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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. projects delay

    Damn Wrench...... Thoughts and Prayers goes out to You and the Misses...... 331KillerBee
  2. projects delay

    The "Best" Project You've ever showed Me..........
  3. EAV-8B Matador II ......... Excuse Me....... VA.2.... Semper Fidelis! 331KillerBee
  4. Your Bottom Graph is a perfect explanation for a "Lima" Missile. SEAM expanded the Seek of the G&C. Aircraft with Radar could lock on to Target and Missile G&C would Track same "Painted" Target. But Aircraft without Radar could not take advantage of this, But still had a Sidewinder in "Expanded" Mode and could Lock a Target at greater Angles of attack.. The "Lima"s on, needed a larger Nitrogen Bottle under more pressure in the LAU-7's for the demand of the G&C s. For a F-14 Tomcat Era study, See if this helps...... AIM-9G U.S.NAVY (Upgraded AIM-9D) 1972-1976 The "Golf" and featured a solid state design that improved reliability in the carrier environment where shock from catapult launches and arrested landings had a deteriorating effect on the earlier vacuum tube designs. The "Golf" was an improved version of the basic AIM-9D featuring larger forward canards as well as a more aerodynamic IR seeker and an improved rocket motor. The missile, however still had to be fired at the rear quarter of the target, a drawback of all early IR missiles.(Boresight) AIM-9L U.S. NAVY 1977-1982 The "Lima"was the first "all-aspect" Sidewinder with the ability to attack from all directions, including head-on,(SEAM) which had a dramatic effect on close in combat tactics. Its first combat use was by a pair of US Navy F-14s in the Gulf of Sidra in 1981 versus two Libyan Su-22 Fitters, both of the latter being destroyed by AIM-9Ls. Its first use in a large-scale conflict was by the United Kingdom during the 1982 Falklands War. In this campaign the "Lima" reportedly achieved a kill ratio of around 80%, a dramatic improvement over the 10–15% levels of earlier versions, scoring 17 kills and 2 shared kills against Argentine aircraft.The "Lima" was distinguished from earlier Sidewinder variants by its double delta forward canard configuration and natural metal finish of the guidance and control section. (DSQ-29 seeker unit) There are a number of "Lima" variants in operational service at present. First developed was the 9L Tactical, which is an upgraded version of the basic 9L missile. Next was the 9L Genetic, which has increased infra-red counter counter measures (IRCCM); this upgrade consisted of a removable module in the Guidance Control Section (GCS) which provided flare-rejection capability. Next came the 9L(I), which had its IRCCM module hardwired into the GCS, providing improved countermeasures as well as an upgraded seeker system. Diehl BGT also markets the AIM-9L(I)-1 which again upgrades the 9L(I)GCS and is considered an operational equivalent to the initially "US only" AIM-9M. AIM-9M USAF U.S.NAVY 1982-Present The subsequent AIM-9M ("Mike") has the all-aspect capability of the L model while providing all-around higher performance. The M model has improved capability against infrared countermeasures, enhanced background discrimination capability, and a reduced-smoke rocket motor. These modifications increase its ability to locate and lock-on to a target and decrease the chance of missile detection. Deliveries of the initial AIM-9M-1 began in 1982. The only changes from the AIM-9L to the AIM-9M were related to the Guidance Control Section (GCS). Several models were introduced in pairs with even numbers designating Navy versions and odd for USAF: AIM-9M-2/3, AIM-9M-4/5, and AIM-9M-6/7 which was rushed to the Persian Gulf area during Operation Desert Shield (1991) to address specific threats expected to be present. The AIM-9M-8/9 incorporated replacement of five circuit cards and the related parentboard to update infrared counter counter measures (IRCCM) capability to improve 9M capability against the latest threat IRCM. The first AIM-9M-8/9 modifications, fielded in 1995, involved deskinning the guidance section and substitution of circuit cards at the depot level, which is labor-intensive and expensive—as well as removing missiles from inventory during the upgrade period. The AIM-9X concept is to use reprogrammable software to permit upgrades without disassembly. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  5. Carrier Quals......... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  6. Test Flight........... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  7. Understood from the outset..... Dueces somehow added how the Stars are projected against the Sky, and doubled the Entries to project on the Terrain "Plain" at the same time. Would turn on and off as Stars would light up from Dusk through the Night........ The cool thing was that the Star "Twinking" made the City Lights look "Real"......... I just wish I knew how He did it. 331KB BTW, His location for the Stars? ............ The Location, X,Y of the .Tod's of the Terrain.......
  8. That can be done, But AI wants to start Missions from those "Fake Bases"....... So it's kinda' No-Go unless You want it for "Single Mission" only. Kind of kills the Terrain, If you know what I mean..... 331KB
  9. Orsin, That's interesting stuff there..... Over the Years, I've thought about City Lighting at Night..... I've seen different Approaches to this over the Years. I saw only one to do it. It was "Dueces" Years ago.... He never told Me how to do it.....He just left Me with one Hint...... ............... Stars! PS, Maybe something to ask Stary about......... 331KillerBee
