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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. It's at 1.5 Petaflop now......Uses large Nitrogen Tanks to cool it......
  2. If I only could get StrikeFighters2 to work on this Rig....... http://www.ornl.gov/info/press_releases/ge...r=mr20060825-00 Wonder what My FPS would be then.......
  3. A Hex Editor is a Hexadecimal Editor and reader. There are Free ones out on the Internet. HHD Hex is the one I use. You can Open a .LOD and Rename Texture Name located in the File. Once done, You hit "Save" and it saves it. (Warning: Only Rename the Texture's Name. Messing with anthing else will cause the .LOD not to work. The .LOD File being the Model.) Once You've done that, Rename the Texture, it being a .Tga or .Bmp to reflect the Name change You made in the .LOD File..... That's how the defferent Pilots.Lod with their custom Textures ar done.......Drop Tanks are handled the same way.... If anybody can help in explaining this......Please feel free to add...
  4. Also, If You don't know how to Hex Edit a Drop Tank Skin, Download a Pilot Skin Pack from Diego or from Wrench's Site. The Process is the same......
  5. Watch out for the "Naming Conventions" of the Drop Tanks from the First Generation. Durning first conversion of SFP1 Weapons to SF2 Format, The SF2 Weapons Editor kicked alot of them out for Bad "Naming" Reasons. That's the Reason I created a "Tank Farm" Folder in the "Ordnance Shop", So Users can edit the DropTanks for the Aircraft they want to use. What it would have required was to take each and every Loadout.INI and DTank_Data.ini and rename so much of them. If I were to have done that, I'd still be editting and You Guy's would still be waiting on a Weapons Pack for SF2. Besides, Even if I tried, Not everyone would be satisfied because it delt with editting the Loadout.ini's. To prevent Complaints, I let the Users do some of the Grunt Work.......After 1798 Weapons, I think that's fair enough......
  6. For Drop Tanks to have Skins controlled by the Aircraft's Skin Folder, The Model must have a "Node" that is a Drop Tank assigned to it in 3dMax. All of ThirdsWires new Aircraft Models in the SF2 Series has this done to it. The Drop Tanks are controlled by the "Wet" Entry of the Aircraft's Data.ini. Once this is done, The DT in the Weapons Folder acts as Default as far as the Skin Goes. But Skin specific Tank Skins can be added to the Aircraft's Skin Folder. Also, Since the new Format has a "Node" for the Tank, Up to 4 Decals can be assigned to it too. In order to take Advantage of the New Features of SF2 as far as Models are concerned, 2 Types of "Nodes" would have to be created. One for the "Burner Can Effect", another for the "Drop Tanks" added to Model Meshes in 3dMax. First Generation Models that haven't had a "Node" assigned, Still can use the First Generation Method of assigning Drop Tanks in the Weapons Folder with the Weapons Editor and Hex Editting. Please refer to the "Knowledge Base" for information on that Process. First Generation DropTanks that go with First Generation Aircraft, Add as You've done before in the WOX Series.
  7. Ed McMahon Passes Away

    BrigGen. Edward Leo "Ed" McMahon jr. During World War II, McMahon was a fighter pilot in the United States Marine Corps serving as a flight instructor and test pilot. He was a decorated pilot and was discharged in 1946, remaining in the reserves. After college, McMahon returned to active duty. He was sent to Korea in February 1953. He flew unarmed O-1E Bird Dogs on 85 tactical air control and artillery spotting missions. He remained in the Marine Corps Reserve, retiring with the rank of Colonel in 1966 and was then commissioned as a Brigadier General in the California Air National Guard. Semper Fi! Ed. 331KillerBee
  8. Anyone here a Royal Marine?

