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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    My view on this Subject is very skewed. I retired from Active Duty after 20 Years. Followed by 15 more working for the Federal Goverment. When I was 18 and entered Parris Island, The Draft was still going on. For those that are in favor of a Draft, Let Me remind Yall' how it was. From Ages 18 to 35 had to register. You received a Draft Card in the Mail with Your Draft Number and the Location of where and when to Report. Many did not want to go because it was a unpopular War. The majority went. But there were those that made the Exodus to Canada or Mexico after burning their Cards. Enlistment was 2 Years manditory. 12 Months in a Combat Zone and can not be extended more than 13 Months by Contract. My Crazy Butt Enlisted.......I Volunteered before My Number was Called. Also, My Father was killed over there and I wanted to go. But I didn't. Many of My fellow StaffNCO's commented toward Our Retirments how each Service had changed for the better because of Our "All Volunteer Services". The Quality of the basic Person entering Military Service was more physically fit. More Educated. And most important of all, They wanted to be there. A far cry difference from when We first Joined. However it was done. But.....I am not in favor of any Manditory Service Obligation what so ever. Freedom to choose is the overiding Factor. Freedom to Choose. Freedom overall is the Foundation Principle of Our Military......It says in in our Oath.....To defend Freedom and uphold the Consistution. So help Us......The more Our Freedoms are taken away.....The More it dimenishes Our Cause........Which is the Defenders of Freedom..... So I'd rather have a system where Individuals have the Freedom to choose whether or not to Enlist into Military Service......Or Say what they want. Protest what they want. Work at the Job they want. Marry who they want. Dress the way they want...... I might not agree with it..........But I'd be more than glad to offer My Life for it. Hell, I'd "Volunteer" for it........ That's Defending Freedom and to make it so that Others may have it........ Just My 2 Pennys.... 331KillerBee
  2. Well, You know Me Diego. I don't support Outfits like that......
  3. Still wouldn't work. YAP1 and 2 is for User Generated Missions. The above is for "Campaigns" in a ThirdWire Series Sim. YAP would have to give up alot of their "Goodies" to include this. ThirdWire Sim with "Known Aces", around $30 Bucks max. YAP2 limited to User Generated Missions at $160+..... Pretty easy Math.
  4. Yea, But this is FREE......
  5. Happy Birthday Jimmybib

    Happy Birthday JimmiBib! And many more......
  6. Example of a Two-Seat Aircrew Entry from Linebacker II........ [AirUnit052] AircraftType=F-4J Squadron=VMFA333 ForceID=1 Nation=USMC DefaultTexture=333 StartNumber=200 BaseArea=Yankee Station CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierNumber=66 BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=16 StartAircraft=16 MaxPilots=16 StartPilots=16 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=50 MissionChance[sWEEP]=40 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=80 MissionChance=40 MissionChance[CAS]=90 MissionChance[sEAD]=20 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=50 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=0 UpgradeType=NEVER KnownAce[01].LastName=Capt.J.Cummings KnownAce[01].FirstName=L.Lassiter KnownAce[01].RankID=3 KnownAce[01].NumMissions=71 KnownAce[01].AirKills=1 KnownAce[01].AircraftNumber=201 KnownAce[01].Texture=333
  7. This can only be done with First Generation post Patch Oct.08 and SF2 Series. Sorry YAP Users........
  8. Also, This would work for Helicopter Pilots. If You made U.S.Army a Nation. It could have known Helicopter Pilots Names as "Known Aces" also.....
  9. BTW.....Osprey and Squadron/Signal Books are great resources for getting Historical Aces and Mig Killer Names.
  10. A "Known Aces" Rating automatically goes to 100. But that is 100 of what the overall Expirence Rating of the Nation is. For Example, If I have a VPAF Pilot that is a "Known Ace" his Rating is 100. But if the NVietnam Pilot Expirence Rating is 50, then that Ace is 100% of the 50.
  11. Historical "Known Aces" can display under 5 Kills. Even "0" for just a named Pilot like John McCain. And if You still have the "Kill" Entry in the Decals.INI of the Skin, It will display the Kill Marking. So, You basically can have every Aircrew that shot down a Mig in Game........ Each Squadron in Campaign can have from 01-99 "Known Aces".
  12. It leads to some pretty neat Stuff.......... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  13. Recommended Reading for Starting

