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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. 3 officers killed in Pa. shooting

    Officer Stephen Mayhle was one of them. He spent some time here in My hometown of Knoxville,TN. His Grandparents and a Uncle and his Family still live here. His Uncle is a Pastor of a local Church....... My Prayers and Thoughts go out to His Family.....And to the Families of the other Officers.
  2. Hey!

    Good to see Ya' around.....
  3. Mine are set up like this: AGM-84A-1 through AGM-84D RCG (Radio Command Guided) Sea Skimming I could use Semi-Auto Command Guided (All Sea Skimming) AGM-84E TV Homing Keep in account, Max Launch Range..... 331KillerBee
  4. ezlead, Not off the top of My Head. This was in the early 80's and Q-2 was still a part of MAG-14 then. I'll see if I can dig up his name. We were at a CAX at 29 Palms. We were sitting around the "Lifer Juice" Can, And the conversations were about how each Squadron used their Aircraft for their types of Missions. Hard to beleave it's been over 20 Years ago. I'll think on it and let You know......He was either the C.O. or X.O......I just can't remember the Name. But I can remember the Conversation.....
  5. For Buildings 256X256 or 512X512 around 100 psi/cm or less works best. Flak and SAMs effect FPS Rate due to the amount of Effects being used by Game. Not by amount as in Numbers.....
  6. A Little Something For The Ordies

    FireHawkOrdy, This was a Great Find! Great Video for those that want to know about how Ordnance works. All but one Video Clip of the AV-8B's were My Crew. I was in VX-5 for the AV-8B OPVAL 1984-86. The Scenes were shot at Rosey Roads, PR. China Lake, CA. 29 Palms, CA and Cold Lake Canada. We were assigned to VX-5 and were the only Personal other than the Pilots to be Marines. (The Ord Shop) The rest were Navy Personal. My Crew consisted of Marines from two Squadrons. VMA-331 and VMAT-203. These Videos brought back some fond Memories. Very motivating too. IYAOYAS! 331KillerBee
  7. Something to consider about Flak too. In WWII, Aircaft were slower and in tighter Formations. They flew at sometimes Pre-determined Altitudes. Easy for the Enemy to "Fix" their Guns on a certian Area or Flight Path. With Jets, One has more Speed to deal with. Not as tightly formed Formations. A major Factor being that the Ground Guns had to compensate for the Speed to "Lead" the Rounds. Radar help with this some. But Leading the Rounds is a difficult matter. It's like shooting Skeet. The faster the Clay Pigeon, The more "Lead" You have to give it.......
  8. It was......I put "it" in with the Sounds that way in OTC....I found the same thing You did JSFAggie.......512Fubar gave Me the OK way back when. It was just Cool to Me, so I added it. But People started complaining some about the Flak Noise being too loud....lol
  9. XP: C:/ My Documents/<UserName>/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2/Objects/Weapons BTW, TK says use the "Type Name" when labeling the Folders. Not the .LOD Names as been done before....
  10. Not in StrikeFighters2......TK eliminated it.....
  11. Paratroopers

    No on the Effects..... Try Re-Naming US_Squad.LOD to Crater6 to make things easier......Make the approperate Entries to show it.
  12. Yep....... But there's no Entry for an Ammo's Explosive Mass. Limitation of the Game, I guess..... Caliber=57.000000 ROF=120.000000 MuzzleVel=1000.000000 AmmoWt=2.850000 WarheadWt=0.154000 Reliability=93.000000 Accuracy=62.000000
  13. Fubar touched on something.... It might not be the effective-ness of the Gun. Rather the Ammo being used......
  14. I talked to a LtCol. about this subject. He was flying for VMAQ-2 in EA-6B's. He had flown as a Pilot in VMCJ-2 in EA-6A's as a Lt. durning the Linebacker Campaigns. He said that the NV would make concentric "Rings" of their Air Defences. He stated that one should think of the Air Defences as like "Layers of a Cake". SA-2's were the long Arm of the Defence. The "Top Layer". All other Air Defence, various AAA, were set to cover different Altitudes. Thus, other "Layers". Small Arm was orginized in the same fashion to take care of Low Level. He stated, that this is why their Mission was important. It was to, as He put it, "Cut a Layer out". Then the USAF/USN Strike would follow in. He stated that it was Soviet Doctrine of the 60's being taught. But after seeing CNN News Casts from the first Gulf War, Makes one think that the Doctrine may not have changed that much.
  15. Glad to be of some Help..... 331KillerBee
  16. Paratroopers

    Check out how a Flare floats....
  17. AGOSTINO, Decals in SF2 are quite easy, but yet confusing to those that are used to the "Old Ways". If You have created a "Decals" Folder, Then inside that Folder, create a Folder called "GR91R1". Inside that Folder, create one more called "Skin_5". Put all .TGA's in that Folder. Now in Your Decal.ini, delete all "/D/" Entries, then go fly and see what shows up....
  18. Yep, If You're going up North, You need a VMCJ for help....
  19. Paratroopers

    First of all, Even though a Paratrooper is a "Bomb", You shouldn't make it a ClusterBomb or give Him any explosive value what so ever. So lets look at it.... Here's the Entry for Paratrooper in the WeaponData.INI: [WeaponData1668] TypeName=paratrooper FullName=Paratrooper ModelName=Paratrooper Mass=3.000000 Diameter=0.100000 Length=2.000000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,USN SpecificStationCode=Para NationName=USAF StartYear=1938 EndYear=2220 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=1000 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1938 ExportEndYear=2220 ExportAvailability=3 WeaponDataType=0 RailLaunched=FALSE Retarded=TRUE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE EffectClassName=ParaTrooperEffects <<<<<< Keep an Eye on this DragAreaMultiplier=-1.000000 WarheadType=0 <<<<<< We don't want Him to blow up! Explosives=0.000000 FusingDistance=0.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=8 Accuracy=90 MaxTurnRate=25.000000 MaxLaunchG=5.000000 LockonChance=98 LaunchReliability=90 ArmingTime=0.000000 SeekerFOV=5.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=45.000000 SeekerTrackRate=50.000000 SeekerRange=25000.000000 ReleaseAnimationID=1 ReleaseAnimationTime=2.000000 ReleaseAnimationDelay=0.800000 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 In the MissleObject.INI: [ParaTrooperEffects] GroundHitEffectName= <<<<< Could add a Dust Effect to simulate hitting the Ground. GroundHitSoundName=parachute.wav WaterHitEffectName=SmallBombWaterHitEffect WaterHitSoundName=splash.wav ObjectHitEffectName= ObjectHitSoundName=parachute.wav ArmorHitEffectName= ArmorHitSoundName=parachute.wav CraterModelName=vusa1.LOD <<<<<<< Placed with .BMP's in the Objects Folder. CraterType=6 <<<<<<< New Crater Type Now in the WRECKOBJECT.INI (It's found in the Object.Cat): [WreckType006] <<<<<<< New Type Added RandomCount=1 ModelNameFormat=vusa1%03d ** %03d means percentage of 3D to effect "Randomness" in Craters. In this case, Not needed for Paratroopers. Random count is at "1". (Well, It's needed. It's just not being used.) Give it a Whirl..... 331KillerBee
  20. Works like a Charm for Me.....
  21. Hey Tree Man! I wounder if it's SF2 compatible.....?
  22. Dropped the Fish in the Water.... Contact....... Another Cargo Ship sent to the Bottom.... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  23. What The?

    In the "Old" Days, That's how We used to control Canopies.....
  24. http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=6335

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