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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. The Missing Line...... AmmoWt=0.101000 AmmoStoreWt=0.308050 <<<<<<<< WarheadWt=0.010100 The difference between the "Old" GunData.ini and the "New" One as far as Entries go......
  2. There's a Line Missing Between the Old GunData.ini and The Stock one.....Give Me alittle to figure it out. And I'll post the Fix here....
  3. Have You Flown enough Missions to be supplied with Ammo? If You look on the LoadoutScreen and in the section where it says "Ammo", If its "Greyed Out" with a (---) for Quanity. Even though the Ammo is set at 100%,The game has not supplied You Ammo yet. I get Ammo. But I've flown over 20+ in the F-4E since X-Mas. For SF2, I think I read that's It's a known Bug that TK will address. I think it's a conflict with the Mercernary Part of the Game, And the Game itself. It has been corrected in SF2Vietnam. And I would think any Correction will be forthcomming for SF2 soon.
  4. Here's the two Entries. First from WOV: [internalGun] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=20MM_M61A1 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=0.0,10.20,-1.15 LightPosition=0.0,10.30,-1.15 AimAngles=0.0,-2.0,0.0 MaxAmmo=639 EjectShells=FALSE MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= Now, SF2Vietnam: [internalGun] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=20MM_M61A1 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=0.0,10.20,-1.15 LightPosition=0.0,10.30,-1.15 AimAngles=0.0,-2.0,0.0 MaxAmmo=639 EjectShells=FALSE MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= Now You'll notice that they are the same Entries. But there's one Difference between them. The WOV one is in ANSI Encoding. The SF2Vietnam one is in Unicode. That's the difference between the Two. The SF2Vietnam F-4E is the same as the older ones. The difference being the the Texture Rez has been increased from 512x512 to 1024x1024 and some Details added to the Textures also. Yes, There's an Effect added also by having the Afterburner Effect added inside the Burner Cans. But it's the same Model. Older Decals from eariler Skins and Mods will work with it with alittle Editting. If You want to port over an "Older Model" from WOV, May I suggest changing the Encoding of "All" .INI's in that Aircraft's Folder. You'll keep the Airplane, But won't have that Afterburner Effect and the Textures will be of a less Resolution. Even If You'd made changes to the "Old" Gun Editor, It wouldn't effect SF2Vietnam. SF2Vietnam reads the WeaponsData.ini and GunData.ini in Unicode. Yes, The Engine will read Backwards for ANSI for Older Aircraft and 3d Party Made Models. But it reads the Weapons Information in Unicode. If it's Your SF2 Install.......See If You've made any Changes to the GunData.ini, As We discussed in the earlier Post. If You happened to have been sucessful in Merging them, And have "Old" Gun Effects and Sounds not ported over. Then this might be Your Problem. By installing the Proper Effects with proper Edits in the BulletObject.INI and having the Effects in the Effects Folder, (Same for Sounds) Might solve some of Your Problems.
  5. ANSI is basically ACSII......Basically the same thing. I've imported all old Edits from old Installs this way. I stand at 122 Entries versus 62 from the Stock Install. Unicode to ANSI and back to Unicode. BTW, It'll ask You if You want to "Overwrite" after every Encoding change, Click "Yes".