    Scouserlad13, I have known plenty of them durning My 20 Years in the USMC. Our Marines train with the Royal Brittish Marine Commandos on a regular basis. The US Marine Corps, being modeled after the BRMC's use the same Physical Fitness requirments and share the same "Assault Courses". Ours are at MCRD Parris Island, SC. and MCRD San Diego, CA. All three Obstacle Courses are identical in layout. The only differences in Physical Fitness Tests is this: The USMC replaced "Pull-Ups" for the BRMC's "Push-Ups" Requirments. That's the only difference in Physical Trainning. I'm sure You are well aware of the BRMC's Web Site and their Requirments, Found here: http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/royalmarines/t...t-fit-to-apply/ What I find interesting is that They want You to fill out E-Mail Information for Downloads that tell You how to prepare. Neat little Recruiting Tool there. If that information is still rather bland and not informative, (Due to the Fact that they are very selective just as the USMC) May I suggest reading this Web Site to get some Idea what would be required..: http://www.marinebootcamp.net/PFT-scores-males.php Crunches = Sit-Ups I find the first sentence of the Book Advertisement "Funny as Hell".......(At the Bottom of the Page) Both Services are Physically demanding. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  9. OK Chief. If I can be of any other Help, Feel Free to PM Me.....
  10. Still getting the Message Chief? If it was a CampaignScreen.Bmp missing, It would give You a Message stating there was a Problem with the CampaignScreen.dll in the Menu Folder. That's where editted CampaignScreen.Bmp's go......
  11. Also, "Known Aces" from FE works too......Got to have 5 Kills or more to be a "Known Ace".
  12. Be sure Your editted Files look like this.... Modded Game Folder..... "CAMPAIGNS" Folders....... Inside one of those Folders.... Double Check and see if anything is missing..... 331KillerBee
  13. Chief, If You get a Message that's related to .Dll's, It's My experence over the Years that Something is missing. If something is Wrong or Wrong Data, It would simply CTD. Not giving You a Message. But if You are getting a Windows Message stating something releated to the Campaign.dll, Then a Item is Missing. A .INI perhaps, Or a Model or Texture Missing.....Give it the once over.....
  14. This is exactly right. The Cushion of Air is very Important. (BTW, The small Air Dam behind the Nose Gear is the "LID".) A 1000 lbs is alot to factor in..... Max TO Weight (Vertical) AV-8B 20,755 lbs Thrust F402-RR-408 23,500 Lbf. Max TO Weight (Vertical) AV-8A 17,260 lbs Thrust F402-RR-402 21,500 Lbf
  15. I think the Problem stems from the Fact that the FM is using 4 Seperate Engines to control overall Thrust. I recommend Keeping the 4 Engines for the Nozzle Animation. Make them "Dead" as far as Thrust goes. Add a Engine that Simulates VTOL and another for Foward Flight. RCS will take care of the Balancing in VTOL. In "RL", A Harrier only has one Engine.....Not 4. Unless anybody else has a better Idea......
  16. Here's what I've found testing the Harriers in SF2E in Normal Mode. The GR.1 has no problems in the Area of RCS. The RCS works fine. But the Aircraft won't VTO. Even Slick. The AV-8B will (Slick), but with a Nose Up trajectory or increase of AOA to the Nose. The Reason I can tell in the AV-8B is that it has 4 Engines assigned to the Nozzles that have a SLDryThrust of 24000. The GR.1 has front Nozzles set at 18183.3 and the Rears set a 24074.3. If I set the GR.1's SLDryThrust to the B's Values, I get the same Nose Pitch up. Again, This is in "Normal" Setting.
  17. 50% Max Fuel and 2 AIM-9's was for everyday Operation to keep Engine Service Life up. GR.1's (AV-8A/C) didn't fly with Stores on all five Pylons and Gun Pods on a everyday basis. True. But I contend the capability was allways an option to have a fully loaded AV-8A (GR.1) All 5 Pylons Loaded with Gun Pods, or AV-8B (GR.7) Fully Loaded with Gun Pods to Vertically Takeoff if the Mission Requirment deems nessary. The Statement that it can't or won't is False. That's My contention. I saw it done on a Daily Basis in 1985 durning AV-8B OPVAL conducted by VX-5 at Pax River, MD. I was there. Saw it with My own Eyes. If this was not a Combat Capability the Marine Corps could have, I doubt they would have bought the Aircraft in the first place in 1971. As I served with the AV-8B, I spent just as much with TA-8A/C Aircraft also. Sure, This wasn't done on a regular basis. But while at VMA-231, We set the World Record in Turn-Around Time for a Combat Aircraft at Lyman Road at Camp Lejune, NC in 1979. The Record Set was 5.5 Minutes for a AV-8A Loaded with Full Ammo Packs to the Aden Guns, 3 Mk.82 Snakeyes and 2 LAU-7 with Nitrogen Bottles and ADU-299's with the AIM-9L's loaded and the Aircraft fully Fueled. After the Time was taken, The Aircraft preformed a perfect VTO from a two Lane Highway...... Yes, It can.....Is all I'm saying.
  18. I doubt You'll find this in any Wiki........ P.S. Another reason they put Stopwatches in the Cockpits......
  19. VTO on Ship..... The Aircraft I loaded returning VL to Ship...... VTO on a Land Base.... If a Harrier has only 10 to 15 Seconds of VTO Time, It couldn't fly backwards, huh? Launching VTO on Carrier....(Courtesy of the U.S.Navy)
  20. The Game's are 176kbps .Wav Files. I haven't been able to get anything else to work. I have some custom 32kbps .Wavs but i don't know how to convert them Yet to find out. I haven't messed with Sounds in Years. I'll keep pluggin' at it though......
  21. You Guys are becomming the Leaders in 3dParty SF2 Aircraft.....Looks Excellent.
  22. I'll wait till 2011 for Win7. They'll have all the Bugs ironed out by then........
  23. Is it in the Sounds folder listed as flak.Wav or FLAK.Wav? Also, See Dave's Post above......You might try adding the .wav Extention to it.....

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