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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. MontyCZ's Huey works......There's a Main Rotor Issue out -of -the-Box. But I think that's been discussed earlier in the Week. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=39736
  2. Just ran a Test with Capun's UH-34.......Ran fine. AI ran fine too....
  3. Just a Lucky Guess......
  4. SFV2

    It does it automatically. And can be played as Stand-Alone or as a Merged Install. If You already have SF2, It merges. If You don't, It makes a Stand-Alone......
  5. ObjectData006.Cat added Aircraft and Ground Objects. ObjectData007.Cat, More Added Aircraft. ObjectData008.Cat, Decals. F-4B's come with 4 Skins USN 1 & 2, And USMC 1 & 2. They reflect both Black and White Noses.
  6. In Campaigning, The three original Campaigns are pretty much the same. The major difference is the Upgrades in Aircraft Types during certian periods (Years). Rebasing of Units is more historically set. Of course, The A-1's are added..... Forgot to add, Carrier Rotations are more historically reflective.......
  7. I had an Excellent first run. I love the additions of the Burner Can Effects in all Aircraft that Have Afterburners. The A-6 being AI is no problem. If one has the older WOV, Then adding the A-6 Cockpit is no problem. The addition of the A-1's bring the Campaigns to a updated state. The expanded Map would allow "Dixie Station" to be added. Weapons List is now more or less, Period based. The Effects being enhanced by the DX10 Library make it Eye appealing. Much more to find..... I give it a 5 out of 5 Star Rating.......
  8. Launch at Dawn...... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  9. Tire smoke

    Nah, Cannons and Machine Guns use TracerSmokeEffect. Hey, Tell us if You find where they tie to. (As in what .INI controls it) 331KillerBee
  10. Tire smoke

    It's an Effect. It's in the ParticleSystem.INI in the FlightData.Cat. [EmitterType029] Name=MGSmokeEmitter <<<<< MG meaning Main Gear. EffectLevel=1 EmissionType=ORIENTED_EMITTER UpdateType=NON_MOVING MaxVisibleDistance=4000.000000 EmissionRate=0.06000 EmissionVolume=0.010000,0.010000,0.010000 EmissionVelocityTableType=CONSTANT EmissionVelocity=0.000000,30.000000,0.000000 EmissionVelocityDeviation=0.1000000 ParticleUpdateType=SIMPLE_POINT ParticleRenderType=SPRITE ParticleRandomOrientation=TRUE ParticleLifeTime=2.000000 ParticleLifeTimeDeviation=0.50000 ParticleWeight=-1.00000 ParticleRandomness=0.100000 ParticleDragFactor=1.000000 ParticleInheritence=0.700000 ParticleWindFactor=1.0 ParticleColorTableType=LINEAR ParticleColorStart=1.0000000,1.0000000,1.00000,0.200000 ParticleColorEnd=0.8000000,0.8000000,1.00000,0.000000 ParticleSizeTableType=TABLE ParticleSize[01].Time=0.000000 ParticleSize[01].Value=0.400000 ParticleSize[02].Time=0.200000 ParticleSize[02].Value=1.50000 ParticleSize[03].Time=0.500000 ParticleSize[03].Value=3.000000 ParticleSize[04].Time=1.000000 ParticleSize[04].Value=6.000000 BaseSizeDeviation=0.4 TextureMaterial=SmokeMaterial One can always make multiple types of Effects off this one.... But I haven't found an .INI that controls it. AircraftObject.ini should have had something...But I didn't find anything yet... 331KillerBee
  11. What´s up in Tennesse?

    Jug, All were equally as bad. And all have been delt with..... But really, I vote for the Economy. The Vol and Tiger Offence could have beaten it.......But You've got to look to see who was Head Coach.... We're bracing for round Two Tonight. Kansas this ain't....Hope the Weather clears. I've got a Civil War Reactment to go to this Weekend. My Prayers go out to All too....
  12. I can't find the Article....I'm going to the CACTA's....
  13. Close, but not it......I think the same Guy wrote both Articles as the Vietnam Section of the Page You listed. Still looking...
  14. Well.......Spit it out if You've found it.....
  15. Mike, I'll find it. I should have saved the Link (Like I usally do). But the Article was from a Pilot that Flew with the 509th and was about the deployment of the F-102 in Vietnam. I remember Him stating that durning one rotation from the Philippines, The Squadron was tasked some Truck Interdiction. He stated that on one Sortie, LAU-61's were loaded to the Outboard Stations. Though rare, It was done. Mainly the reason it being Rare, Is that the Squadron's Avionics Techs had to install Wiring to the Outboard Drop Tank Harness for it to work. He said He flew one of the Missions with the Lau-61's and was amazed that the Air Force didn't follow up on this Configuration. He stated 52 2.75 Rockets were ideal for destroying the Trucks in Route package 9. I'll find it.....It's a matter of Time....
  16. I'll have to dig up the source, But I have it reported that LAU-61's could be hung on the Outboards with the Door Tubes, This would give the 102 a whopping 62 FFAR's it could use...... I'll look for the Resource.
  17. Those are AIM-4's. The Rocket Pods would be hung off the Outboard Stations where the Guy standing, leaning on the Drop Tanks. Here's another.....
  18. Yep, If one is standing only a Foot away.......lol For the "E's" and AIM-4's, The FOV was more narrow than the "L's", But still relied on a heat source. There were many Reports by Pilots in Vietnam that their IR Missles would lock-on to Reflections off of Rice Paddies durning clear Weather.
  19. Here's the older Patches: http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_archive.htm Here's the newer ones: http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads.htm
  20. That might be the Answer You're looking for......
  21. Strike Fighters Project 1, Introduced in 2002 and Strike Fighters Gold, 2004, Were developed when XP Operating Systems were all the Rage. I see You have Vista. There have been known Issues running these Titles with that Operating System. Someone In the Community might be able to step up and tell You the Issues with Vista. Sorry, I don't have Vista, So I couldn't tell You. TK develpoed StrikeFighter2 to run on Vista OS Machines. Compatibility might be at Issue here.....
  22. Dels, Better than I expected.........Most Excellent! 331KillerBee
  23. I used to Tone Check AIM-9L's with a Zippo Lighter.......
  24. What´s up in Tennesse?

    It died down by the time it got here in the eastern part of the State. We have a big River Valley with the Smoky Mountians on one side, The Cumberland Plateau on the Western Side. Pretty much the Mountians break up Storms by the time they get here. But when We get one stuck in the Valley, It usally tears things up too.......

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