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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. Modified BulletObject.INI maybe Missing...???
  2. Yea, It highly rumored the Fee is around $160 US for "Stories" that can't be Varified...........
  3. Gone Wild is a understatment......More like Gone out of this World!
  4. Ah, It works and makes sense too..... If You keep everything uniform, The Game will run smoother........
  5. Dave, I'll share a small SF2V Experience had had while playing in Single Mission Mode testing out some Changes I did. I modded the Stock B-52D into a B-52F. To test it, I went on a Strike Mission up north around Route Package 5. Out of the blue I got an Escort.........SEA Camo F-104-10's..... Talk about Historical..... This is a Example of how even getting the .INI's right pays off. It also serves as a Example that the many Community Members Reasearch in putting together Mods pays off in the Long Run......... Just thought I'd share that with You......
  6. Tailcodes and Unit Histories of USAF Units I find most difficult. This is not s Knock against the Air Force. But it's a very Large Service to goes through many transitions. They change Units Locations, Aircraft, Logo/Patches and Histories so much it's very confusing. If it wasn't for Web Sites like the Maxwell AFB Site, I'd be lost for sure. Navy Units second. I know that their TaliCodes start with "N" for PacFleet and "A" For AtlanFleet. They've seemed to kept up with their Histories since WWII......... Last is My Marine Corps...........Us Jarheads are easy. Don't change much. For the most part, What TailCode the Unit had in Korea is the same TailCode today. The exception is when they deploy on Ship. They take up the CAG's TailCodes........
  7. Nope......Just the .INI Names......Leave this alone: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=A-5A Vigilante AircraftShortName=A-5A AircraftDataFile=A-5A_data.ini CockpitDataFile=A-5A_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=A-5A_hangar.bmp LoadoutImage=A-5A_loadout.bmp LoadoutFile=A-5A_loadout.ini AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll AvionicsDataFilename=A-5A_avionics.ini UserList=A-5A_Userlist.ini [LOD001] Filename=A-5A.lod Distance=10000 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=8000 MaxVisibleDistance=400 [DamageTexture] DamagedPostFix=_holes.tga DestroyedPostFix=_shredded.tga [TextureSet001] Directory=VAH7 Name=USN Peacemakers Nation=USN Squadron=VAH7 Specular=0.100000 Glossiness=0.020000 Reflection=0.020000
  8. Now I keep two Machines. One to Fly off of and one to Mod in. My Modding Machine is a "Low End" Machine. I keep it that way because if I can run a Mod off that Machine.....Other Users would have no Problems..... Now I did above the same in My Mod Machine. The Specs are this: AMD Athlon XP 2400+ 2.00GHz 2.00GB RAM DDR ATI HD 2600 AGP 512MB DDR DX10 ATI Catlyst Driver 3/16/09 Windows Vista Ultimate 32Bit SF2/SF2V/SF2E Jun 2009b Patch SF2Vietnam without any outside Video Program with GreenHell2, Widesky and all settings on Max except Lens Flare........ I captured it on the "Low Side".....It gets into the upper 50's......
  9. UpperCase on any .INI........Then change the .INI from ANSI Encoding to Unicode.....
  10. Easy there....I doubt that. There are more gifted Artist here that would be more deserving. Performance Gains will vary. There are other factors too, Such as System Specs (Hardware) and how You run the Game. For Me, I run everything Maxxed out. ON/HARD/UNLIMITED except for Lens Flare.....I just never liked it.....
  11. BTW.....There is one Texture I re-name....It's the Patch in the Skin Files. I Re-Name it to PATCH for the sake of staying Uniform......
  12. Now as an Example of what the "Core" goes through....Download a newly Converted SF2 Third-Party Aircraft from the Download Section here at CA. Un-Zip it to a Temp Folder and then with Windows Notepad, See how many of the .INI's are ANSI and how many are Unicode........If there's a mixture, That's alot of switching back and forth for the "Core" to do......... Add more than one Aircraft that way......And the "Core" is switching back and forth alot..........
  13. Most Members here can relate.....It's called Uniformity. Keeping everything Uniform. Have a Messy Install....Have Messy Gameplay. Have a Uniform Install.......Runs like a Charm.... The biggest difference besides smoother Gameplay and a Framerate boost, Is that the Decals work Flawlessly.......
  14. As to their respective .LOD's and callouts.....Yes. The Game Engine is sensitive to Titles (Being Cap or Not) as respects to .INI's and their Encoding.
  15. Yep.....Before I was running in the Upper 20's with a Max in the upper 30's. Now I'm in the mid 40's with a max in the upper 50's without any outside Program like HDR or FPS Limiter.
  16. I'll use the A-6A for an Aircraft Example: A-6A A-6A_AVIONICS A-6A_COCKPIT A-6A_DATA A-6A_LOADOUT A-6A_USERLIST And in a Skin Folder of A-6A: DECALS TEXTURESET NUMBERS For GroundObjects, I'll use the SA-2LE as an Example: SA-2LE SA-2LE_DATA And in the Skin Folder of SA-2LE: TEXTURESET Weapons and Guns are done automatically by conversion with the Editors. Encoding still must be checked for Third-Party Weapons Add-Ons..... If One looks at a .Cat extracted, You'll see that all Files use Capital Letters on the Files. But in the Case of Third-Party Objects, Lower Case Files may be required for Textures. Avoid Re-Naming any Texture Files. The .LOD's require the Naming to be right-on for the Textures to show.....All other Files in other Folders should already be in Caps. The only exception is Effects. Keep the naming of these the same. Just change the Encoding.
  17. Check Your PM....... 331KillerBee
  18. Ran it on a ATI HD 2600 Series. Averaged around the upper 20's in FPS in Game. Only one small adverse effect. The Screens, MainScreen, LoadingScreen.....Ect., Turned out darker than the Original settings. I'm running updated ATI Catylist Drivers and the Card is DX10 capable. Running Vista Ultimate 32 Bit. My Machine could be considered a very "Low-End" Machine compaired to other Machines. I ran this Mod a few Times with no adverse Effects to Machine, Vid Card, OS or Game Program....... Excellent Work, FalconCAF! 331KillerBee
  19. When it Expands, It Contracts on the Backside.......
  20. Change the "Value" of these by half, then go from there....... ParticleSizeTableType=TABLE ParticleSize[01].Time=0.000000 ParticleSize[01].Value=0.7500 ParticleSize[02].Time=0.0500000 ParticleSize[02].Value=2.00000 ParticleSize[03].Time=0.1500000 ParticleSize[03].Time=0.3000000 <<<<<<< BTW, Change this to "Value". It's a Typo. BaseSizeDeviation=0.3 TextureMaterial=GraySmokeMaterial Notice how the ParticleSize Value starts at 0.75 and peaks at 2.0 then declines to 0.3. That's the Cloud expanding..... 331KillerBee
  21. I'm sadden.........

