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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. F-102A

    I've got one in the Barn.....Should be done Tonight....
  2. F-102A

    First of all, Our Birds were ususlly "Hand Me Downs" from the Navy.....They'd have many layers of Paint on them. Second, We fly the He!! out of them. Third, Since have "Low Viz" Nowadays, That don't do us any justice. But I must admit, Just by the type of Aircraft We have, They are on the Piggy side.......And We clean them too....
  3. Here's the link to the Weapons Pack I'm talking about. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7791 Install it as per Directions. After Installing, check to see if You have Weapons showing on the F-102. If not....Shout back. But this should be Your Fix.
  4. Sounds like You haven't installed the Comunity Weapons Pack 2.5.2 or Bunyap's. These Weapons are in those those Packs with the exception of the Tank360_F102. It came with the Model. I recommend the Community Pack because it is Bunyap's Pack updated some with additional Weapons. The reason I say this is that TMF's Pack doesn't have AIM-4's....That's a tale, tale Sign........
  5. F-102A

    You mean to tell Me that all that Time I spent on the Wash Rack was in vein?........LOL
  6. Next Step, See if You have these Weapons listed under "Weapons Type" in Your WeaponsData.INI. A quick way of doing this is open the WeaponsData.INI with Windows Note Pad, At the top on the Tool Bar under "Edit", Click "Find" and see if You have these Weapons in there listed exactly as I list them...... AIR-2A AIM-4G AIM-4F Tank360_F102 Mk4_MightyMouse Make a List of the ones Note Pad doesn't find...... From that List, Well have to find You a Pack that has those Weapons. If You have those Weapons, We'll move to Step Three...
  7. I'm sorry Brother. It's just not around anymore. I keep looking on You-Tube to see if it might show up......Nothing yet.
  8. If this is not clear to You. Give Me an example of an Aircraft You want Weapons to show. If You need to, Post and Paste the Information pertaining to that Aircraft here and We'll figure it out......Plus, Others can learn from it....If You are still having Problems.... The two first forms of Imformation We'll need is the Loadout.ini of that Aircraft and the Weapon that You want to show on it.... Well, hollar' back if You're still having Problems.....
  9. Usually when that happens......The Builder will list the .LOD as , for example, R-13.LOD but the Information says in the WeaponsData.ini under "Type Weapon" as AA-1.....Other than that. I'd look at Wrench's Weapons Loadouts Posts in the Weapons Section of the KB. He's been spending time sorting these kind of things out..... BTW....R-13 is the Russian listing of a Missile. AA-1 is the NATO listing of the same Missile. That's where alot of the confusion comes from.
  10. Coot, Many of the problems with Weapons not showing up, Is the fact some are the same Weapon, but are using different Nomenclatures in the Loadout.INI of that Aircraft. For example, Someone might make a Mig and in it's Loadout, have listed R-13 on the Stations, When in fact, It's listed as AA-1 in the WeaponsData.ini......This is just a matter of not make Standards as far as Nomenclatures of Weapons go.....Especially Soviet and WP Weapons. It's not that bad on the US/NATO Side, but it happens. If Weapons are not showing up, And YOU KNOW that You've installed that Weapon. Then it's more that likley a Loadout.INI Mistake......
  11. Let Me reccomend this as a good start. Go to the Downloads section here, and under "Weapons Add-Ons", Go there and Download the 2.5.2 Community Weapons Pack. Install it per directions, but "Back Up" Your Current Weapons Folder to see how this is done. I reccomend this only because it gets One use to the current File Structure. There are other Weapons Packs such as TMF's that are self Installers. You can install their's. But I reccomend Installing it to a Temporary Folder. Then adding it to the current state of Your Install. It adds aditional Files such as Effects and such. So does the eariler Bunyap's addition. Next, I would look in the Knowledge Base on the Subject of "Merging Weapons with the Weapons Editor" or use the "Search Function" of this Forum at the Top of the Page here on past Posts on the Subject. The Merging Function (Or "Button") of the Weapons Editor takes the Current WeaponsData.INI, In It's Current state, And Merges with any other WeaponsData.ini supplied with Weapons Packs or Aircraft. It Merges in a fashion that only writes (or call it Adding) Information to the Current WeaponsData.INI that You don't already have. The reason I'm stating this is that over the period of 7 Years, and many Weapons Packs have evolved, We as a Community stand at over 2000+ Weapons. That's a far cry from the 114 that SFP1 came out with in 2002. Hope this helps some, I'll check back to see if You have any more Questions...... 331KillerBee
