were set to a "Rounds Convergence Pattern" according to the Pilot's tastes. One Pilot might like a "Stright-Line" Pattern either in the X or Z Axis. One Pilot might want his Rounds to "Stack". One might want a "Up and Down" Pattern.....It was all up to the Pilot and could also be set for Mission requirements. This Practice ended with the Retirement of the A-4 from service and the introduction of Multi-Barreled Gatlin Guns. Nowadays, Gatlin Gun Systems have Phenumatic and Hydraulic Actuators that are Computer controlled. The Gun is adjusted according to conditions. ROF of such Gun Systems make adjusting Rounds Convergence something of the Past...... 331KillerBee
  4. PM Me and I've got all the "Hook Up" You need to do this. I've got so much Reasearch and Information, It'll make Your Head spin. All Offical. 331KillerBee
  5. Happy Birthday 331Killerbee

    Thanx to all of You! A person asked Me today how old I was. I said "Not quite a Day past Yesterday." I'll woop it up Tonight. Hopefully the Ole' Lady will get Me one of those Cakes that has a Young Bunny jumping out of it.......Wishful Thinking. 331KillerBee
  6. VF-213 Black Lions F-4G 1966... 331KillerBee
  7. "Transport" in SF2 Series still works. It works in Campaigns and Single Missions. As Bpao has stated, You'll have to set up Commercial Airlines as a "Neutral Country". As it stands, "Transport" as a Mission, Has only one Formation Type. That's a Single Aircraft in flight. Additional work can be done in the Formation.INI if You'd want more than one Aircraft to show at any given time. Netural Airbases would have to be set up for this Netural Country. Let Us know how it goes...... 331KillerBee
  8. Here's the Draw-Back to doing this work. I've been Modding Bases and Object Placements for awhile now. And I continue building them. As it stands right now, Framerates is a concern. But a bigger Concern is the effect on Loading Times. Many of You do, I'm assure, Do as I do, Put in Mods like Trees and more Buildings via Mods being offered by the Community. Such Mods run OK, But if You've noticed, It effects Loading Times. The more Objects placed in the Terrain, The more the Game Engine has to Render out. So, If a User doesn't mind waiting awhile for the Game to Load up durning the Loading Screen, Then all this Work will be OK. One thing an "Advanced Modder" can do to help out the Game Engine, Is to make a "Custom .CAT". It won't help out in Loading Times, But it will keep Terrain Bugs down to a minimum. There are two Rules that involve building a "Custom .CAT". 1) You can not increase the number of Files the Stock .CAT came with in building a "Custom .CAT". The Game Engine reads the Header of the .CAT for .CAT Name and number of Files in it. 2) You can Edit and add to any File that came with the Stock .CAT. But You can't add any more Files than what came with it. Example of this: I have "Green Hell2" and Comprnt's Lighting Mods, plus any Enviromental Terrain Mod in one .CAT. No loose Files. The only loose Files are additions to the Terrain such as the Objects that are seen eariler in this Post. One other benifit of doing a "Custom .CAT" is that it keeps the Terrain File size down. Any additional Files (Additional Mods)would go into that Terrain Folder making it more easier to locate certian Files. Just some things to think about...... 331KillerBee
  9. Yep Jeff, I did all of them. Even some .CATs that came from ThirdWire still in ANSI Format. 331KillerBee
  10. Maj. Lassiter and Capt. Cunningham actually got credited for one and a half Kills. 201, The Bird they did the killing from was lost to a SAM the next Day.... BTW, It's pretty easy to pick out the one with the Callsign "Bear".... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  11. My Stuff will take alittle. Still working on them. I've got a few finished......
  12. I've built Ladders, Scaffolds, NAN Carts, Light Carts, Start Carts, Tow Bars, Tugs, Fire Bottles......ect. Still working on them.