    If You are starting out Modding in the ThirdWire Series, Let Me recommend some Reading Material. The Link below is for "Charles EAW SFP1 Site". At the Bottom of the Page, There is a Download of Notes on Modding by Charles that was done in 2005. It goes through and explains alot of Information on Modding the Sim. It's wrote for the First Generation of Sims (SFP1/WOV/WOE,WOI), But much of the Information still applies to the Second Generation Sim (SF2/SF2V/SF2E/SF2I). The Download is at the Bottom of the Page. I recommend downloading this Material and reading it for any User that want to begin Modding their Install. The Link: http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/CharlesEAW/sfpage.html or http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=8786 Good Luck! 331KillerBee
  14. PappaGoat, Here's a Link to Charles Web Site. Down at the bottom of the Page is a downloadable editting "Notes" that Charles did back in 2005. It's for SFP1 (First Gen) Series, But many of the Items still apply to SF2 Series. It has a detailed section on Campaign Edits and describes what the Entries does somewhat.....Here's the Link: http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/CharlesEAW/sfpage.html 331KillerBee
  15. GrViper, DanW would know...........He works for ThirdWire......
  16. Not if You are a Pilot and RIO of an F-4J in Vietnam........
  17. And chalk it up to a Modding Mistake. We've all done it at one time or another. I've had My few, That's for sure. Always Read "ReadMe's" before installing any Mod. Strike Fighters Golden Rule #1: "When in doubt, First check it out." BTW, Ordnance Shop 2 is in the works for SF2 Series....... 331KillerBee
  18. Maj_Jedi, Maybe somebody in this Community that's into writing Code can add to it....... As for Me, My 6 Installs of SF2 on two different Machines is already done........
  19. If You want MP back....Call Bill Gates. He's the Cog in the Wheel........Not TK. He has much said so.......
  20. Yep.....It's been My humble Expirence that it renders both Ways. BTW.....As far as Terrains goes, The only difference in the SF2V Terrain and WOV Patched to Oct 08 is the inclusion of DX Entries. Both Terrains are identical. Both use ANSI Encoded .INI's from the Factory....... 331KillerBee
  21. Gr.Viper : Migbuster : It will work for both Stock or Modded Install. Terrains come stock with the .INI's in ANSI. It doesn't hurt to convert them. Every littlebit counts when it comes to Framerate Increases. Ultramax: It should work for both Single Missions and Campaigns. There's alot of Factors going into playing in Campaign. First, You must take account the Mods You have installed. Especially ones that releate to Terrains. Such as .TOD Increases that increase Trees and Buildings. Enviroment Changes. Object Traffic. What I mean by that is in Campaigns, There are more Objects rendered in the Game on a regular basis than in Single Mission. I've never seen Traffic in Single Missions like there is in Campaigns. More Objects, More the Game Engine has to Render out. With that, The Parking of Aircraft at Airbases take it's toll too. There's alot more Factors in Campaigning that would slow down the most Souped Up Computer. Keep in mind, I wouldn't sell You a bad Bag of Goods. Any Improvement over What Anybody had before doing this is a Plus. Going Foward......Not Backward. 331KillerBee
  22. "GUNNER" controls the Movement of the Objects Torso much like a Tank Turrent or a Tail Gunner Station on an Aircraft. The "GUN" is the actual Gun Information assigned to the Object.
  23. Doh! I misunderstood. You've got it happening at random. I'd remove the F-111's like Dave suggested and reinstall them.... Sorry.
  24. Add this line in the F-111.INI....: AircraftFullName=F-111A Aardvark AircraftShortName=F-111A <<<<<<<<<<<<<**** AircraftDataFile=F-111A_data.ini LoadoutImage=F-111Aloadout.bmp LoadoutFile=F-111A_loadout.INI CockpitDataFile=F-111A_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=F-111Ahangar.bmp LoadingScreen=F-111Aloading.bmp AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-111A_AVIONICS.ini UserList=F-111A_UserList.ini That should take care of it. 331KillerBee
  25. The BulletObject.INI is to the "Guns" as the MissileObject.INI is to the "Weapons". Check the Entry "EffectClassName" in the GunData's of the Weapons the Troopers have and see if they match up with the current BulletObject.INI in your Install. 331KillerBee

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