  12. Storm has brought up a good Point here. Which will lead Me to the "Monkey Movie". But first, The problem might be in how One might be employing these Weapons and understanding how they work. As I stated before, Napalm was used on what we refered to as "Soft" Targets as an Incendiary Device. Now FAE is a Incendiary Device, Is alltogether different destructive Animal. If One wants to do some real Damage. Then the FAE is the was to go. A FAE is a Fuel Air Explosive. Main Container is just like a CBU and is Fused the same way. But insted of opening like a Clam Shell, The aft end opens which has Three round Containers that are pulled out by Drouge Chute. Dispersion is determined by Fuse Settings. Once the Canisters are pulled out by the Drouges, A Probe extends from the front of the Container which is about Three Feet in length. It extends out much like an automatic Car Radio Antenna does. Once the Probe make contact with the Ground, The Canister releases a mixture of high Octane Automobile Gas and Jet Fuel under very high Pressure about Three Feet off the Ground. This Release, Is a Gaseous Vapor. At the same time that the Vapor is released, Two Electrical Electrobes are released in opposite Directions by Wire. Each Wire is 50 Feet in Lenght. Once that Distance is covered, The Electrobes Ignite. It acts more like a Concussion Weapon than a Incendiary one. But is classified as a Incendiary Device. The FAE was first developed during Vietnam to clear out LZ's (Landing Zones). But this leads Me to the Story of the "Monkey Movie". In the early 70's as the FAE was developed, many Test were run on how to Employ the FAE as a Weapon and to how efficient it was. Every Aircraft I trained on had what they called a CWL Class. CWL is Convential Weapons Loading. It would be made up of Personel for one certian type of Aircraft. For example, They'd be a F-4S CWL...And so on..The Movie was showed at these Classes. Well durning the early 70's, The Navy made a Movie of these Tests called "The Monkey Movie". Well, The Movie was about the effectivness of the Weapon. It was Labortory Monkeys in High Chairs on a Ground Zero Target in China Lake Test Area. They dropped the FAE and as I stated, The FAE is more of a Concussion Weapon than an Incendiary Device. Well, of course, When the Weapon went off, Monkey Body Parts went flying everywhere. And insured a rousing "OOOHHH RRRAAAHHHH!!!" from us many morbid Marines. In the mid 80's the Navy pulled the Training Film because of pressure from PETA. It seems that PETA got wind of the Movie and demanded that the Navy not show the Movie as a Trainning Tool anymore. Under pressure, The Navy consented. Just an Ole' salty Sea Story..... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  13. Not in My Time. The closest thing was CBU's with a large amount of smaller Bomblets that had delayed Fuzing. More like Mine laying than anything..... (LOL....One of these Days, I'll have to tell Yall' about the "Monkey Movie" and FAE's........Or the "Sneeky Petes")
  14. One other thing about Napalm, Most Casulities didn't come from being burned by the Jelly. Most were done in by Affectation from the lack of Oxygen. The "Fire Ball" would take the Oxygen out of the Air. Many were killed this way....
  15. CA_Stary, The Effect Is just cool. The dispersion is just about perfect. If Using the Entries as a Cluster Bomb as a Work-Around to get this Effect, Cool. Just be careful on the Explosive Value of the Weapon though.......Napalm Burns, Not Explodes... Just My Two Pennies....
  16. Kid says "Homework is slavery"...

    Yhea, Many of the Older Members back in the Day, When We all used to hang out at another Forum knew about it. The funny thing though, He's the one that turned Me on to Strike Fighters. We were in a local Best Buy's here in My hometown, He came running up to Me saying, "Hey Dad, Check out the F-4's in this Game!". I've been hooked every since. Sorry Guys, I didn't mean to Highjack Yalls' Thread...... (I'm serious Guys, Carry on....I didn't mean to put a damper on things here....)
  17. Kid says "Homework is slavery"...