  13. 1. "Parked Aircraft" will effect the FPS. The more "Parked Aircraft", The more the FrameRate takes a Hit. 2. Ground Objects, As long as the Poly Count is kept around the recommend Guidelines, They're no Problem. Korat "Re-Work" still in Progress....... Still adding things. I've got some GSE in 3DMax waiting to be Mapped. Also got more work to do on Camp Friendship. 331KillerBee
  14. Rabbit Huntin'.......... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  15. Pickle the Fire Button once, Rocket Pods fire in "Single". Hold it down, They fire in "Ripple". For Dispersion, Try a Pod loaded with Mk 40 WDU-4AA. That's a Flechette Warhead. If You have the Effect Class set up right, The Dispersion is like a CBU Effect when it hits the Ground. 331KillerBee
  16. If it's a SF2 Install, Put the "Effect Class" at the bottom of the WeaponData.INI, Like this...... [WeaponData001] TypeName=MK-83Mod1 FullName=MK-83Mod 1 Tactical Nuke ModelName=MK-83Mod1 Mass=1000.000000 Diameter=0.220000 Length=2.300000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.120000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.462000 AttachmentType=USN SpecificStationCode= NationName=USN StartYear=1961 EndYear=1991 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=8 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=0 RailLaunched=FALSE Retarded=TRUE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE EffectClassName=NukeExplosionEffect DragAreaMultiplier=8.000000 WarheadType=14 Explosives=100.000000 FusingDistance=50.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=0 Accuracy=0 MaxTurnRate=0.000000 MaxLaunchG=0.000000 LockonChance=0 LaunchReliability=0 ArmingTime=0.000000 SeekerFOV=0.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=0.000000 SeekerTrackRate=0.000000 SeekerRange=0.000000 LiftDragRatio=4.000000 ReleaseAnimationID=1 ReleaseAnimationTime=2.000000 ReleaseAnimationDelay=0.500000 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 [NukeExplosionEffect] GroundHitEffectName=NukeExplosionEffect GroundHitSoundName=Nuclear.wav WaterHitEffectName=NukeExplosionEffect WaterHitSoundName=Nuclear.wav ObjectHitEffectName=NukeExplosionEffect ObjectHitSoundName=Nuclear.wav ArmorHitEffectName=NukeExplosionEffect ArmorHitSoundName=Nuclear.wav AirBurstEffectName= If it's a First Generation Game (SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI), Then You must add the "Effect Class" to the MissileObject.INI. ****After You've done all that, Be sure Your Nuke Effects are in the "Effects" Folder. 331KillerBee
  17. It's a Varible Thats set to Random Effects. This Entry determines the UpperEnd Limit that Light is produced. The "MAX" is the UpperEnd. A "MIN" Entry is the LowerEnd. "Range" meaning the MIN-MAX as a whole.
  18. I see that Kowalski and Private are here. What's the Deal? Skipper gone UA?
  19. I helped a Guy about 4-5 Years back. I can't recall His name right off. But We, At the time, Were Changing the Views and using a JAVA Script Program that worked in the Background called "GunCam". This little App captured GunSight Screen Shots in Black&White and could add other Effects too. If I recall, I think it's still in the Download Section somewhere. BTW, The KS-87 showing 15 Degrees AFT is Odd. But it might be a result of Me setting this up with the RF-4C_early and not the late Version. Check the .INIs and compare Entries.
  20. I ran a Beta in Vista with no Problems. 331KillerBee
  21. If You know how to Edit Effects. I can refer You to this Site. He made the Original Nuke Effect that might not be as hard on Your Machine. Here's the Link:sfmods.com 331KillerBee
  22. Check out the Second Line in the Roster...... That's how they show up in Game in Campaign Mode. Something You can't do in a YAP1/2 Install......... 331KillerBee
  23. Malibu43 & Pureblue, And anybody else that wants it. Here it is. In this Series of Sims, A User can only have One EOCamera. So, One Camera Bay is all We get. It's the Forward one like the Model came out with. But now the User can choose between two Cameras. The first is the KS-87. It's set up as Default. It's a 15 Degree IR Camera just like the real one. The second is the KS-72 High Speed Low Level 30 Degree Color Camera. Just like the real one. The user has to choose the Camera via the Loadout Screen. Don't Freak out if You are on the Runway and You chose the KS-72 and You get a White Screen. That Camera is activated by "Weight Off Wheels". When the Tires leave the Ground, The Camera turns on. BACK UP YOUR ORIGINAL RF-4C_DATA.INI and RF-4C_Loadout.INI. Place the respective Files in their proper Location. The Folders in the 7Zip tell where they go. As a added Bonus, I added the Loading Screen That I use for the RF-4C. Here it is: RECON_Phantom_Mod.7z Have Fun! Good Luck! 331KillerBee P.S.& BTW.......This is set up for SF2 Series.
  24. You can't adjust it through the Data.INI. If You notice the Camera's Position is in X,Y,Z Cords.....It's fixed at that. You can Move it around those Cords. But Your FOV is set at that Cords. You can expand the FOV using the CameraFOV Entry. But Pitch, Yaw, and Roll doesn't work like that. Besides, an RF-4C has 3 Camera Bays. A RF-4B has 2. Give Me a Day and I'll work You up a True Recon Phantom and send it to You. I need to do it for My Install anyway. When You see it done, It'll all make sence to You......... 331KillerBee

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