    Being a Consumer of His Product for sometime, This was bad News....... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32349201/ns/business-food_inc/ 331KillerBee
  22. Army Strong!

    Early in My Career, The Joke was on the Navy Chiefs. Back in the Day, If any of You Guys saw a Bunch of them You'd understand why they say Chow is the best in the Navy. The majority of them wasn't in the Submariers. They couldn't fit through the Hatches.......lol I can relate to the IRR Comments. In My time, The Draft was still going on. We'd get all kinds back then. All Shapes and Sizes, Colors. Some missing Didgets or Limbs.....Just short of being outright Felons. With Police Escorts to the MEPS Stations to boot..... Of Course this is back in the Day when Navy Personnel were allowed to grow Facial Hair while deployed on Ship. Yep, At one time the Navy allowed Beards......... 331KillerBee
  23. It's really a Hit or Miss deal regarding the dropping of the "S". For some reason, the Game engine doesn't like the "S" on the end of some Effect Classes. For some it's alright. Others need changing. I haven't found a reason why. So I can't nessarly call it a "Bug" yet. It just does it for some reason. If You've done all that's required in adding a Custom Effect to a Weapon, as stated above and in the KB, And it still doesn't work. If You have an "S" on the end of the Class Name, Try dropping it. It seems to work in almost all Cases.
  24. Debris Types from the game are..... ComponentDebris SystemDebris ShrapnelDebris BoosterDebris
  25. ShrapnelChance=100 1) ShrapnelCount=250 2) 1) The chances of having Shapnel and it's Varibles......... 2) The "Most" amount of Shrapnel it can have. According to this, It can have from 0 to 250 Pieces.....

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