    I appreciate it Guys.......
  18. Kid says "Homework is slavery"...

    I lost My Son Sean in a Car Wreck 4 Years ago. He would have been 22 the first of September of this comming Year. He hated Homework just as I did.....I guess it runs in the Genes. But I use to tell Him a Joke, and after a while, He'd repeat the Joke back to Me. This thread reminded of it.... The Joke went like this... The Boss Man come up to Me and says, "How much You Like"? I state, "I don't Like none of It!" So the Bossman says, "So, You're done then, huh?' I say, "Nope." He says, "Well, I thought You said You didn't Like none of it!" I say' "That's right, I don't LIKE none of it!" Just thought I'd share that with Yall'.
  19. Don't get Me wrong.....This is a "Free" and "Open" Sim.....Do what Yall' want.
  20. No warning of SAM?

    One other thing "i fight by 1" The only "Stupid" Question, Is the one not asked...... (But just don't ask it over, and over and over........)
  21. In Your post CA_Stary, It reads maybe You'd need a Weapons Expert opinions on this. Well, first. I don't want to come off as a so called "Rivet-Counter". Second, I have 20 Years experence as a Avation Ordnanceman in the USMC. First off.....I think the Effect looks Cool. It's a great Job. The secondary Effect with the dispersion is about right on as far as Visuals go. But here's the Bad.......As a Weapon, It's Un-Realistic. Let's take a look at what Napalm is. I'm very experenced in it, For I have mixed Gallons of the Stuff over the Years. It's no Secret....Napalm consist of 73 to 74% of 119 Octane AV Gas. 26 to 27% Powder Detergent. Yes, Good Ole' Laundry Detergent. It's mixed in a Machine much like a Concrete Mixer with with Pump and a Hose on it. The mixture is mixed to a consistancy of what would look like Purple Jelly or Jam. The differences in Mixture percentages controls Burn Rate. (How much of a Fire Ball You would have.) This material is pumped into the Bomb Container. In My case, The Mk.77. But this applies to the BLU's too. The Container is made of Soft Skin Aircraft Grade Alumminum much like a Drop Tank does. Once topped off, The Fuzing would be placed. In the case of the Mk.77, Cavities on Top and the Nose and Tail exist. Four in all, but only Two used. The Fuses consist of Two 4 Lb. Whille-P (White Phosphours) Fuses. They are Contact Fuses and are armed upon release by Arming Wire. The Strike Aircraft would release the "Fire Bomb" at a general Area being attacked. The Bomb would hit the Ground and rupture, Momentium would spread the Jelly Napalm out. All the while, The Whille-P Fuses ignite causing the Whille-P to burn when in contact with Oxygen. Thus starts a chain reaction and it ignites the Napalm. Napalm was always used on "Soft" Targets. The question arose that what would happen if one dropped a Napalm Canister or Two on a Fuel Tank.......Depending on the Density Of the Steel that the Fuel Tank is made of....Usually around a 1/2 in or better....It'll take awhile for Naplam sitting there before the Tank would eventually Explode. Naplam is Useless against Tanks.(Armour)....Again, The factor of the Density of Steel involved. I don't want to come off as a Sour Sort...The Effect is Great! It's just unrealistic, That's all.... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  22. Change That Gentlemen, It won't work....The "Old" Editor kicks out that Entry every Time. Well, It looks like we'll have to wait for the new Gun Editor.....
  23. It's not so much a Disregard Ultramax, You've found something I didn't know and just found out. Which in turn, will need a little change to Our GunData.INI Editting until TK gets the Gun Editor out. Which is this...... The same procedure still applies as to merging and Editting SF2/V GunData.INI's, But before One hits "Save", One will have to add the Line above by Hand to all Guns, Then open the Gun Editor (Not changing any more Entries), Then hit "Save" so the new Information will be saved to the .Dat File......I just tried it. And it works.....

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