  6. racindriver1, I was just a sceptical as You. I'm an XP user and have the same Titles as You do. My first thought was that SF2 was just updated for Vista Users. So, last December, I took a chance and purchased SF2. Being a long time user of ThirdWire Products I was amazed by the Visual Improvments of the Product. It uses DX10 Plug-ins that will run on a DX 9c Machines. All Textures have been improved. From the Main Screens to the Objects. Loading is somewhat Quicker. And the way the File Structure is handled, It makes addition of Mods more easier to manage. Yes, It's alittle different. It takes alittle to get used to. But if You have Experience in the eariler Titles, You'll be able to catch on pretty quickly. For what little the Developers are asking in Price for this Product, You won't regret taking the Chance. I've had this line of Titles since Stratgy First published Strike Fighter Project 1 back in 2002. This latest Version I'm very much pleased with. I highly recommend it. I'm very much pleased with My Purchases.) (I am in no way connected with ThirdWire. I'm just a Consumer, Just as Yourself.) BTW, I say Buy SF2V. It'll be much better than buying Shoes that might not get used as often as this....... 331KillerBee
  7. To use the "Old" Gun Editor with SF2, First make Your Edits to the .INI that You're going to place in SF2 with Editor. Hit "Save". This will generate a .DAT File. Now take the new GunData.INI and GunData.Dat File and place it in Your "Objects" Folder of SF2. There's one last Step before You're done. Open the GunData.INI in Windows "NotePad". Next, Click "Save As" and under Encoding, change it from ASCII to Unicode, then "Save". If You are making changes to the SF2 GunData.ini. You have to change it to ASCII, Make the changes with the Editor, "Save", Then change back to Unicode..... That's it....
  8. One other thing. Looking at My WeaponsData.ini, The AGM-45A/C is listed NATO and USN only. You can change this by adding a check mark with USAF. If You do, Be sure to hit "Save" in the Weapons Editor, Or it won't save the correction. What tha...$%#@! (Incorrectly Double Posted....LOL)
  9. Check in "That" Aircraft's_Data.INI under the Weapons Sections where the Attachment Point Information is, And see if the Aircraft's Pylons are set with the Entry: ARM (Anti-Radiation Missle) Listed under the AttachmentTypes.
  10. Jug, You're not missing anything at all. It's just real different than what We've been used too. Just put the CatPack.exe in Your Computer. I suggest a seperate Folder. I call mine "Utlities" in My Utilities Folder, I have another called "CatPack" where I have the CatPack.EXE Installed. To extract a cat, All You have to do is Copy the .Cat over to the CatPack containg the .EXE, Drag and Drop the .Cat over the CatPack.exe Icon and wait. You'll see a DOS Box open up and see the Files being extracted. Once completed, The Program will ask You to hit "Enter" to complete the Process. Once done, You see a Folder created with the name of the .Cat that You've just extracted on it with all the File that are contained in the .Cat in that Folder. For Older Versions of the Sim, Such as SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI, It'll Pack back up a Custom .Cat. But that Feature will only work for the older Titles. Not SF2V. Keep in mind, As this is a Great Tool. ThirdWire plans on doing their own Extractor Utility. TK says sometime after the next SF2 Patch becomes available and the Gun Editor is completed. Hope this Helps.. EDIT: By Default, The compatibility Mode of the Program is set to Win95. See if this has changed any if difficulty still presists.
  11. Very true. Also i might add that TK's Sim is Open-Source. It's Moddable. There's a couple of reasons the Developer might make the Terrain as it is. One would be to keep the Size of the Install down. Terrains take up alot of Resources. Two, Give the ability to Modders a Terrain to create in. This Area of the Sim is up to the Third-Parties. The Developer has given a Canvess for all to create in.........Something most other Sims lack.
  12. EricJ, As far that I can tell. By the Post above by FC. It states He's still the Point of Contact on the T-38. I'd defer any Questions in regards to that Aircraft to Him. You're doing an excellent Job. Glad You're stepping up in this Matter. And I look foward toward to the F-5F and Saeqeh. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  13. I have received Many PM's regarding YAP Products compatibility with SF2Vietnam. Please don't take this as a Mean spirited Post. But in those regards, All I can say is it works. It is a Support issue for the YAP Team and their Product. I Myself, are in no way connected with YAP. I don't get compensated for fixing their Product. I must reffer You to their Support for Information in regards to this Issue. That's what You pay for when You buy the Product. Is their Support. Thou I have no Problems in answering problems in regards to SF2V. I can not be of any assistence for the YAP line of Products for the Reasons I just stated. It's not that I can't or refuse to. I won't. Please understand My position. It's in no way ment to be Mean- Sprited. But I'm dedicated to supporting the "Freeware Community" here. It's My Hobby, Not My Job. Thank You. 331KillerBee
  14. Jug, It's called the "CatPack". Here's the Link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7933 This one extracts a whole .Cat at a time. Not one file at a time like the old one. So read the Instructions on this one.