  10. The Ole' Man here has had the SF2 Series since the Day SF2 came out last December. This past Week, I've had the most enjoyable Expirence with SF2 Game Play since owning the Titles, And the most Fun in ThirdWire Games since owning them since 2002. How did I get that way? I ran a Experiment this past week since I've been recovering from Back Surgery. First of all, They will be Nay-Sayers that say this isn't nessary or that this isn't required. They would be correct. It isn't. But if You want a Performance Gain without adding a outside Program, And or You've experienced things like Decals not showing up at Times or having Phantom .Lod's sometimes, knowing that You've installed the Models or Objects right........This Suggestion is for You. This is where the Nay-Sayer's are correct. What I'm about to suggest is a bit of a Pain in the Arse. First of all, I looked at a "Stock" Aircraft from a .Cat. All extracted and placed in It's proper File Locations. I studied it over and decided to make all Aircraft Files look exactly like that. Third party. This is how I did it....... The first thing is Nameing Conventions of all .INI's related to the Aircraft. In the past, writing (For example) A-1H_data and A-1H_cockpit was OK. But I changed all .INI's to reflect all the .INI's of a "Stock" Aircraft. Examples are: TEXTURESET DECALS NUMBERS A-1H_DATA A-1H_COCKPIT A-1H_AVIONICS A-1H_LOADOUT Notice one thing I'm doing, I'm using all Capital Letters just like the "Stock" .INI's. Next, All .INI's in the Game from all the Folders. If I've added .INI's from an outside Source, I change the Encoding from ANSI to Unicode just like the "Stock" .INI's from the Game. Yes, All of them. Terrain .INI's. Flight .INI's, Even Effects. Also don't forget TEXTURESET and NUMBERS which is the NumberList also. This is done By opening the .INI with Windows Notepad and "Save As" the .INI. At the bottom of Notepad, There's a Dropdown labled "Encoding". The only two You should be concerned with is ANSI and Unicode. Change any ANSI to Unicode and hit "Save". It will ask if You want to "Replace the Existing File?", Click "Yes". If You do these two Adjustments, Your Playing Experince will increase 10 Fold. And the Bugs and Gliches would be kept down to a minium. This doesn't speed up Loading Times because Loading is so Terrain dependent. A heavly Modded Terrain will slow down Loading Time by a bunch. What a User should see by doing these Adjustments is less Bugs and Gliches and smoother Gameplay. I've also gained some Framerate due to these Changes which is always a Plus. It keeps the Game engine or "Core" reading one Encoding instead of two. The "Core" reading two leads to Problems. It can do it. But just reading one is eaiser for it to manage. It makes sense. This past Week, I've had a marked improvment in Gameplay. So this Ole' Master Gunny decided to share his Findings with the Community. Remember, This isn't required. But the Improvment is so noticable. I've enjoyed this past Week of Playing because of the Changes. Just thought Yall' would like to know. Good Luck! 331KillerBee
  11. Oh! I forgot......... AV-8Beeeeeee's Forever! Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  12. Comming Soon....... Semper Fidelis! 331KillerBee
  13. I can confirm that this works. And works outstanding. Been waiting for this for Years....... Thank You very much. KillerBee's Airfield Objects will now show........... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  14. Streak, Did this using Your Decals from Your SFP1 File and adapted it to Ravenclaw's F-4E. The File is Yours anytime You want it. Just holler' Buddy..... Marc taught Me first starting out in SFP1. I still have some of the Notes We passed regarding Painting in SF. I owe him a lot for helping Me getting involved in SF in the early Days. You bring back Memories of "McFly's" , "Biohazard", "Column5's" and "ACFC"........Fond Memories... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  15. VMA-331 was "High Viz" until 1979. They went TPS 1980 on...... Except for "Triple Nuts". The Commanding General's Aircraft. It retained "High Viz" until Retirment. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  16. More "Hot Rod" Fun..... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  17. I stand corrected My Man. I get confused a lot.......... Byproduct of running a DX 12 Card with a DX 10 Game......
  18. DirX 11 Shaders missing from the Terrain Your using? ..........Maybe....
  19. 331KillerBee BTW, I call this one "Digi Godzilla"
  20. All these Years, I've never done a 'What-If'...... Here's My First Ever....... Japanese Navy FGR.3 Phantom 721 Mizuchi Sentai Operation: Hormuz Shield June 2009 Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  21. VMCJ-1/VMFP-3 operated a Det of 4 to 6 Aircraft with CVW-5 Uss Midway from 1970 till 1992. The long Nose made it more difficult to land than a Corsair on a Carrier in WW II. Got to trust Your ILS. Real scary at Night Conditions. I hear of a Proper RF-4B in the works for SF2....... Just a long ways off.
  22. We also need a ALQ-86 for EA-3's, EF-10B's and EA-6A's for the Vietnam Period. I have a External ALQ-126B that RavenClaw did for Me awhile back for a EA-6A set-up. And 'God' please grant Us a proper F-10, EF-10B.......... Someday. 331KB
  23. Used to defeat ​Fansong's....​ 'Antler's ​ appear to be the Early Version of the ALQ-167 based off the ALQ-81 that was later used on the F-14. Just like the ALQ-86 was the Grandfather to the ALQ-99. Something of interests about the RF-4B. It is often thought that it's a 'Unarmed' Tactical Recon Platform. Well, That's not really true. The RF-4B's always had it's Sidewinder System installed. It was 'Aural' only. The Marines just never had a need to load the LAU's and Winder's. They retired in 1992 with their Sidewinder Systems fully functional. They flew Missions in and out of the Target Area with a F-4B/J. (Later N/S's) 46 were Produced. Last 10 had 'J' Wings. 4 had RF-4C Noses. Fastest Version of the Phantom in the U.S. Navy Service. The most painted Aircraft in U.S. Naval History. 331KillerBee

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