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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. Looks Real Cool Kevin! Hey Man, Not to sound too critical, But look at the Photo. I'd narrow the width of the Stripe some.....Never the less, It looks Awesome....
  2. I'll give Yall' alittle Quiz, since I actually loaded the Phantom......I was on a Missile Shoot at Cubi Point with VMFA-235. They had F-4J's at the time. The Centerline Pylon had a 600 gal Tank. The Outboard Pylons were "Slick". Nothing on them. But the Loadouts were 4 AIM-7 and 6 AIM-9's........How was this done?
  3. Memorial Day

    Capt Wayne D. McConkey Laos 1971 I'll see You soon Dad........
  4. Well, My Vote is for cramming the Ordnance....
  5. AAD-National Archive SEADB 01 Jun 72 - 30 Jun 72 F-4E 4th TFS 366th TFW. Tailcode LA Callsign "Pistol 3" 2 June 1972 Takhli RTFB Pilot Capt White and Capt Bettine WSO Shot down a Mig-21 with a AIM-7 Shot. Loadout as follows: 1 600 gal Tank 4 AIM-7 4 AIM-9 12 Mk 82 with FE on TERS *** Never say "Never".....
  6. The IDF started using their ALQ's from 1969 to 1976 with the delivery of the F-4E's through the "Peace Echo" Program.
  7. Think on it like this.....The Phantom was America's first real Multi-Role Fighter...It was placed in this Role by default. The "Standard" Loadout consisted of 4 AIM-7's and 4 AIM-9's since the first day of Production. Just about every piece of Ordnance has been hung off them since. The "Standard" Loudout was always retained in the Early Days because the Phantom was without a Internal Gun. So the Missiles were it's only defencive Weapons. When the "E" came along with it's Gun, The Air Force still loaded Sidewinders to it for the added Firepower.......
  8. As for the Israeli Equipment, Their early ECM Equipment started showing up just after receiving Their "E's" from the U.S. It was part of the Package Deal with Isreal. They wanted the "E" and the Equipment to go along with it......As far as Dates, I'd have to do some Reasearch on specific Dates.......
  9. Here's a typical Marine Phantom CAS Loadout. Centerline Mk4 Gun Pod. MA-2A Zuni Pods with Mk 77's on the TERs...
  10. BTW, Robin Olds made the use of ALQ's....From then on, USAF Phantoms used them alot because of them being so successful...... Operation Bolo..."BlackMan and Robin"
  11. The Answer to Question to #2 is YES. They did use AIM-9's in conjunction with TER's. Being that the Mission would be Strike-CAS First, The AIM-9's were for Defence. The TER's would be Jettisoned Off in A2A ACM. Marine F-4's would have MA-2A's at the Sidwinder Stations that are twin Zuni Pods with a TER carrying two Mk77 with them durning CAS Operations......Droping the Napalm First, then shooting the Willie Pete Zuni's to be sure the Napalm was all lit up......
  12. Avsim gone?!

    Here Dave...... http://linux.myalbemarle.org/forums/viewto...?f=32&t=419
  13. Strike-CAS....You can drop Paratroopers, A jeep or a BLU-82 to clear out a LZ.....Or better Yet, Just for Fun..... Which reminds Me, I'd better get on that "Ranch Hand" Mod for it.......
  14. That's a shame Kevin. but given the limitations of Monty's A-1....I'd say paint it on....Or leave them all off. Also, You can't see by the Photo, But the WingTips were painted like the Vertical Tail.....Then I think You've got it.... Maybe this is a case to see if the A-1 in SF2V might work as far as decals and a more Historical Skin might be done...
  15. Can't keep from flying this one. Even if it is a Transport. Excellent Work Dels! 331KillerBee
  16. A little OT and some Squadron History..... In 1959, VMA-331 traded their A-1's in for A-4 Skyhawks. One of the earilest Combat Deployments was to NAS GITMO durning the Cuban Missile Crisis. Their Commanding Officer was Lt.Col Donald Conroy. His son, Pat Conroy wrote the Book "The Great Santini" which was later made into a Movie. Much of the Movie is based off of Pat's Father's Life. Pat once stated that His Father said this to Him about Cuba, "A Bluebird wouldn't stand a chance over that Island." LtCol Conroy was with VMA-214 Blacksheep as the first Marine Units durning the Korean Conflict. He later served two Tours in Vietnam. While the Cuban Missile Crisis was comming to a close, VMA-331 was set to return to their homebase of MCAS Cherry Point, NC. The Navy C-121 carrying the Maintence Personel of the Squadron crashed on Takeoff into the Bay off of NAS GITMO. Many were injured. But nobody was killed. Needless to say, They were ready to get off that Island after that...... Just alittle OT...... Semper Fi, 331KillerBee
  17. Looks good Kevin, The Bru No.'s....You can't go wrong. They funneled all A-1 to 311 because they were the last Active Duty Marine Squadron flying the Able Dog. As for the AL's.....Ah, The Tail Code is VL for 331. "Victor Lima". The Body Stripe starts at Mid-Canopy and runs back to the Aft Joint of the Main Wing Root. Modex Numbers for Marine A-1 Squadrons run from "1" being the C.O.'s Aircraft through "24". As opposed to the "0's" and "00's" used later on the Jets starting in the 60's. There was a "0" though. VMA-331 has triditionally kept the Commanding Gerenal of the 2d Marine Air Wing's Aircraft. It's A-1 had the Yellow C.O.'s Body Stripe. "0"s" on the Main Gear Doors. Instead of having a Modex Number on the Cowling, It had the Squadron Patch. A example of the Squadron Patch is here in My Signature. After 331 received A-4's on, the CG's Aircraft was "000" known as "Trilpe Nuts".....One other thing, The NationName could be alittle bigger. Look at CL's posted Photo.....
  18. Red Tail Tip outlined in Black. 9 out of the first 10 Aircraft had a Red Body Stripe outlined in Black. CO's Aircraft had a Yellow Stripe outlined in Black. I'll have to check on the Modex's. They would be for a AD-6 though.....
  19. Outstand Job! I like the new Weapons........But of course I would....
  20. I might have to do that one soon. Considering that 331 was the last Active Duty A-1 Squadron in the Marine Corps.......
  21. Yep CL, VMA-331's Skyraiders. Red and Black Tail Tip. Body Stripe the same. They used just before getting A-4's and Deploying to Gitmo durning the Cuban Missile Crisis. Good Ole' "Victor Lima".... Good Find! At least My Ole' Lady thinks I'm one of those Hansome Bees....... 331KillerBee
  22. Venezuelan Penis Phone

    El Verga Face.......
  23. If Ordway's Pit is using 1st Generation .LOD's and Textures from the WOX Series, You'll need a copy of all related Files in the Mig's Cockpit Folder. A SF2 A-4 Pit .LOD won't work unless all of it's Files is being used.
  24. Sure sign that You are missing something related to the Mig-15bis_NK. If it's of any help, I used to get a Message Box stating a problem with "MissileObject.dll" when working with Weapons. It was the Pod Weapons. I had to add the Rocket/Submunition first, before the Pod to make the Message Box go away..... As for the nt.dll Message......That one has Me stumped....
  25. Dave brings up a good Point.....The Game Engine doesn't like the "_" Entry anymore..... Quick Edit: It'll use the "_" for some Aircraft Names, But that's about it.....

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