  15. If I'm not mistaken, MissionSummary.INI controls Mission Variables.....
  16. Here's some Info.... http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/virtualarchive/ They have every USMC Units AAR's and Monthly Unit Chrono's that served in Theater. Fixed Wing, Rotor, Ground in .PDF formats. http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-descrip...t=all&bc=sl The agency created this series to collect information on U.S., South Vietnamese, and other organizations' combat air activities in Southeast Asia. The agency received monthly reports from organizations such as the Commander-in-Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC) and the Commander-in-Chief, Strategic Air Command (CINCSAC), which in turn received daily input from squadron de-briefing reports. The agency provided CACTA report data to a variety of organizations in the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency. This series contains data on air combat missions flown in Southeast Asia by the U.S. Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, South Vietnam Air Force, Royal Laotian Air Force, Korean Air Force and Royal Australian Air Force during the Vietnamese Conflict. The records include information about fixed-wing airplane and helicopter missions in Vietnam. This Information is Great in developing User made Missions for the Period. All Information rated "Declassified" through the "Freedom of Information" Act. The following is for the Marine Units Chronos and AAR that can be used as a Cross Reference for the CACTA's . Information. Ordnance: D-1 Mk.81 D-2 Mk.82 D-3 Mk.83 D-4 Mk.84 D-5 2.75 FFAR D-6 5.0 FFAR D-7 LAU-10 (Zuni) D-9 Mk.77 D-14 CBU-24 D-15 CBU-29 D-16 AIM-9 D-17 AIM-7 D-20 20mm Rounds D-24 Mk.4 Gun Pod D-26 M-117 D-27 Mk.36 Y- Retarded (Snakeyes) A- Conical (DC)- Delayed Charged (Delayed Fuzed) YCON- Retarded Fins Droped in Conical Mode W- Whillie Pete These will help in making the Loadouts. I've posted this information so Members can make "Real" User generated Missions for their Installs. With SF:Vietnam in the works (SF2/WOV Add-On), Maybe it will add to Yall's experence some. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  17. Here's some extra links for additional Information.... http://chancefac.net/ http://airwarvietnam.com/links.htm http://www.acepilots.com/vietnam/viet_aces.html http://www.popasmoke.com/index.html http://airwarvietnam.com/armyunits.htm Bandwith Permitting: http://vnaf.net/
  18. My part is basically done. Been done since last Week when I forwarded all Work to FC. If FC is requesting Me to do more Skins, I'd be glad too....
  19. Thanks DanW, That clears up alot. Looking foward to the Templetes. Thanks for Your responce.
  20. The F-105 is a new Model. It has new Mapping as opposed to the WOV mapping. I've found that it's the only one done like that so far. I checked the A-4,A-6,A-7,F-4,F-8,F-100 and the Migs. Some Details were added to the Textures, But the F-105 was the only model re-done. With a little work, I think digitalstrikes's Textures and Decals can be ported over by using a Paint Application......Of course, the Resolution was rasied from 512 to 1024.....
  21. MS Live HotMail

    Not to try starting a Microsoft hate Thread or any such. But there are some interesting things offered by Live Hot Mail that I thought Yall' would like to know. First, Hot Mail has added Photo Hosting that will allow Hotlinking, E-Mail transfer and other features. Second, They give You up the 25Gb of Space for File Transfers that can be Password Protected. Plus some other Features. Most cool of all, It's Free. Just some things I thought the Community should know......... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  22. Take the .Cat Extractor, and extract the AGM-45.LOD from the Objects.Cat and put it in the Folder (AGM-45A) that's in the Weapons Folder. See if that works.... BTW....See if the File AGM-45.INI is in there too. (In the AGM-45A Folder located in the Weapons Folder)
  23. Helo's have been fun....Need a little tweaking though...
  24. It does with a couple of Edits. It's best to install YAP Products in a seperate "Mods" Folder.....But, it works....

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